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Anna Von Reitz: "An End to the Nonsense"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Friday, 16-Jun-2023 17:28:58

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Reply to Darrell Gehlsen" (hobie)

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Friday, June 16, 2023

An End to the Nonsense

By Anna Von Reitz

Recently, we have been seeing would-be District Government Interlopers trying to create THEIR assemblies and substitute these British Territorial “assemblies” for the American State Assemblies we've already established.

This is part and parcel of their modus operandi --- they substituted their states-of-states for our American states-of-states after the Civil War, and they are trying to do the same thing with our Federal Republic and with our State Assemblies.

These are attempts to commandeer the rightful State Assemblies and twist them into something that they, the foreign powers, can control.

The Big Lie now is that there is "Dual Sovereignty" in this country and that there are two (2) State Assemblies, but in fact what they are talking about are their own assemblies --- their District assemblies and their Municipal assemblies, neither one of which have anything to do with the American States or the American State Assemblies.

In 1937, as we have demonstrated, the two foreign Federal Subcontractors issued what they called "The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States" -- and openly colluded against their employers.

Anyone who wants a copy of this is welcome to get a photo copy from our website showing all the original signatories.

The States of the Union hadn't been in Session for decades, so, they figured, why not "declare" ourselves the only "governments" in this country, and collude together to establish our "Dual Sovereignty"?

But there are a number of problems with this theory.

First and foremost, both the entities housed in the District of Columbia are foreign Municipal Corporations and as corporations possess no sovereignty at all. And their foreign "independent, international city state" has no use permit allowing it to have any land in this country.

Second, the American States are in Session, which instantly displaces any claim that these interlopers have to rule over anyone but their own employees.

The foreign Federal Subcontractors have control of approximately 25 million American employees, split between them, compared to the General Public of around 295 million Americans.

So in terms of numbers, our State Assemblies overwhelmingly represent the people of this country, but many Americans continue to be confused and to think that because they live in The United States, they must therefore be "US citizens". This is not the case.

Citizenship means that you have an obligation to serve the government. The only kind of citizenship that is part of the American Government is State Citizenship.

All forms of "US citizenship" or "U.S. Citizenship" or "Federal Citizenship" or "National citizenship" are foreign and refer to the political status of Federal Corporation Employees. Not us.

These are the ones promoting an illegal "National Militia". These are the ones promoting the idea that you can have a "Jural Assembly" that exists apart from the actual State Assembly.

Pay attention to the language. Always.

What is Ron Vrooman and his pals Darrell Gehlsen and Robert Graves actually promoting? Look at the words: "Oregon State Jural Assembly".

If this was the authentic State Jural Assembly it would simply say, "Oregon Jural Assembly".

So what is going on here? How is "Oregon State" different from "Oregon"?

As I have explained numerous times before, when the British Interlopers took over our State-of-State functions on a purportedly "emergency basis" they forced all the existing States to develop a new "State of State Constitution" to allow this.

At the same time, all the assets of the prior American State of State organization and all the assets presumed to belong to the actual State were bundled up and cashiered in a State Trust overseen by the Brits.

They named these State Trusts all in the same way and form: Wisconsin State, Florida State, California State, Texas State --- and to put off the scent of what they were doing, they simply neglected to add the obvious missing word "Trust". It should be: Wisconsin State Trust, Florida State Trust, California State Trust, Texas State Trust.....just as they conveniently omitted the word "Incorporated" from the name of the Scottish commercial corporation they named after us.

If they were honest and added the word "Trust" to "Oregon State", you and I would know that these trusts existed, and as the Presumed Donors, we might demand that they be dissolved in our own favor, which would take the power away from the British Interlopers and lawfully convert the assets back into American control. And they didn't want that.

They still don't want that.

It's up to you to show your guts and intelligence and take it all back, and not be confused by these wordsmiths.

Ask yourselves --- are our States of the Union trusts? No, they are not. Our States of the Union are actual, factual, physically defined unincorporated entities. They never appointed any Trustees to take over our land and soil jurisdiction and only a very limited trusteeship on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.

These same people will try to confuse you about the Federation of States and try to make it sound like "the Federation" is the equivalent of the Federal Subcontractors, when they are the ones representing the Federal Subcontractors and acting as Federal Citizens, too.

That's always their modus operandi -- to pretend to be us and give us a black eye while doing so.

The American Federation of States is not the Subcontracting Federal Government.

Without the Federation of States, none of your State Assemblies would be in Session. Without the Federation of States you would have no Indemnity Bonds. Without the Federation of States, you would have no commercial liens holding your own property for you. Without the Federation, foreign Creditors of your federal employees would already be claiming your property as "abandoned property".

Without your Federation of States, you would be in exactly the position Thomas Jefferson predicted --- landless, stateless tenants on the land your Forefathers earned.

You all owe a huge debt to the Federation which is the only part of your original American Government that was still functioning in 1998 when all the dirt went down and you were all dead asleep. And it is still the only part of your original American Government fighting for you in the international arena.

So wake up and do your part. Wake all the way up and look sharp and hard.

Each Assembly has four distinct functions. There is a General Assembly, an International Business Assembly, a Militia Assembly, and a Jural Assembly. All these functions are performed by members of the General Assembly acting in different capacities.

There is no separate entity operating as a Jural Assembly in our system of government. The Jural Assemblies are all part of The State Assembly and are drawn from The State Assembly membership.

Our Jural Assemblies are not operated as separate foreign incorporated entities, and they don't represent any judicial function for any State Trusts. They are the judicial functionaries for the actual State.

Our job isn't to operate any foreign State Trusts "in our own names".

Our job is to collapse and dissolve these State Trusts in our own favor and take back control of our own country and run our own government.

We are not interested in colluding with the self-declared "Dual Sovereign" Interlopers and we don't need or want their representatives in our Assemblies.

No matter how loudly they declare that they have done their paperwork and are "back on the land" --- their words and their actions say differently. Kick them out and draw the line.

They either act as Americans and help restore the American Government or they are required to go join the District or Municipal Assemblies where they belong.

That goes for everyone associated with them. If you want to join the British Interlopers, go. If you want to join the Papist Municipal theocracy, go. Peace be unto you.

That's not who we are and that's not what we are doing.

There isn't going to be any merger of The Oregon Assembly and the Oregon State Jural Assembly.

There is and there can be only one valid State Assembly in each State of the Union and one State Jural Assembly, known simply as The Oregon Jural Assembly, and operated by the members of The Oregon Assembly. Period.


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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