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SORCHA 6/19: "Elon Musk Posts Chilling Message To World: “Watch NOW Before They Silence Me”"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 19-Jun-2023 15:13:15



June 19, 2023

Elon Musk Posts Chilling Message To World: “Watch NOW Before They Silence Me

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A beyond gobsmacking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first notes senior Russian lawmaker Anatoly Aksakov gravely assessing: “Previously, 70% of international trade was serviced by the dollar, now it is 60%...Can you imagine, 10% in just a short period of time – this is significant...Naturally, this process will continue, because the US undermines partners trust with their actions...So, of course, not in one or two years, but in ten years, America as a great financial power will cease to exist...The US can one of these days let everyone down, because effectively it cannot pay its debts...The gross domestic product it produces is less than the debts it accumulates and whatever the country earns will not be enough to pay its debts...Meanwhile, the US keeps borrowing all over the world and pays out by building up domestic debt...So eventually, there will come a time when there will be so much debt that it will become impossible to fulfill obligations...And then the US economy will collapse”.

The grave assessment made by senior lawmaker Aksakov, this report notes, follows the news: “US national debt passed a record $32 trillion for the first time ever this week, data released on Friday by the Treasury Department shows” and the report: “Italy’s state debt has continued to soar, jumping by $24.1 billion to hit a record high of $3,1 trillion, according to the latest data from the central bank”—all of which follows economic articles appearing like “Eurozone Fell Into Recession As Energy Prices Soared”.

With its economically battered socialist Western colonial Eurozone allies unable to come to its aid, this report continues, the situation the United States now finds itself in is of its own making due to its spending over $8 trillion during the last 22 years on failed wars all across the globe—at the same time the United States has been wasting its national wealth on failed wars, China has massively invested its national wealth in infrastructure projects all around the world—in response to China building up the world instead of tearing it down with failed wars, the socialist Biden Regime declared: “China remains the greatest security challenge for the United States despite Russia’s war in Ukraine, and the threat from Beijing will determine how the US military is equipped and shaped for the future”—this morning it saw Chinese President Xi Jinping observing: “The future and destiny of mankind depends on whether the United States and China can find the right path to coexistence”—an observation immediately followed by top socialist Biden Regime official Secretary of State Antony Blinken telling President Xi during their meeting in Beijing: “The United States does not seek a new cold war and does not want to change the Chinese system”.

In assessing the truthfulness of anything said by the socialist Biden Regime, this report details, it bears noticing that Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden last week proclaimed like a lunatic: “God save the Queen!”—a lunatic proclamation followed by the Axios news service revealing: “Even Olivia Dalton, the White House’s principal deputy press secretary, didn't know what her boss meant...When journalists asked, she replied only that he “was commenting to someone in the crowd”...Later, the White House didn't respond when Axios asked what Biden had meant...Biden also said, “God save the queen”, when he was vice president in January 2017, after he certified Donald Trump's 2016 election victory”—and was a revelation followed by Socialist Leader Biden declaring like a demented idiot: “We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean”.


While Socialist Leader Biden is dementedly planning to build train tracks across the world’s largest ocean, this report notes, he continues to pour his nation’s wealth into the Eastern European nation best described in the article “Welcome To Ukraine, The Most Corrupt Nation In Europe”, about which the leftist Washington Post revealed this morning: “As Ukraine mounts it counteroffensive against invading Russian forces, law enforcement officials in Kyiv are waging a war on corruption with similarly high stakes for the country’s future...Ukraine is surviving not only on donated weapons but also on foreign economic aid, and Western supporters want to be sure their money is not lost to the graft and malfeasance that has long stunted Ukraine’s democratic aspirations…Ukraine’s dream of joining the European Union will hinge in part on the anti-corruption fight, and the political future of President Volodymyr Zelensky — who won office four years ago promising to eliminate corruption — could also hang in the balance”.

As Socialist Leader Biden’s corrupt puppet state Ukraine continues its so-called counteroffensive against Russia, this report continues, the leftist New York Times also reported this morning: “Ukraine has paid contractors hundreds of millions of dollars for weapons that have not been delivered, and some of the much-publicized arms donated by its allies have been so decrepit that they were deemed fit only to be cannibalized for spare parts”, and revealed: “As much of 30 percent of Kyiv’s arsenal is under repair at any given time — a high rate, defense experts said, for a military that needs every weapon it can get for its developing counteroffensive”.

Attesting to decrepit state of the weapons Ukraine is using, this report details, Russian military forces took a captured Ukrainian Soviet-made T-54 tank and packed it with 6 tons of explosives, then returned it via remote control so Ukrainian troops could fire and detonate it to catastrophic effect—just days earlier, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reported a more successful example of the same tactics, when an explosive specialist explained how his squad packed a captured Ukrainian MT-LB tracked tow vehicle with 3.5 tons of explosives and five FAB-100 aviation bombs, before directing it towards a Ukrainian outpost some 300 meters away—and this morning, the MoD reported: “Kiev's forces have lost over 1,000 soldiers and 20 tanks in a single day across the frontlines”.


The only mainstream television journalists telling the American peoples the truth about Socialist Leaders Biden’s corrupt puppet state Ukraine, this report notes, were Fox News top Saturday evening news host Dan Bongino, top Sunday evening news host Steve Hilton and America’s most watched and popular weekday host Tucker Carlson—over the past month, however, Fox News ousted all three from their top rated programmes, that resulted in articles appearing like “In May, Fox News Lost Nearly One-Third Of Its Primetime Audience” and “MSNBC Dethrones Fox News After Years-Long Ratings Dominance”.

Most critical to notice about Fox News ousting its top news hosts, specifically Tucker Carlson, this report concludes, is that they were the only mainstream television journalists telling the American peoples the truth about UFO’s—a fact well known to the world’s richest man Elon Musk, the owner of the private company Space X, who, last evening, became so afraid of something it caused him to post the chilling warning video to the entire world: “Watch NOW Before They Silence Me”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


June 19, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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