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Cows Are The Solution — Not The Problem!

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Friday, 23-Jun-2023 17:49:32

By Neenah Payne

Why Was David Icke Banned From 26 European Nations? explains that The Netherlands banned the legendary British author David Icke from coming to Holland to speak at a peace rally on November 6, 2022.

Nevertheless, Icke gave a very powerful speech from a beach near his home looking out over the English Channel. The video of the speech was published on his site. Because of the unprecedented controversy, the speech was reportedly seen by more people than would have heard it had Icke attended the rally!

Icke spoke about the fight the Dutch farmers are in as the government tries to impose unprecedented restrictions and force them to sell their farms. This affects all of Europe and beyond because the Netherlands is the world’s second largest food exporter.

Icke called out Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as an asset of the World Economic Forum and told the Dutch people, “He runs your country for the agenda of Klaus Schwab who runs the World Economic Forum for the agenda of the global cult. So, Rutte is not running The Netherlands for the people of that country. He’s running it for the World Economic Forum.

Henry Kissinger was Schwab’s mentor at Harvard and is a frequent honored guest at World Economic Forum meetings in Davos, Switzerland. Kissinger is known for his statement, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”

The Netherlands is the world’s second largest food exporter. So, when the Dutch government tried to force 3,000 farmers out of business, it was not affecting just the food supply of The Netherlands, but of much of the world. As the two videos below show, Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced that Holland is the headquarters of the “Global Food Hub”. Rutte is the Global Coordinating Secretary to Transform Food Systems and Land Use.

The Netherlands and the World Economic Forum Launch Food Innovation Hubs Initiative The Netherlands will be the center for global food innovation with the Global Coordinating Secretariat (GCS)


World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders”

Rutte is a “Young Global Leader” of the World Economic Forum — like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada and Jacinda Ardern, the former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook/Meta, and many others. Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum bragged that Trudeau and half his cabinet are WEF “Young Global Leaders”. By 2021, the Young Leaders were showing up as the top leadership in a growing number of countries including French President Emmanuel Macron and New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern.

Trudeau and Rutte ‘golden pin-up boys’ for World Economic Forum: Rowan Dean


JBS Weekly Analysis 5/12/23

One week you’re a farmer, the next week the government calls you a polluter and wants you shut down. Sound crazy? Not if you are a farmer in the Netherlands. To meet the EU mandates on climate goals, the Dutch government can start buying out farmers to reduce nitrogen use. They are looking at taking thousands of farms out of production. Could it happen here? Watch this episode of JBS News Analysis.

Dr. Joseph Mercola’s article further below links to a TED Talk by Allan Savory who explains that the proper use of cows is the ONLY solution to restoration of our soils and sequestering carbon. So, killing cows is a very dangerous and uninformed approach.

The Savory Institute site says:


Grasslands are vast landscapes that have the capacity, if properly managed, to address some of humanity’s most urgent challenges such as water and food insecurity, poverty, and climate change. Currently, grasslands are desertifying at alarming rates. Holistic Management of grasslands can result in the regeneration of soils, increased productivity and biological diversity, as well as economic and social well-being. At the Savory Institute, it’s our mission to regenerate these critically important and fragile grasslands.

Holistic Management uses decision-making and planning procedures that give people the insights and management tools needed to work with the web of complexity that exists in nature: resulting in better, more informed decisions that balance key social, environmental, and financial considerations. In the context of the ecological restoration of grasslands worldwide, managers implement Holistic Planned Grazing to properly manage livestock – mimicking the predator/prey relationships in which these environments evolved.

Our programs are global in scope, grassroots in execution, and holistic in terms of providing the knowledge, resources, and connections necessary for farmers, ranchers, and pastoralist communities to create truly regenerative outcomes.

Allan Savory devoted his life to stopping desertification and reversing climate change.

“The war on climate change, as currently fought, is ultimately a war on humanity itself, and the evidence for this is stacking up by the day. It began with nitrogen fertilizer restrictions1 in the summer of 2022, which alone is driving farmers out of business, and has now progressed to the needless culling of livestock — all in the name of combating climate change.

But what difference will climate have if there’s no food production? Without food, humanity dies. End of story. Of course, the unspoken plan is to replace all of these banned natural foods with genetically engineered lab-created fare, but that’s not going to do our health any favors, so humanity will still be facing extinction, just a slower and more excruciating one.

Culling Cows to Meet Climate Change Goals

In Ireland, the government recently proposed reducing Irish cow herds by 10% over the next three years to meet the European Union’s climate change targets,2 which include a 25% reduction in emissions from farming by 2030.3 The same insanity is creeping into the U.S. as well. The EU is just on a faster track. As reported by Cowboy State Daily, June 2, 2023:4

“Climate activists are coming for livestock producers and farmers. European governments have been targeting the agriculture industry for several years … Ireland’s government may need to reduce that country’s cattle herds by 200,000 cows over the next three years to meet climate targets.

In an effort to reduce nitrogen pollution, Reuters reported the European Union last month approved a $1.6 billion Dutch plan to buy out livestock farmers. Now the Biden administration is targeting American agriculture.

Special President Envoy For Climate John Kerry recently warned at a climate summit for the U.S. Department of Agriculture that the human race’s need to produce food to survive creates 33% of the world’s total greenhouse gasses. ‘We can’t get to net-zero. We don’t get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution,’ Kerry said.”

Cattle Promote Ecological Health and Healthy Climate Cycles

With those words, Kerry shows his ignorance and lack of qualifications for the job as climate czar, as properly raised and grazed livestock have a tremendously beneficial impact on ecological health and local climate. As agricultural advocate Kacy Atkinson told Cowboy State Daily:5

“Groupthink happens a lot around the climate change conversation. We get tunnel visioned on one piece of it without considering the full ramifications of what’s going to happen if we remove cattle from the land. Cattle contribute to drought resistance, soil health and wildfire reduction.

Just before cattle were introduced to North America and the industry began raising them, there were thousands of buffalo roaming the plains. Cows and buffalo are both ruminants, which is a type of animal that brings back food from its stomach and chews it again.

These animals’ digestive systems produce methane emissions. Today’s cattle population is similar in numbers to that of the buffalo herds. So, the methane emissions from ruminant animals aren’t anything new.”

Only Certain Agricultural Practices Promote Climate Change

In the 2013 TED Talk above, ecologist and international consultant Allan Savory explains why and how grazing livestock are the solution to climate change. Erratic climate is in large part caused by desertification (when fertile land dries up and turns to desert), which is what current conventional agricultural practices encourage.

This situation can only be effectively reversed by dramatically increasing the number of grazing livestock, Savory says. In essence, it’s not an excess of livestock that are causing the problem, but that we have far too few, and the livestock we do have, we’ve not managed properly.

To improve soil quality, we must improve its ability to maintain water. Once land has turned to bone-dry desert, any rain simply evaporates and/or runs off. The solution is twofold: The ground must be covered with vegetation, and animals must roam across the land. The animals must be bunched and kept moving to avoid overgrazing, thereby mimicking the movement of large wild herds. The animals serve several crucial functions on the land, as they:

Graze on plants, exposing the plants’ growth points to sunlight, which stimulates growth

Trample the soil, which breaks capped earth allowing for aeration

Press seeds into the soil with their hooves, thereby increasing the chances of germination and diversity of plants

Press down dying and decaying grasses, allowing microorganisms in the soil to go to work to decompose the plant material

Fertilize the soil with their waste

The graphic below, which compares the carbon recycling of cows and fossil fuel emissions, is also instructive. The methane cows burp up eventually breaks down into carbon dioxide and water, both of which are taken up by plants. The carbon is then put back into the soil through the roots of the plants. This is the natural cycle, which benefits all life. Yet none of this ever makes it into the climate conversation.

Since then, studies have shown that whenever cattle are removed from an area to protect it from desertification, the opposite results. It gets worse. According to Savory, the reason for this is because we’ve completely misunderstood the causes of desertification.

We failed to realize that in seasonal humidity environments, the soil and vegetation developed with very large numbers of grazing animals meandering through. Along with these herds came ferocious pack hunting predators. The primary defense against these predators was the herd size. The larger the herd, the safer the individual animal within the herd.

These large herds deposited dung and urine all over the grasses (their food), and so they would keep moving from one area to the next. This constant movement of large herds naturally prevented overgrazing of plants, while periodic trampling ensured protective covering of the soil.

As explained by Savory, grasses must degrade biologically before the next growing season. This easily occurs if the grass is trampled into the ground. If it does not decay biologically, it shifts into oxidation — a very slow process that results in bare soil, which then ends up releasing carbon rather than trapping and storing it.

We’ve also failed to understand how desertification affects our global climate. He explains that barren earth is much cooler at dawn and much hotter at midday. When land is left barren, it changes the microclimate on that swath of land.

According to Savory, two-thirds of the landmass on earth is already desertifying, and “Once you’ve done that to more than half of the land mass on the planet, you’re changing macroclimate,” he says.

Culling Herds Won’t Benefit Climate

In response to the Cowboy State Daily article, Elon Musk tweeted, “This really needs to stop. Killing some cows doesn’t matter for climate change.”6 Indeed, to think that eliminating cattle will put an end to climate woes is rather ridiculous. Climate cycles have always existed and will continue to exist, even if all human and animal life on earth is removed.

Besides, real-world evidence such as that presented by Savory proves we need grazing livestock to normalize local microclimates. So, the true answer to undesired climate shifts would be to normalize local microclimates around the globe, and we do that by taking animals out of indoor factory conditions and out into the fields.

Eradicating food animals and farming is an attack on the least problematic source of greenhouse gas emissions while doing nothing to address far more unnecessary sources.

Eradicating food animals and farming in general tackles the problem from the wrong end. It attacks the least problematic source of greenhouse gas emissions while doing nothing to address far more unnecessary sources. As noted by Pat McCormack, president of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association:7

“We’re the one industry with a significant roadmap, and, to be quite honest with you, our herd isn’t any larger than it was 25 to 30 years ago. Can the same be said for the transport industry, can the same be said for the aviation industry?”

Loss of Productivity Will Result in Loss of Life

Speaking before the Irish Parliament May 30, 2023, Aontú party leader Peadar Tóibín questioned the minister for environment, Climate and Communication’s rationale for funding these kinds of climate activities and critiqued the plan to reduce herds by some 200,000 cows by 2025 specifically:8

“It’s an incredible threat to the farming sector at a cost of about €600 million,” he said. “Now, a full 25% of beef that’s being imported into the European Union is now coming from Brazil. How is it environmentally friendly to kill large swathes of the Amazon, import that beef from Brazil to substitute for Irish beef that’s been culled here in this state?”

During an interview with Sky News, Australian geologist Ian Plimer also commented on the plan:9

“The Irish know about this from the potato famine. A third of their population died, a third emigrated, and the same thing will happen. They will lose productive people from Ireland, and they’ll go somewhere else.

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