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Greencrow: Boom! Lie-beral implosion going on in Ottawa---(Text)(Videos)(Image)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Thursday, 15-Jun-2023 12:09:20

From https://greencrowasthecrowflies.ca/2023/06/14/boom-lie-beral-implosion-going-on-in-ottawa/

Boom! Lie-beral implosion going on in Ottawa

Posted on June 14, 2023 by greencrow21

UPDATE: Another scandal today…this one related to Finance Minister Chrystia Freestuff. She’s one of the governors of the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank. Today, one of the Canadian members resigned, saying that the Bank is totally run by Communists and has a toxic environment not conducive to Canada.

Bob Pickard

“I have tendered my resignation as the global comms chief of @AIIB_Official. As a patriotic Canadian, this was my only course. The Bank is dominated by Communist Party members and also has one of the most toxic cultures imaginable. I don’t believe that my country’s interests are served by its AIIB membership.”


Real Journalist Andy Lee commented on Twitter:

“They joined a Chinese bank created by the CCP’s finance ministry, which was launched in Beijing by President Xi Jinping, that is governed by a board littered with senior Communist Party government officials, and they are stunned it’s run by the CCP. You can’t make this stuff up.”


Good morning fellow sentients. I have been glued to Twitter for the last few days. Boom after Boom….corruption skeletons tumbling out of the Lie-beral closet every couple of hours. I simply cannot keep up with it any more. Yet still the jackass is clinging to office. How can he even show his f**king face!

Just as a sampler, I will copy three of the very latest revelations below with concluding comments to follow. The first is about the Chinese Interference in our Democracy scandal. JFT has been lying about a crucial facet of this scandal literally for years. Watch the video below:

The second scandal is about a paid Lie-beral disrupter. Normally we never learn who these disgusting anti-democracy creeps are nevermind who’s paying them to do their thang…

Deana Sheriff is a loudmouth trans activist who was caught on a hot mike saying she’s being paid directly by Trudeau to attend demonstrations and provoke the demonstrators:


Finally we have Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, David Lametti. playing a character out of “The Godfather” movie in the Canadian House of Commons. This is an incredible port hole window opened up into the mafioso-style thuggery of the Lie-beral cabinet under Godfather, JFT. Please watch the following videos and I will have concluding comments to follow:

Greencrow concludes: Yes, folks, it’s moving from a scandal a week to a scandal a day. Each one of these corruption scandals would have brought down the government back in the day when we had a democracy here in Canada. Now, all JFT does is show up before the TV cameras late in the afternoon in one of his $20,000 suits, sneer at the cameras and say “Meh!”

The Caputo Scandal above is IMO one of the gravest so far. It directly attacks the integrity of the Canadian Parliament. If the speaker doesn’t force the immediate resignation of Minister of “Justice” David Lametti, then intimidation will be the rule of the day in parliament from now on. So, folks, follow this one closely. Just while I was typing this post yet another development occurred. Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre has called for the resignation of MP and cabinet minister Marco Mendicino. If you watch the video at the link below just hot off the press, you will find out why.


In conclusion, the wheels are coming off the Lie-beral bus. It’s careening down the hill so fast I can no longer keep up with it. I notice that the same thing is going on in the US. Donald Trump was arrested for the same crimes that the Biden govenment has been doing routinely for years. Former President Donald Trump [who I am not a fan of] has been arrested, tried and convicted by the Putrid MSM of the US. Popular resentment towards this endemic US Government corruption is boiling over and threatens the very foundations of the nation called the United States of America.

Perhaps Canada and the US will combust at the same moment in time…after all….they’re both run by the same Globalist, Satanic, WEFerite elite. Stay tuned.

And just in case you think things can’t get any worse. Listen to the threat from JFT contained in the video clip below:

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