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Reader: The British Imperial Hand Behind Russiagate and Global Governance Exposed Again

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 14-Jun-2023 00:28:11

From a RMN reader.


By Matthew Ehret


The results of the Durham Report released on May 15 after a four year inquiry into the claims of ‘Russian interference’ into the US elections of 2016 not only provided a devastating critique of the abuses of the FBI and Clinton Machine, but also a vast international intelligence operation managed by British Intelligence directed straight from the bowels of MI6.

The 300 page Durham Report emphasized this fact in a number of locations by pointing to the contents of the “dirty dossier” of MI6 operative Christopher Steele whose claims of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign were never grounded in anything beyond loose gossip. This is extremely important, since the claims of the Christopher Steele Dossier were the entire basis for the witch hunt known as Russiagate, which the FBI inquiry under then-director James Comey dubbed ‘Crossfire Hurricane’. The Durham’s report stated:

“Our investigation determined that the Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in the Steele reporting.’

Citing the lesser known but equally important Igor Danchenko report used by Steele as the primary source of evidence for most of his grandiose claims, Durham also wrote that he was ‘unable to provide any corroborating evidence to support the Steele allegations.’
So who is Igor Danchenko?

This young Russian-born analyst at the Brookings Institute who hadn’t been to Russia in decades admitted to the FBI in January 2017 that he had no contacts with any notable Russian operatives anywhere near the Kremlin (or even Russia itself it seems), and was totally confused when he was asked why he believed Steele hired him to put together an intelligence dossier on Trump in the first place.

Such admissions didn’t seem to bother the FBI at this time, who ignored the evidence of the dossier’s fraudulent foundations and proceeded to use the Steele/Danchenko material to acquire FISA warrants on Carter Page. This dossier also fueled the fires of the Russiagate inquisition and first gave voice to the narrative that Russia “hacked” the DNC emails (which have been completely refuted by former NSA insider Bill Binney).

The firestorm of revelations surrounding the Brookings Institute were what caused the Trump administration to appoint John Durham as special investigator in 2019 which included a long-awaited probe on the powerful liberal think tank which has acted as a controlling force in America’s deep state for decades and the powerful figure of the Institute’s former president Strobe Talbott.
The Key Role of Strobe Talbott

Strobe Talbott not only led Brookings for years (2002-2012), but served as former Deputy Secretary of State of the Clinton White House, former director of the Council on Foreign Relations, was a member of the Trilateral Commissions executive committee, and also acted as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Policy Board of the Obama White House. It was Talbott who deployed Danchenko’s Brookings Institute mentor Fiona Hill to acquire a job at the National Security Council in 2017 where she not only advanced an anti-Russian war plan but testified in Trump’s impeachment trial in 2019.

Talbott also coordinated closely with Susan Rice (another Rhodes Scholar) who worked under him at the Brookings Institute and was later revealed to be at the center of the “unmasking” entrapment operation that targeted Michael Flynn in January 2017.

Fiona Hill, who had known Christopher Steele since 2006 and were in frequent discussion since 2016, co-authored two Brookings Institute intelligence reports with Danchenko and endorsed him as a “creative and accomplished analyst and researcher” which was posted on his LinkedIn account.

The “additional dossiers that weren’t the Steele dossier” refer to a lesser known dodgy dossier produced by Brookings-affiliated journalist Cody Shearer (brother-in-law of Strobe Talbott) which was crafted explicitly to validate the wildly unsupported claims found in Steele’s dossier.

Apparently having two dossiers full of the same lies is more believable than only one.

Other information which has surfaced — especially since Steele’s UK trial testimony was made public — is that Talbott reached out to the MI6 asset in August 2016 to discuss the dossier, while comparing notes on the Shearer file.

With Trump’s surprise election in November 2016, both Steele and Talbott met to strategize how they should handle the Steele dossier going forward.

Another Brookings Institute player who interfaced directly with Steele and ensured that the dossier made it into the hands of prominent pro-impeachment figures and news media outlets in America was none other than regime-change queen Victoria Nuland herself who hired Steele as an advisor during the Ukraine Maidan and met with him on several occasions to discuss the dossier before Trump’s election. Nuland had earlier bragged that the regime change operation in Ukraine cost the US government and National Endowment for Democracy $5 billion prior to 2014.

Both Nuland and her neo-con husband Robert Kagan serve as Senior Fellows at Brookings Institute.

The Real issue of Talbott’s British Pedigree

It would here be the height of folly to presume, as some commentators have done, that Talbott’s role in this operation indicates an American guiding hand between the plot to undo the 2016 elections. The fact is that Talbott’s entire life and world outlook have been shaped not by wholly anti-American ideas but rather by British Imperial principles that are programed into the minds of all Rhodes Scholars, as was the case with Talbott during his time in Oxford from 1966-1968.


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