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Saratoga Ocean: The unfolding insanity includes physicians now using ChatGPT to communicate with patients and churches delivering sermons using this same AI technology

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Friday, 16-Jun-2023 20:03:42

This message is from Saratoga Ocean's mailing list. I just received my Healy device using Saratoga as my referrer (haven't tested it myself yet but will do so shortly).

Just when you thought we'd reached the peak of our human insanity...there's more! Yikes!

I have a manifestation tip for you today, but first I have to tell you about a couple of things to be aware of in terms of the unfolding insanity on planet Earth. I want you to know about this so you will understand how important it is for us to individually get ourselves on a completely different plane of reality.

The first thing has to do with AI. Apparently, doctors are using ChatGPT in some pretty horrific ways. It's been decided by some that doctors are not very good at explaining things, so it's better to let the robot do it for them. The New York Times reports that doctors are using ChatGPT to communicate more 'empathetically' with patients 😳.

That's right. A machine with no morals, no values, and no emotion is said to be more empathetic than a human being 🤖. That's how far we've sunk and how stupid this so-called civilization has become. And worse yet, these lazy, cowardly doctors are even getting this AI to deliver bad news to patients! 😱

...But wait! There's more! Some doctors are sneakily using ChatGPT to guide their medical decision-making. Oh that's just awesome 😵‍💫. Especially because the makers of ChatGPT openly say that this robot is not reliable. But I guess these AI mezmerized doctors never bothered to check that out.

See, I knew this thing was going to spread like a disease. And it's quickly being used in the spiritual community now.

It seems that certain churches are having their sermons and masses delivered by ChatGPT speaking through an AI avatar on a screen. I saw a little video clip of this, and these brain-dead humans are just sitting in their pews like a bunch of zombies acting like this is completely normal.

What is wrong with people??? 😣

And now it's starting to look like the government's fake alien invasion is ON! Yes, indeed, just when you thought things couldn't get any crazier, some guy from the US intelligence agencies has openly informed the public that the government is indeed in possession of crashed, alien spacecraft. Oh, and by the way - there are aliens after all! And they know this because they have the bodies 👽.

If you want to see part of this pronouncement for yourself, check out my new YouTube video which I hope will be out later today. (Instead of Tuesday because there was a little problem...😜) I'll explain about that in a minute...

But first, I want to share a manifestation tip with you. In view of the ever-growing insanity on planet Earth, I think it's so important to get very serious about the evolution of our lives and our consciousness.

I decided to think about time in relation to nature, when it comes to how I live my life. It doesn't mean that I don't use clocks and calendars. It means that when I want to create something, make changes, or manifest a vision, I am looking at that from the perspective of the relationship between the Earth and the Sun.

And now is a perfect time to begin that because the solstice will arrive on Wednesday, June 21st. So I'm organizing my life according to the seasons, the solstices and the equinoxes. This is so much more natural than the calendars on the wall. It puts your body and your consciousness in a coherent state with the larger universe. I think of this larger, natural space as my vision board for creating. And then clocks and calendars can be used to keep track of details. Doesn't that sound so much better than having these little calendar squares serve as an overlay to your entire experience of reality?

Manifestation starts with an idea or an intention. We seed that idea in our consciousness and into the quantum field. When you do this in a more aligned way that lines up with the larger movement of our planetary sphere, you will feel much more grounded and empowered to be able to produce a result.

I have sooo much more to say about this that I'll share with you in future emails. I am learning so much about nature and the universe through the use of my Healy frequency device. Isn't that crazy? But that's what happens when you physically, mentally, and emotionally connect with the actual quantum field. Not the quantum field in your imagination. Not the quantum field that you've only heard or read about. But the actual, real quantum field.

The Healy is helping me to experience things that I've known about for years, but didn't think were possible to experience here on Earth because this place is so dense and chaotic. It's helping me to feel much more deeply into my meditation and to discover the absolute magic of our human selves. So definitely I will be sharing what I learn with you, whether you have a Healy or not.

Anyway, I wanted to give you the suggestion of taking this weekend to consider your life between the solstice and the next equinox in September. Look at this period as precious! How do you want your life to look during this time? Can you feel the amazing openness of just looking at it from the perspective of the stars, the Earth, and the Sun? Later on you can always put the details into a calendar or planner. But see what it feels like to form a vision for your life without those box-like, calendar restraints.

I think there's sort of an art to this. It's like figuring out the synthesis between an unencumbered vision in the natural world, and yet still being grounded in our culture's sense of time.

If you decide to try this, and you want to get a sense of nature's rhythms, focus on how the natural light moves throughout this next season, depending on where you are in the world. Think about the feel of that season, and how you want to experience it.

These are the kinds of things we need to do in order to extract ourselves from the controllers' insanity. The more we get aligned with nature, the universe, and our highest selves, the higher and more coherent our vibration will be. This is the true, actual nature of ascension.

Now before I go, I want to let you know that Healy is having a major sale until Tuesday, June 20th at 5:00 PM eastern (It ends early for us because it's European time). So if you've been thinking about getting one, this would be an optimal time to do so. Here's the link to check it out.

Have a beautiful weekend!

Much love,

Saratoga ❤️

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