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SORCHA 7/7: "Mossad Drops Bombshell On Biden As “Orderly Row” Americans March Into Hell"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Friday, 7-Jul-2023 12:20:09



July 7, 2023

Mossad Drops Bombshell On Biden As “Orderly Row” Americans March Into Hell

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Ambassador Anatoly Antonov grimly warning: “Western ruling elites should understand that the failures on the battlefield make Kiev eager to create a pretext for the deployment of the NATO contingent to Ukraine, thereby to inflate a regional conflict into World War III...American and European citizens are hardly ready to march in orderly rows to the hell into which the Zelensky government is dragging the entire planet”, says this grim World War III warning was quickly joined by Chinese President Xi Jinping ordering the People’s Liberation Army: “It is imperative for us to deepen planning on war and combat, upgrade the joint system of theater commands, focus on actual combat training and improve our ability to win any war”.

In demonic actions against Christian peoples, this report notes, the Ukrainian Nazi Regime has begun using force against churchgoers as it raids monasteries to loot priceless artworks to send them to their socialist Western colonial masters, which caused Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova to most factually observe: “It’s a tradition for colonial powers to behave like bandits toward the national and cultural heritages of the countries they view as their colonies...Undoubtedly, they consider Ukraine to be their colony, not just their fiefdom”.

At the same time the Ukrainian Nazi Regime is looting monasteries of their priceless treasures, this report continues, Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden approved sending cluster munitions to his puppet state Ukraine this morning—an approval that followed Human Rights Watch warning about these munitions banned by nearly every nation in the world: “Transferring these weapons would inevitably cause long-term suffering for civilians and undermine the international opprobrium of their use”—a warning that followed American lawmakers receiving the government report “Cluster Munitions: Background And Issues For Congress”, wherein it warned: “Submunitions lacking a self-destruct capability—referred to as “dumb” munitions—are of particular concern because they can remain a hazard for decades, thereby increasing the potential for civilian casualties”—American defense experts also documented: “The United States has used cluster munitions with devastating consequences in Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam) in the 1960s and 1970s, the Persian Gulf (Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia) in 1991, the former Yugoslavia (now Serbia, Montenegro, and Kosovo) in 1999, Afghanistan in 2001 and 2002, Iraq in 2003, and--most recently--Yemen in December 2009”—and in knowing the catastrophic consequences of these American cluster munitions maiming and killing countless thousands of innocent civilians for decades in his country, Vietnamese Deputy Defense Minister Hoang Xuan Chien just vowed to Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu: “Whatever difficulties Russia faces, Vietnam always supports Russia...Vietnam will be with you under any circumstances”.

Barely noticed by the American peoples, this report details, was the just published article “Joe Biden Keeps Snubbing Netanyahu — Here’s Why”, wherein it observed and assessed: “Why won’t Biden meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu?...Biden’s refusal to invite Netanyahu to the White House remains mystifying...What can it be about?...Here’s a guess: Biden and his team are seized by the same longstanding affliction as the broader Western foreign policymaking intelligentsia, which is to hold Israel to a higher standard of moral purity than any other nation on earth...That will do nothing but complicate U.S.-Israeli relations, thrill Israel’s adversaries and tempt Jerusalem to seek questionable alliances elsewhere — as we already see with Netanyahu’s planned visit to China”.

As to the true reason Socialist Leader Biden continues to snub Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu, this report notes, it was documented by the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) on 16 March, when, in their article Gal Luft’s Distressing Predicament” about retired Israel Defense Forces Lieutenant-Colonel Gal Luft, Ph.D. they beyond stunningly revealed:

On Feb. 16, Israel Defense Forces Lt. Col. (retired) Dr. Gal Luft was arrested at the airport in Cyprus as he was about to board a flight home.

Three days later, Luft posted a stunning claim on his Twitter account. He wrote: “I’ve been arrested in Cyprus on a politically motivated extradition request by the U.S. The U.S, claiming I’m an arms dealer. It would be funny if it weren’t tragic. I’ve never been an arms dealer. DOJ [Department of Justice] is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim and Hunter Biden. Shall I name names?

Luft’s description of the charges was accurate. He is also accused of lying to the FBI and violating the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). If convicted of the charges on his arrest warrant, he would face up to 96 years in prison.

Luft was in the IDF for 15 years and left active duty after serving as an artillery battalion commander. He moved to Washington to study at the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies. He received a Ph.D. in international security under Professor Eliot Cohen.

After completing his studies, in the early 2000s, Luft formed a think tank called the Institute for Analysis of Global Security (IAGS). It focused on developing and advocating to replace oil and other fossil fuels with renewable and clean fuels. It served as a rare meeting ground for environmentalists on the left concerned with climate change and security hawks on the right concerned with U.S. dependence on Middle Eastern oil producers. Jim Woolsey, a former director of the CIA under Bill Clinton, and Robert McFarlane, a former national security advisor under Ronald Reagan, led the IAGS board of directors. Luft’s work with IAGS wasn’t limited to the United States. He worked in many countries.

In 2014, the China Energy Fund Committee-USA was registered as a 501(c)(3) organization in Virginia. It was the nonprofit arm of the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC China. As a New York Times profile of CEFC China from 2018 explained, CEFC’s founder and chairman, Ye Jianming made gaining “access to the corridors of power in Washington” a key goal.

CEFC-USA apparently worked as the nonprofit lobbying arm to bring senior U.S. officials into the company’s orbit. According to the write-up in the Times, it gave as much as $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation and “at least $500,000 to a Columbia University research center”. It also gave $350,000 to IAGS. According to Luft’s associates, during those years, the U.S. Department of Energy contracted CEFC-USA to carry out a project on clean coal technologies.

According to Luft’s close associates, between 2015 and 2018, Luft worked intensely with CEFC-USA, organizing conferences in the United States, Hong Kong and China. During that time, Luft developed close personal ties with several of its senior officials. During the same period, CEFC-China began an assiduous courtship of the Biden family. According to The New York Times, Ye and his deputy, Patrick Ho, began their outreach to the Bidens in 2015, while President Joe Biden was serving as vice president.

An aide to Mr. Ye met the vice president’s son, Hunter Biden in Washington. Mr. Ye then met privately with Hunter Biden at a hotel in Miami in May 2017. … Mr. Ye proposed a partnership to invest in American infrastructure and energy deals , the Times reported.

Even then, it was apparent that CEFC was affiliated closely both with the Chinese regime and the Chinese military intelligence complex. As the Times noted, CEFC “hired a large number of former [Chinese] military officers … [Ye] was deputy secretary of a Chinese military organization from 2003-2005 that congressional researchers called a front for the People’s Liberation Army unit that has ‘dual roles of intelligence collection and conducting People’s Republic of China propaganda’. ”

In September 2020, on the eve of the U.S. presidential elections, the New York Post broke the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which the president’s son had abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware. The laptop exposed a web of international influence-peddling operations by the Biden family. The family’s ties with CEFC, which were documented, were legion. According to documents in the laptop, the Biden family began their ties with CEFC in 2015. In May 2017, working with U.S. financier Tony Bobulinski, the Bidens formed Sinohawk Holdings to carry out their partnership with CEFC. CEFC agreed to pay Sinohawk $5 million and transfer another $5 million to the Biden family as a gift.

After the Biden campaign enlisted the assistance of some 50 former U.S. intelligence heads who insisted that the laptop was a fake (the product of Russian disinformation), Bobulinski came forward to tell his story.

In March 2019, Luft and his attorney, Robert Henoch, met in Brussels with FBI officers and Department of Justice officials. According to an associate of Luft’s, he shared information that CEFC officials had shared with him during his time working with them. According to Henoch, “Dr. Luft learned explosive information that someone was selling sealed U.S. law enforcement information to Chinese individuals”.

Sources close to Luft say that he told the federal officials in Brussels that a former senior FBI or DOJ official referred to as “One-Eye” had made a deal with the Biden family in which “One-Eye” agreed to be paid to transfer classified information to a Biden family member, who, in turn, transferred it to Ye. That information, claim Luft’s associates, included the fact that the FBI was investigating Ye, and CEFC and intended to arrest Ye.

According to Luft’s associates, when federal agents turned up at Ye’s apartment in New York to interview him after Ho’s arrest, Ye had already left America for China, leaving Ho “as the fall guy”. Luft’s associates claim that Luft told federal investigators that Ye had managed to slip out of the country and avoid arrest because “the Bidens had tipped him off.”

Six weeks after Luft met with the federal agents in Brussels, Biden announced that he was running for president. In December 2019, the FBI received a copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop. In October 2020, Bobulinski authenticated the contents of the laptop.

Luft’s associates claim that despite the investigators’ pledges to follow up on his claims, Luft never heard from them again.

During the 2022 campaign for Congress, the Republicans ran on a pledge to investigate the allegations against Biden and his family arising from Hunter Biden’s laptop. On Nov. 1, 2022, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York issued an arrest warrant against Luft.

Henoch explains: “The timing is critical. Dr. Luft gave information about corruption at the highest levels of the U.S. government in 2019. Nothing happened. Instead, four years later, the government issued a warrant for Dr. Luft’s arrest. It is clear Dr. Luft is being punished for the information that he gave to the DOJ as opposed to the DOJ investigating the information Dr. Luft provided. Dr. Luft is a whistleblower, and he is being punished for it”.

Though Dr. Luft as a citizen of Israel is subject to the mutual extradition treaty with the United States, this report continues, his sudden arrest during a short stopover in Cypress raised serious and troubling concerns, first of which was why the FBI and Department of Justice failed to alert anyone that Hunter Biden’s laptop had been authenticated in 2019, way before the 2020 election, and to this very day, the indictment used to arrest him has not been seen by anyone—all of which and more explains why Dr. Luft went missing from Cypress on 28 March, which is a specialty of Israel’s feared spy agency Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (Mossad).

As further proof that Dr. Luft is under the protection of Mossad, this report concludes, yesterday he released a bombshell video documenting the beyond shocking crimes committed against the American peoples to protect Socialist Leader Biden, and as further documented in the New York Post article “Missing’ Biden Corruption Case Witness Dr. Gal Luft Details Allegations Against President’s Family In Extraordinary Video”—this morning the New York Post article “Media Silence On Key Would-Be Witness Gal Luft’s Biden Revelations Speaks Volumes” further revealed: “The drip-drip-drip of evidence detailing the Biden family criminal enterprise has turned into a torrent...And the sudden quiet from our most strident “democracy defenders” has grown deafening...Remember: The New York Times, The Washington Post and other marquee media spent years hyping up the flimsy, fabricated claims of the Steele Dossier and other Russiagate nonsense...Now that a genuine presidential corruption scandal has broken out — and it has, despite the best media efforts — our fearless journos display only utter disinterest...The hypocrisy only adds insult to the very real injury our “see no evil” media is doing to the public and the nation”—all of which was joined by former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino most factually telling the American peoples how cocaine got into the White House: “There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex…No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints…Family bypasses those”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


July 7, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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