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Anna Von Reitz: "Take Note, Mr. Trump --- and Everyone Else: 27 USC 72.11"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 13-Jun-2023 03:31:35

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "The Birth Certificate Fraud Revisited" (hobie)

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Monday, June 12, 2023

Take Note, Mr. Trump --- and Everyone Else: 27 USC 72.11

By Anna Von Reitz

All crimes have been "redefined" by this section of Federal (that is, Territorial) Code, 27 USC 72.11 so that all crimes --- so far as the British Territorial Government is concerned --- are commercial in nature.

Title 27 is a weird bit of code on a good day, governing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) and Federal regulatory and enforcement powers over these "regulated substances" and those invoked under the interstate commerce clause.

This redefinition goes hand in hand with the prosecution of the second Municipal Corporation residing in the District of Columbia, and the "universal debtors" known as "citizens of the United States" referenced by the Fourteenth Amendment of the 1868 Corporate Constitution.

The Federal Civil Services workers were the ones identified to pay the war reparations of the Civil War.

We already and long ago decried the fact that this fourteenth By-law Amendment has no form or force of positive public law and was part of a foreign corporation charter deceitfully presented to the American General Public as The Constitution of the United States of America (Incorporated) without disclosure of the meaning or nature of this document --- and that it is now a relic of a long-defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation that went out of business in 1907. All of this chicanery was never ratified by the States of the Union, anyway.

In sum total, there is no viable "Fourteenth Amendment" and there is no valid and consensual Corporation Constitution, and there is no viable authority then or now for any of this --- but if you are to deal with the set up that has been left intact despite all the foregoing, you are left with the two Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia "at (commercial) war" with each other, and playing Piggy in the Middle with the General Public -- as well as Donald Trump.

Remember: all crimes and indictments brought in Municipal Corporation Courts in the District of Columbia are brought against US PERSONS first and foremost, and these DEFENDANTS are prosecuted as Municipal Corporation franchises engaged in interstate commerce.

This is done so that the Perpetrators can latch upon the property of the named DEFENDANT and sue them under the False Legal Presumptions provided by the Fourteenth (By-Law) Amendment of a defunct foreign corporation.

And no, I could not possibly make this stuff up.

Read that: if "DONALD J TRUMP" was indicted, these are charges related to commercial crimes committed by a Municipal Corporation franchise named after him. Not Donald Trump the man. The court will be trying those charges under the false legal presumptions allowed by the Fourteenth Amendment, which pre-judges each such named DEFENDANT. They are all guilty until proven innocent. That's why there is a 96-plus percent conviction rate.

Authority for armed enforcement of this nonsense is always invoked under either: (1) Federal regulatory powers over alcohol, tobacco and firearms, or (2) the interstate commerce clause, or (3) both.

As a result, the Perpetrators have to allege and presume the existence of a commercial corporation -- e.g., DONALD J TRUMP, and they have to convert whatever is alleged against him into a commercial crime under 27 USC 72.11, to make this web of cobwebs stick.

If, on the other hand, "Donald J. Trump" was the "person" being indicted, these are charges against a British Territorial U.S. Citizen being brought under the Title 50 War Powers Act --- war powers that don't properly exist, because the "war" these powers are presumed upon is an illegal 160 year-old commercial conflict.

Nonetheless, this is how the so-called District and Supreme Courts have been operating and the presumptions they have been operating upon for decades --- whether it makes sense or not.

If this second British Territorial "person" is being addressed by the indictment, the trial is less certain to end in conviction, but it will also be a very cut-and-dried process invoked under military law.

Trump supporters need to take this seriously. If the Commander-in-Chief is found guilty of endangering "national security" by a military tribunal he could hang for it.

Key to all of this is realizing: (1) which Person or PERSON is being addressed by the indictment(s); (2) which jurisdiction of the law is being invoked; (3) which law applies and why.

Without this foundational understanding no proper defense can be mounted. To date, there is no evidence that: (A) Trump's lawyers know their butts from buttercups, or (B) that they give two cents about what happens to Trump.

Whatever else you may say about Bill Barr, he is not incompetent and he has sounded the alarm, in public.

Biden isn't the Commander-in-Chief and never was in that position, so is considered a foreign civilian in possession of classified documents he was given-- and, just like Hillary Clinton, proving injury as a result of his possession of those specific documents is difficult if not impossible.

This apparent double standard exists because there are two different Municipal Corporations involved, acting in two separate jurisdictions and under two different forms of law, each with separate offices and elected officials involved.

Keep this in mind as we go forward and watch the unfolding drama that the mainstream media will make of the Trump Indictments.


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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