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SECRETLY IN PAIN? Emotional, Physical, Mental, Subconscious Pain? They ALL apply. Nobody REALLY DEEPLY UNDERSTANDS you. So it HURTS. Especially WHEN YOU ARE SO RIGHT!

Posted By: mroxygen
Date: Thursday, 29-Jun-2023 03:01:24

SECRETLY IN PAIN? Emotional, Physical, Mental, Subconscious Pain? They ALL apply.


Before reading this, WE advise you to please do Ron’s “Mind To Heart Drop” first, to encounter the least resistance while studying this.

It is probably best if you first do this quick "Drop Your Mind Into Your Heart" self proclaimed Spirit Command exercise as Ron taught US to do for ourselves by saying out loud:

"I now take the thoughts in my head and drop them into my Heart, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1" while your awareness moves and follows them down, elevator-like, as they now settle into and stay in our Heart.

You can do this at least 3 times before reading these articles.
Even better, you can do this all day long, and every day, whenever you can do it - until it becomes habit.

Here Ron demonstrates this command for US: "The Drop Your Mind Into Your Heart" self-command Spirit clearing to prevent any implants or other programming from compelling you to stop reading any of these articles.


I recently was asked for my opinion from a friend who was in trouble emotionally and socially and was obviously in a lot of emotional pain. I could see how Source was in the middle of helping this person. They were facing the results of their own creative actions, and they were very confused by getting the same results obtained over many years of trying.

First, I asked my friend to out loud ask Source for help and healing directly. Once accomplished, my friend continued to seek my help. Since I was asked personally for my help, I did what I could at the time. Anyone going through pain goes through it alone, but usually the process ends up affecting all of us just because of their being here with US. We’re all human, WE all have challenges, WE can all help each other.

After responding in this situation, it occurred to me that there may be others in unwanted unneeded pain who could benefit themselves from applying this opinion, so here is a copy of my written response for your perusal.

Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 03:37:36 PM EDT
Subject: What's really going on… (Edited for public clarity…)
This is all only in my opinion, and subject to change.

Dear X.

IMO, and with LOVE, because you sincerely asked Source for help, here is some tough love for you and your troubled state.

It may be hard for you to see, let alone even understand yet, but I can tell by your recent justifications voiced to me, that instead of living only in the eternal NOW, you still cling to recounting the “back stories” (He said, she said, they said, so I said, = all justification stuff.) to seek justification for your manifesting and creating what most humans would call evil actions leading up to and culminating in the recent fight with a once friend.

I know you really want someone to finally say you are right. That’s because you know you ARE RIGHT, theoretically. But, WE live in this duality, so you will not get that justification you really are seeking here from me. You can be right, but it is better to be kind.

I cannot say you are “right.” This is because I do my best to never judge or take sides, so I can be frequency matching with Source as often as possible. “Right” and “wrong” here in duality are local opinions of judging someone’s words and actions. Valid for humans, but not valid with who WE really are. “Use with discernment!” is all I can say in these crazy times.

My friend, deep down you really want someone to finally agree with you that you are the poor innocent in all this, but you are absolutely NOT poor or innocent. You can have all the abundance you want because you deserve it. You are not innocent because you are creating constantly. Or, just letting something else or someone else full of errors take the wheel.

So now you can take your own responsibility. Instead of letting the records of all your ancestor’s judgments stored in your DNA subconsciously run wild willy nilly and steering you all over the place, 85% of the time, I suggest you instead learn how to pilot your own ship. This is called “Mindfulness.” Seriously. Ask any Buddhist. And ask any CreationLightShip adherent how to do it from the heart.

You are actually (usually unknowingly) creating the energies that are surrounding you and affecting you and others, and determining your present life. Our ancestral DNA compels us to do so. So WE are all doing this. However, I find this process always works out better if we take self-responsibility rather than to just be blaming others.

Discern here, but do not judge.

You judge EVERYONE, which automatically makes you WRONG because you ARE judging everyone. Judging is using human standards. You are actually Divine.

This judgment of everything is wired directly into your genetic self so you cannot help but to use it constantly. Since you cannot help it, of course Source especially always understands and always loves and forgives you. ALWAYS.

Your judgment errors are NOT your fault, and you have been indoctrinated and genetically programmed into doing them.

However, we must keep in mind that YOU did specifically contract (when you chose to incarnate here) to have all this happen to you! So you are now stuck with all these challenges. Just so you could experience having them firsthand, acting as a damaged human life form stuck in time and duality, and that includes having your own fucked up ancestors. And me having mine, and everybody else here is included too.

All just so you could overcome and release and heal these challenges. We call this gaining wisdom. It is actually a process of remembering what WE all already know.

Suicide is no way out, because you are the one who actually chose to experience EXACTLY this at this time today before and after incarnating. And in the hardest way possible, because you simply could get the most growth from learning how to overcome and release this darkness programming while here in this power position. Besides, suicide is stupid and creates even more negative energy karma that has to be released and cleared and healed. The process is far more efficient if WE just squarely face ourselves and soldier on.

For example, YOU are right now the manifesting example and effect of you and your ancestor's previous judgments and actions.

Ron Amitron (CreationLightShip.com) said that’s all we are dealing with in this life. Trying to release and heal our ancestral and personal judgments. Life is just the stage we operate upon. Thank you Nature.

Our stored energies of judgments we all carry around with us invisibly all need us to first ask for help, and to then release, clear, and heal them as I have been teaching you.

They say I am wasting my time to ever disagree with a covert narcissist because you will NEVER listen. You will always know that only you are right. That is because of how deep all the trauma and pain you have all gone through is.

You and your genetic ancestors’ pain and trauma has gone on so long that this trauma and pain now expresses through out you nonstop. That is because it is incorporated and wired into your brain and directly into your genetics so much so that you can't even turn it off by normal means anymore. So you drink or get high to compensate.

Nowadays this is accepted that YOU will NEVER let anyone except YOU ever be "right." NEVER, EVER, NEVER.

I see more than just that limited potential in you.

Most people’s deepest secret fear is that someone will notice they are not perfect enough and expose them. That is why we all fear God’s all knowing awesome love the most. Because WE have all been deeply falsely indoctrinated into thinking Source is judgmental. Wrong. Source is only pure unconditional nonjudgmental PEACE and LOVE.

WE are born free.
WE come from Source.
Like OUR Sovereign Father/Mother that WE come from, WE also can do anything.
Because WE too are Sovereign, no one can control us.
Because WE are Sovereign, WE can even pretend to contract to pretend to limit our rights and seemingly be controlled and have the memories of the contracts be erased.
So we cannot remember WE did this.

There is no limit to what WE can actually create, or allow, or to be responsible for.
WE choose all of it.
You chose all of it.
All the pain, all the joy.
ALL of it.
You got what you wanted.
How do you like it?
How’s that going for you?

So you have the Sovereign right to do and create anything.
Like coming here and taking on all these problems/challenges.
Like allowing others to eat our energies (alien ET vampires).
But, everything WE create we are RESPONSIBLE for, including the results of our creating, and that energy stays with us until we clear and uncreate it.
Because we created it, we can, and have the right, to uncreate it.
More than anyone else does.

Source never judges anyone.
If you are in a fix, IT patiently and politely leaves you in your Sovereign rights to enjoy or hate the fruits of your creations.
Or to learn to be neutral, peaceful, and loving.
Your Sovereign choice.

Source does not even recognize the very existence of evil.
Because Source is Pure LOVE.
And WE are all only IT's own children, and just like it.

Source NEVER judges us and US, and Source does not judge itself, and that definitely includes you, one if IT’s very own children. So the REAL YOU is part of Source, and you cannot correctly judge yourself, or others either.

So because you ARE Source, you can see how far apart you must be and are now from your true Original Spirit Self. Because whenever you tell yourself that "ONLY you are right,” that automatically cuts you off from the rest of yourself, (us and US, including you and YOU), and that ALWAYS makes you wrong. You simply cannot exist long in that more unnatural way.

As you get deeper on that pain path you become more confused and in more pain. Which pain is simply Life trying to correct you in the only way you will let it. Correcting YOU back onto the correct loving path home again.

If you continue missing the mark, not to worry, you are simply going to give yourself another 26,000+ years to try again. That is that unless you make so many mistakes that you may only have the option left to be recycled as a non viable Spirit through Source’s Loving last option recycling chipper operation.

Experienced Humans call creating more of this extreme ultimate in selfishness as “being evil” and naturally move away from it, and/or throw that old dead end experiment energy creator out.

IMO You have this evil spirit energy inside you that I see giggles when it irritates someone by deliberately pushing something in their face that you know will set them off. Just because you want to be "entertained" by seeing what they will do, and what happens next! Pain for them, and immature secret hidden covert joy for you, unfortunately, at their expense.

So you will always pay for creating it by acting upon your unrestrained no respecting any boundaries DNA impulses. This entertaining yourself behavior that you have been engaged in during your life comes at a price for YOU!

Since you do this willingly because you think you have a right to, and because you very wrongly assume YOU are BETTER than everyone else. You obviously see them as inferior to you. You think this way because you see yourself as “so smart,” and delusionally not realizing you are using (in your own words) some kind of “hero-warrior” type self image compensating-for-failure mechanism. However, you are actually choosing to be evil. This is why so many have ejected you from being in their homes.

You are doing this I assume as your final defense against being in such a cruel world that you are now outgrowing the need of needing a defense for. Growing pains. Living completely in your HEART with compassion for yourself and others is the only unbeatable defense.

As long as you secretly continue to believe you are better than EVERYONE else, you will continue to be wrong and socially unacceptable. So you only hurt yourself and others along the way you have been going.

You hurt yourself by always being ostracized. The strongest human need is to belong. So the results of what you do hurts you the most. That’s why people throw you out.

That is what “Don’t criticize someone until you have walked a mile in their moccasins.” means.

You ignore the pain everyone else has been through. You tell yourself: “Why not ignore their pain right back?” They ignore yours don’t they! They keep doing it to you, don’t they? But, adopting a secret lack of compassion for others keeps the pain and trauma circulating only to the delight of those wanting to harvest the most loosh out of us as possible.

Would Source ever want it’s child to choose pain?
Annie Lennox: Some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used by you.”
Would a sane Mom or Dad do that to one of it's own children?
Of course not.
Our Father/Mother always waits with open loving arms to welcome us all HOME.

Because WE are Sovereign too, like Source IS, WE are respected while IT patiently waits for us to ASK for help.

This program you are activating now (experimenting with) is set up and designed to cause you to further isolate yourself and drive you deeper into deeper criminal behavior. This gets you to emote more emotional loosh and feed the invading controllers that are causing you all this pain and inner loneliness by design.

If they are in a dimension just like we are, the invaders themselves (no matter how Spiritual they pose to be) are all personally deeply already infected with some unseen criminal artificial intelligence! Bad AI compels them deeper into criminal (anti life) behavior.

The solution? Your way out?

IMO, just keep asking Source within you OUT LOUD for help and healing! This always works! Eventually, if not immediately.
You can try: “I NOW release all energies that are not for my highest good.” And: “I do not consent to any energies being in me that are not for my highest good.” And: “Source please help me.” And: “Source please heal me.”

And you can tell yourself OUT LOUD you are enough: “I AM ENOUGH!” - so often that your own Heart and Self and mind and primitive genetics finally believe that you finally mean it and really want yourself to change.

WE always say it out loud so everything hears it.

Once you convince your subconscious and deep primitive subconscious you REALLY mean it, by repeating these SPIRIT COMMANDS over and over, the invisible parts of you will relax and no longer be afraid. They will stop clutching and holding onto the illusionary fear and DNA ancestor programming that WE all carry. I have to do it daily.

You want the change quicker? Command more often.

CIA experiments prove that repetition will directly change this programming you chose to take on.

Your new life awaits your choices.

WE are in time here, so give it all plenty of time to cook.

Thanks, Ed

Here is the latest Creation Light Ship newsletter that just arrived... Interesting...


Changing your Life with the 7-Generation Clearings

"You're living the life of your ancestors... your body brings forward what needs to be cleared."

…Blessings Ron

Dear CLS Friend,

Hear straight from Ron Amitron and gain a wealth of valuable assistance. Listen to his radio show archives HERE.

Share your CLS Questions and Testimonials CLSquestions@creationlightship.com

 Ron Amitron Quotes

"You're living the life of your ancestors... your body brings forward what needs to be cleared."

"Your living the lives of your ancestors."

"Clear your DNA."

"Once you do the clearings you're connected to your own divinity." (The clearings strengthen your Spirit energy which is your divinity and strengthen the connection to your own individual Spirit energy)

"The darkness comes in very strong at the end of the 2000 year cycle."

"Seldom do people get into Heart Consciousness. People are not taught to use Heart Energy...Heart Energy already knows the answer, it doesn't have to do any looking."

"The heart doesn't judge"

"Divine Love energy will never cause any harm."


"The darkside lives on emotional traumas."

"Don't go outside yourself, go within." (Go to your Heart Center where your Spirit resides. Going outside yourself weakens your Spirit and your connection to your own Divine Spirit.)

"You're living the lives of your ancestors. Clean yourself out to have a better life. Start a brand new life when your Spirit is healed."

"The Light will never judge any of its creations."

"The darkside energies don't want you to hook up with heart energy."


"It's easier to connect to animals, they are only heart energy... no mind energy."

“… Animals respond quickly to CLS healings.”

"Clear your densities and have a better life."


“This 2000 Year Barcode was attached to humanity

at the time of Jesus...”

"You're probably "home" 5 days a month if you're 20% in your body. Who's in your body the other 3 weeks?"

"Your body temple is sacred it's up to you to keep it clean. Use the Emotional Whole Lifetime Clearing and Entities Clearing Unlimited versions to keep yourself clean."


"Your Spirit lives only in Light energy."

"This is the time of ascension. The Lightship is here to help you."

"The Creation Lightship is Light itself. It created the universe of Light that you are from. You were created on the Creation Lightship."

"Nobody's energy is compatible to you except your own. When you think about or judge somebody you're connected to them automatically."


 "The only place you will ever connect to the Divine is in your Heart Center."

"Remember, that you're dealing with in this lifetime is not what you brought forth yourself to deal with... it is all the hidden beliefs (and problems) of your ancestors"

"The darkness comes in very strong at the end of the 2000 year cycle."


"Have the energy of a child … without judgement and not being hooked up to mind energy, that’s what you want to get back to.”

"Entities will pose as beings of the Light."

"The Light is leaving the planet. This is the last ascension point."

…Blessings Ron

 There are over 500 Clearings. Select Clearings specific to your situation.

No one needs all the clearings.


Using the 7-Generation Clearings

Ron's Radio Archive-1 of the Week August 27, 2008 - 1 hour of Free Sample Activated Clearings: Spirit in-and-out, Strengthening your Spirit, Chakra Alignment, Mind to Heart Drop, Understanding Twin Flame energy, Spirit Alignment, Heart Energy doesn't judge, Tourmaline Energy, Mind Energy/Mind Control vs. Heart Energy, Why you don't want to do mass meditations/prayers, Bringing to you your True Pure Spirit Energy and more. LISTEN HERE - LINK

Ron's Radio Archive-2 of the Week March 7, 2008 - 1 hour of Free Sample Activated Clearings: Water Charging, Ascension, Emotional Clearing, Feeling Clearing, Trauma Clearing, Mental Clearing, Sensory Clearing, Parental Cording (Mother/Father), Clear Religious Dogma, Bringing in 12 Source Energies, Fear healing and more. LISTEN HERE - LINK

ALL healings in this show are available on the website www.creationlightship.com

The Lightship is Creation's Manifestation Center. It surpasses all Earthly written concepts of the Creation process. The Lightship with its Pure Light Energy contains the spiritual blueprints of all manifestations created in the language of Light. Experience this Divine Lightship and its teachings on Ron's Archives. During the show the Light Being's picture will be activated with "Living Light Energy" while you watch. This is amazing to witness. The sample healings are activated indefinitely for as long as you are working on yourself with the Creation Lightship and up to two months if you're not. You do not need to have a particular belief system to receive these Lightship healing benefits. Creation Lightship's Divine Light Beings offer their assistance through Body~Mind~Spirit Healings. Visit www.CreationLightship.com to access all healings. The Creation Lightship Healings are the same healings

Jesus used 2000 years ago. Lightbeing Image LINK

THIS WEEK'S FREE SPECIAL – Does your heart ache? Do you feel things are hopeless? This week only get a free Heartache Whole Lifetime Clearing, 1x use or free Hope Whole Lifetime Clearing, 1x use thru 06/25/23 with purchase of a full price Whole Lifetime Clearing ($5/year x age). Email the receipt (purchased 06/25/23 to 07/02/23). 7-Generation Clearings available.

FREE GIFT THIS WEEK ONLY - Are you feeling stabbed in the back? Does it feel like someone has punched you in the stomach? If it feels like someone is beating you up from afar try the Death Blue Ray Removal (Activated for FREE Unlimited use this week only thru 07/02/23) If you experience results with this you may wish to purchase the Alien Freedom Bundle (4 clearings for big discount)

FREE Be Here Now Clearing! CLICK HERE


Using the 7-Generation Clearings

Question: “Thank you so much for your newsletters! They have answered so many questions for me. I’m working on an issue and need to go deeper. Could you please tell me how to run generations 1 thru 7 clearings for Financial Prosperity? I understand doing a generation at a time but not the countdown timer. Appreciate your help as always. Thank you!” - L.M.

Answer: Hi LM, Thanks for your kind words. We're helping people around the world learn how to use the CLS Clearings with Ron plus the Lightbeings on the Creation Lightship. The 7 Gen. clearings are an Essential part of Ron's clearings, so very empowering and important. Ron says we're living the lives of our ancestors and that is completely true. These clearings are so powerful that when the CLS team members run the 7 Gen clearings on themselves or someone else it can be felt from head to toe. There are 100’s of multi-generation clearings (gens 1 to 49) to compliment all of the Whole Lifetime Healings. To use a multi-generational clearing do the following:

Please Read Carefully

Must be done sequentially. First do the corresponding Whole Lifetime Clearing for the situation you’re working on. Then there are seven 7 Clearings/Generations that may be purchased to clear a situation: Gen's 1 to 7, 8 to 14, 15 to 21, 22 to 28, 29 to 35, 36 to 42 and 43 to 49.

Using the 7-Generation Clearing: Name (and brief situation description if needed)... Example: John Smith 123 Fort St., Dallas TX with no/low income coming in (Use abbreviations)

Select the Generation for Clearing from drop down.... Example: 01 - First Generation

Slower Speed Optional - You may opt to use the slower speed for the clearing by clicking the checkbox named "Select slow speed"

Select your Healer ... Select a healing image

Start Clearing/Healing ... Press this button

New Earth Transfer … Add to the New Earth Transfer when complete

Note: You may repeat the 7-Generation clearings as many times as you wish or as needed.

Below are a few of the 7-Generation Clearings, Click Link to see ALL 7 Gen. Clearings

Abduction Clearing

Addiction Clearing

Anger Body Clearing

Anxiety Body Clearing

Betrayal Release Clearing

Blood Clearing

Cellular Mental Clearing

Chakra System Clearing

Cloned Bodies Ling on Cloned Earths

Curses, Hexes and Spells Clearing **

Depression Release Clearing

Earth Cording Disconnection

Food Addiction Clearing

Emotional Body Clearing

Poverty Body Clearing **

Victim Body Clearing **

And more HERE...

** Used for financial prosperity

Let the generation clearing run for the selected generation until complete (if you wish you may repeat the clearing). Then select the next generation to clear. We suggest clearing ALL 7 GENERATIONS in this clearing.

Testimonial: “My partner has had problems with substance abuse and gambling for many years. After running many healings for compulsive behavior and addiction we had a breakthrough when we used the 7-generation Addiction Clearings. Something got removed in generations 8 thru 14. The problems must have been coming from a past relative. For over 9 months now the cravings and addictions are 100% gone. Blessings, gratitude and love to CLS.” - M.W.

"The Lightship only works through your Heart, it only connects to your Heart. It doesn't connect to your mind. The mind is the darkness energy and all the mind controlling thoughts that we have that are brought to us by the extraterrestrials and others." - Ron

Let us know if we can help you with the clearings.


The CLS Team

The CLS Team members run Ron's Clearings 24/7 on www.creationlightship.com for a more peaceful life, manifestation

and ascension prep.

PS Sacred Home - Keep your home cleared and sacred with the Location/Space Clearing

"Then You Will Know The Truth and The Facts Will Set You Free"

All of our BOGM - MrOxygen's stuff

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