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Just What Did Durham Discover?

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Friday, 26-May-2023 22:47:00

And, why no indictments? What the hell was he doing for, what three years? How was he being paid? Our tax dollars at work once again? AG Bill Barr appointed him in October 2020. That alone makes him suspect in my mind. Barr was a snake, in my estimation. I haven’t forgotten the Iran/Contra scandal if others have. I haven’t forgotten Ruby Ridge or Waco. He might not have been AG for all of that, but you can bet he had his sticky fingers in it just the same.

So, Durham discovered that neither the United States nor Intelligence had any actual evidence of collusion in their possession at the start of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation of the Trump campaign. So, what the hell was he investigating? He said the FBI had “significant reliance on investigative leads provided or funded (either directly or indirectly) by Trump’s political opponents,” the report reads. Where did the leads come from? They didn’t just materialize out of thin air.

Durham’s report found that agents “repeatedly disregarded important requirements” when they made surveillance requests on the Trump campaign – initiated under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. - in the absence of a “genuine belief” that there was probable cause to investigate the target. What the hell does that even mean? Who provided the probable cause? If there was an absence of ‘genuine belief’ that there was probable cause, who turned the dogs loose on Trump?

“Our investigation revealed that senior FBI personnel displayed a serious lack of analytical rigor towards the information that they received, especially information that they received from politically affiliated persons and entities.” In other words, they wanted Trump to be guilty so they could get on Hillary’s good side. Does she have a good side? So, they didn’t do the investigative work they should have done, which would have shown them, there was nothing there except false innuendos.

Durham wrote in his report that the Department of Justice and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of following the law in its investigation of the Trump campaign. Is that because they were politically motivated to smear Trump so people wouldn’t vote for him? Durham recommended potential reforms to the agency in handling “politically charged allegations in the future.” Oh, let’s make sure this doesn’t happen again in the future, but let’s give a pass to the agency in their illegal activities against Trump. He said, “As the more complete record shows, there are specific areas of ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ activity in which the FBI badly under-performed and failed, not only in it’s duties to the public, but also in preventing the severe reputational harm that has befallen the FBI as a consequence of ‘Crossfire Hurricane,’ Durham wrote in the report. Oh, but nothing that crossed the line that was illegal? Too late to prevent the severe reputational harm. The FBI has done this to themselves. Allowing one candidate, whom they prefer, for whatever twisted reason, to use them as a club over the head of another candidate? If that isn’t illegal, it should be.

During an interview with Newsmax on Monday, Matt Gaetz accused the FBI and DOJ of being politically biased in the probe, alleging that the agency has become the “enforcement wing of the Democratic Party to play offense against Trump.” Describing its actions as “very ugly for the future of a democracy where the people make the choices.” In my opinion, they at the very least need to delete the I from their abbreviated name. They wouldn’t recognize integrity if it bit them on the ass!

“Durham’s report takes great lengths to point out the number of times where Trump was targeted in a way no other American would be.” Gaetz said. “In essence, the FBI has now become a disinformation and election interference enterprise here in our country.” It’s very damning for them, the Steele Dossier was nonsense, the probable cause standard even to originate an investigation was never met, and you had a secret court that was lied to.” He calls for de-authorizing and defunding many of the authorities, and entities, and different task forces that actually converted the just and righteous act of protecting our country with the desire to have a particular political candidate win or lose.

Gaetz appears to accuse even Durham of political favoritism in his next remark. He said, “If the probe had been driven by a GOP candidate, or an operation to help Republican candidates campaign – it wouldn’t have concluded with just a report, but with real indictments.” That is what I thought in 2016 right before the election, listening to Comey run through all of the illegal things that Hillary did to obfuscate any conversations on her cell phone, for instance. Great, I thought. This are the various ways she has broken the law. But, you are going to give her a pass?

Clinesmith was the only one cited here for indictment. Yet, here he is with his license renewed, although he plead guilty and got probation, he is already back to practicing law. The FBI’s response was reminiscent of the days of Hoover, Holding misdeeds over the heads of politicians to keep them in line. His line. Gaetz was right. The three year dog and pony show that Durham conducted is an absolutely damning treatise on the weaponization of federal agencies against Trump, and should be a clarion call for legislative reform.

But, that was the intent all along ever since Trump declared in 2015. It has been nonstop harassment and stone walling every step of the way. All of the top people at the FBI and the DOJ should be fired and replaced with people of integrity and ethics. I would recommend Matt Whitaker for AG. But, whomever replaces these crooked actors, I know it will be with people we can trust to do their job, not swayed by political bias.

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