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SORCHA 5/26: "Russia Slams “Deluded Belief” That Atlantic Ocean Will Protect America From World War III"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Friday, 26-May-2023 12:59:49



May 26, 2023

Russia Slams “Deluded Belief” That Atlantic Ocean Will Protect America From World War III

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev assessing to reporters while wrapping up his visit to Vietnam: “It is necessary to destroy the very nature of the Nazi government in Kiev, otherwise the conflict could drag on perpetually, with three years of truce, two years of conflict, rinse and repeat...The collapse of Ukraine’s statehood is inevitable, and could either happen quickly, or through a relatively slow erosion, with the gradual loss of remaining elements of sovereignty”, says he next outlined the possible future of Ukraine with the observations:

In the first scenario, parts of Western Ukraine will come under the control of neighboring European Union states and eventually be annexed by them…The remaining no man’s land wedged between Russia and the EU protectorate will become the new Ukraine, still striving to join NATO and posing a threat to Russia…In that case, the armed conflict will shortly reignite, likely becoming permanent with a risk of quickly escalating into a full-blown world war”.

In the second scenario, Ukraine would get a government-in-exile but de-facto cease to exist, with control over its entire territory split between the EU and Russia…In that case, the risk of world war is moderate, but the terrorist activity by Ukrainian neo-Nazis on the territories annexed by the EU neighbors would drag on”.

As to why Russia will destroy the Ukrainian Nazi Regime choosing no scenario for its remaining intact, this report notes, yesterday it saw Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu declaring to Belarus Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin: “Today we are together resisting the collective West, which is waging an essentially undeclared war against our countries”—a declaration joined by Russia moving nuclear weapons into Belarus on the very border of NATO—all of which was joined this morning by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov slamming the socialist Biden Regime with the dire warning: “For now, Washington is egging its European satellites on to antagonize the Russian Federation, thinking they can get away with anything...The United States is sorely mistaken in entertaining the deluded belief that its self-preservation in any World War III scenario would be ensured by the Atlantic Ocean serving as a buffer zone”.

In an interview with the Koelner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper published earlier today, this report continues, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he was planning to re-discuss the situation in Ukraine with President Putin over the phone “in due course”, and when asked about the possible change of power in Russia, the German chancellor said: “I don’t give a dime for such speculative questions…Ultimately, authorities in Moscow and Kiev will have to strike an agreement”—an interview coming at the same time the socialist European Union’s largest economy Germany announced its economy has fallen into recession and its outlook is worsening—an announcement joined by S&P Global reporting:Manufacturing activity across the 20 countries that use the Euro has declined at its fastest pace since the Covid-19 pandemic...The key PMI index has plunged to a 36-month low, data shows”—and the just published Bloomberg economic article “Europe’s Economic Engine Is Breaking Down” gravely warns: “Germany is at risk of a long, slow decline — with consequences for the whole of the EU”.



Also earlier today, this report details, Chinese Special Representative for Eurasian Affairs Li Hui arrived at the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow to hold consultations on Ukraine, where he was greeted with the just published Wall Street Journal article “China, Pushing Ukraine Cease-Fire, Gets Cool Reception In Europe”, wherein it revealed: “Diplomat Li Hui, who has visited Kyiv, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and Brussels this month, urged European governments to view China as an economic alternative to Washington and said they should move quickly to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine before it spreads”.

As the socialist European Union spurned Chinese warnings “to end the conflict before it spreads”, this report notes, yesterday it saw top socialist Biden Regime official Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland proclaiming to the Ukrainian Nazi Regime in Kiev: “Even as you plan for the counteroffensive, which we have been working on with you for some 4-5 months, we are already beginning our discussions with the Ukrainian government and with friends in Kiev – both on the civilian side and on the military side – about Ukraine’s long-term future”—a proclamation that saw America openly admitting it is directing the conflict against Russia joined by United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin revealing that the US and its socialist Western colonial allies have poured $65 billion of weaponry into Ukraine, and him declaring: “Washington is committed to standing with Ukraine for the long haul”—and was a declaration followed by United States Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff US Army General Mark Milley proclaiming: “This war, militarily, is not going to be won by Russia...It's just not”.

Apparently oblivious to Under Secretary Nuland, Defense Secretary Austin and General Milley, this report continues, are that their proclamations and declarations are an exact repeat of what occurred in 1967 during the Vietnam War, which was when US Army General William Westmoreland stood before the entire United States Congress, on 21 November 1967, to proclaim that North Vietnam couldn’t win and declared to the American peoples: “I am absolutely certain that whereas in 1965 the enemy was winning, today he is certainly losing…We are making progress…We know you want an honorable and early transition to the fourth and last phase…So do your sons and so do I…It lies within our grasp--the enemy’s hopes are bankrupt”.

After General Westmoreland assured the American peoples that North Vietnam couldn’t win, this report details, United States Army Chief of Staff General Harold K. Johnson stated: “Westys trip has gone extremely well, and I only hope that he has not dug a hole for himself with regard to his prognostications…The platform of false prophets is crowded”—and history now records: “General Johnson turned out to be prescient...Just ten weeks after Westmoreland’s National Press Club speech, the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong launched the Tet Offensive...What Americans saw on television and read in the newspapers looked nothing like the rosy picture Westmoreland had painted...On March 22, 1968, President Johnson announced that Westmoreland would be leaving Vietnam to take up the post of Army Chief of Staff...Nine days later, President Johnson surprised the nation by saying he would not seek re-election...U.S. troops would fight in Vietnam for another five years until they acknowledge defeat and fled”.

Among those knowing the truth that everyone in the socialist Biden Regime is lying to the American peoples about Ukraine, this report concludes, is senior statesman and former US Congressman Ron Paul, who, in his just released scathing open letter “Biden’s Running Out Of Ukraine Money? Good!”, most factually observed: “When the smoke finally clears, President Biden’s Ukraine debacle will go down – along with Afghanistan and Iraq – as one of the greatest foreign policy disasters in US history”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]







May 26, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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