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Lavrov: When the Ukraine Conflict Ends, Globalism Will End

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Monday, 19-Jun-2023 08:48:41

Well, I don't know about it ending, but it would set them back a few years!


Andrew Anglin – The Unz Review June 17, 2023

I know I’ve said it six million times, but the Ukraine war on the ground is virtually irrelevant in comparison to the effects of the Ukraine war on geopolitics.

It would have mattered if Russia could have lost, but they can’t lose. The critics are now saying they are winning too slowly, but even if that weird claim were true, it is irrelevant.

Last week, a very big development happened: China sent armored trucks to Chechnya.

I had asserted from the beginning that China would not let Russia lose the war, because China cannot afford to have Russia fall to the West.

Several well-known right-wing commentators were saying that China would never commit material to Russia’s war effort, even whilst they’ve already committed in full to propping up Russia’s economy. They were wrong and I was right (as usual).

I don’t even bother to follow the day-to-day of the war. It’s too autistic. And it does not matter.

What matters is that because the US started this psycho war on purpose, then used it as an excuse to try to collapse the government of Russia through sanctions, the whole world is in the process of cutting ties to the Americans.

It was pure hubris that led the US to think they could use the Ukraine as a battering ram to bring down the Russian state. This will be the downfall of the Anal Empire.

All the things that I said would happen are happening.

It would be too much to say that the Russians planned it this way. Clearly, they did not. We can see from the initial invasion that Putin and Lavrov assumed that the US would negotiate. Anyone who suggests that the Russians are so stupid they believed they could conquer a nation of 40 million people with 150,000 soldiers is just lying to you. The initial invasion was obviously a negotiation tactic.

What they ended up with – the whole world on their side, and a lead role in the new world order – is more than they could have ever hoped for.

It was a perfect storm. Everyone was sick of the US government for an entire list of reasons, the most recent being that the US is in the process of forcing the whole world to participate not only in gay sex but in child gay sex.

The International Saint Petersburg Economic Forum, which is happening now, has representatives from more than 100 countries in attendance.

By the time the conflict in Ukraine is resolved, Kiev will have accepted the loss of its former territories, and Western-led globalization will be dead, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RT Arabic on Friday.

Speaking on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Lavrov described the West’s proxy war with Russia as “a geopolitical conflict,” in which the US was attempting to eliminate a powerful competitor and “preserve its hegemonic position by all means.”

“The attempt is futile, and we all know this,” Lavrov stated, adding that Ukraine and its backers will be forced to accept new “concrete realities” before a ceasefire is reached.

It’s a new day.

The sun is finally peaking through the brutal and satanic darkness of the Anal Order.

Firstly, Kiev must accept that any potential peace agreement will need to take into account the loss of the Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye Regions, which voted to join the Russian Federation last year. Before sending its military into Ukraine, Moscow offered more generous terms, and Lavrov warned on Friday that “the longer they put off talks, the more difficult it will be for them to reach an agreement with us.”

Ukraine and its European backers have admitted that the 2014 and 2015 Minsk agreements – under which Kiev promised to grant limited autonomy to Donetsk and Lugansk – were a ruse to buy Ukraine time to prepare for war with Russia.

That really was the stupidest imaginable thing – the entire Western establishment just outright said that they signed fake peace agreements so they can prepare for war.

They said it is okay to do that because Russia is so immoral.

This is in itself an admission that the West wanted the war, and bullied Russia into it. Otherwise, they could have just signed the deal legitimately, instead of with their fingers crossed behind their back.

Somehow, even after that public admission was made, the West continues to claim that the Russian invasion is a “war of aggression.”

Would you do business with someone like this?

This situation will never be repeated, Lavrov told RT.

“We won’t be prepared to let security guarantees be based on more pledges and promises or even documents the West may offer us,” he said. “We must guarantee our national security on our own.”

“We fully understand that we can only rely on ourselves and build relations only with countries open to an equal and mutually beneficial partnership,” Lavrov continued. “This is not what we see in the West these days.”

Lastly, Lavrov declared the era in which the US and its allies control the institutions of globalization – primarily development banks and multilateral organizations – will come to a close.

“Today, there is an understanding that growth processes need to be regionalized and this vision prevails,” Lavrov said. “All the countries of this vast continent should use their God- and nature-given advantages to develop mutually beneficial logistic, financial, and transport chains.”

The foreign minister added that Russia would “leave all doors open” for partnership with European countries who realize that their interests are better served by cooperation with Russia rather than by playing Washington’s “ideological and geopolitical games.”

“The world will be different,” Russia’s top diplomat concluded. “And the processes we see unfolding today were whipped up by the West’s response to Russia’s Special Military Operation, when we accepted the challenge that they flung at us. These processes clearly show that autonomy and independence of any structures on the global arena that are related to the West are becoming the main trend today.”

It was truly a challenge flung.

Again, because this cannot be said enough: when the Westerners admitted that they had no intention to honor their agreement to stop the war against Russians in Donetsk, they admitted that the entire situation, starting in 2014 with the overthrow of the elected government of the Ukraine by paid neo-Nazi terrorists, was a setup, designed to create a war.

Merkel, Hollande, and Zelensky himself all stated outright that they signed this peace agreement with a conscious plan to break it. Zelensky, a Jewish comedian, ran and was elected on a platform of enforcing the agreement. Then, after being elected, he started really agitating the situation, pushing the neo-Nazis to really start bombing the Donbass.



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