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WARNING: GRAPHIC: CHECKUR6: ADVERSE EVENT - A MINI DOCUMENTARY (GRAPHIC) (mirrored) (video and it is Extremely Graphic and Painful to View--CR)

Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Tuesday, 23-May-2023 00:42:30

WARNING: GRAPHIC: CHECKUR6: ADVERSE EVENT - A MINI DOCUMENTARY (GRAPHIC) (mirrored) (video and it is Extremely Graphic and Painful to View--CR)

There is more info at the link after the information I posted here and worth visiting:


Posted B Contrarian

Mirrored from Bitchute channel SixthSense at:-

⚠️FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever⚠️ https://bit.ly/3Gt39Uq

🆕⚠️Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination [PDF DOC]⚠️


⚠️What is in the so-calledCOVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity:⚠️
⚠️Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines⚠️



⚠️DOCUMENT: Evidence for a connection between 'coronavirus disease-19' and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G [PDF DOC]⚠️


Dear RM Agents and Readers,

When You understand that a lot of things I viewed on this video I've seen in photos from people perhaps that will give you a better realization of why so many with Morgellons have pushed so hard to get the condition known.

If you consider that our world has become more toxic, by design, the makers of the vaccines and the push to depopulate. Those such as Bill Gates, not a doctor, not a scientist but a person that has been pushing for depopulation for sometime; givng you a shot for 'free' that we ultimately have paid for with our taxes.

It is always how I have felt about Lyme/Morgellons (bioweapon), they made it with our hard work and finances and then gave it to us. Do you feel screwed and screwed again? You Should.

At one point I had discovered some information that was posted at Rumormill news long before it was taken down. It was a paper by a scientist I cannot recall the name but do remember him saying that
they are turning dials and amping up the energy through the towers and this will cause different diseases based upon the frequency they put out. Yet, it will hit different persons differently based upon genetics and environment, what you eat, drink and breathe.

The photos, on the video, some were worse than I had seen but many looked all to familiar.

Some women even developed penis's; can you imagine what it would be like watching your body morph right in front of you.

I watched my mouth develop a large hole in the roof and then I saw as a second roof of my mouth was formed. I watched the top of my ears be eaten away, my hair fall out, lymph glands grew extremely large, bells palsy at one point, lesions over the upper half of my body. My legs swelled at the ankles, one breast grew triple the size of the other one. The cartlige between the nose also grew a large hole in it. The bottoms of my feet became extremely callused.

Went to three doctors and everyone said the tests were normal. After the last one I just thought they were either full of crap or it was just to far over their heads, maybe it was both. That wasn't even counting the extreme sensitivities to light, sound to the point of extreme pain from water dripping or too much light.

I wore sunglasses at night often. My eyes at one point turned blood red in the whites; probably bleeding in the brain.

So after I came back to reality and I was gone a couple years that I do not recall. I would wake up and not know where I was or how I got there.

I decided the only one that could change this was me with the my hand in God's. I cleaned up my diet entirely, read everything I could on nutrition. I realized how important the water going into and onto my body was. The air I was breathing in the place I lived was close to a sewage plant that had issues, so I changed that as well, I left a nice home to be able to breathe fresh air again.

Then I had to clean up toxic thoughts and understand how very important the energy from our thoughts can affect us. I mostly left the medical world behind, no more trust. Probably saved my life.

It is extremely difficult to think positively when parts of your body are falling off and changing before your eyes. In many ways you have to do a rebuild and understand that you are not your body; it is simply the vehicle to get you about. You build up the connection with source/God/Christ and from there you begin to heal.

I watched this video and I cried, these poor people, these poor souls. How can these monsters see this and continue on the same path? I don't think they are human, I really don't.

You wouldn't know any of this happened to me by looking at me now.
Miracles do happen!

Many Blessings,

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