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What You Need To Know Before You Vote

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Friday, 19-May-2023 18:00:22

I believe it is important to keep personalities out of it, as much as possible. That seems to be what the Lame Stream Media likes to focus on. All we really have to do is look at past performance to determine who is with us and who can’t be trusted to be with us in any ongoing situation. It doesn’t take any kind of degree to see which way the wind blows with what will likely be our two candidates in the 2024 election, if we have one. Let’s look at some of the big issues of the day and see if we can figure out how each candidate would respond to the challenge.

The economy is a good place to start. Which one seems to understand fiscal responsibility? Biden’s answer for any problem, seems to be, throw as much money at it as possible. Anything that supports socialist/communist ideology gets windfall funding from him. Trying to forgive student loan debt. Keeping our Southern border open and making sure that illegals, who make it in are taken care of. Free everything, all their needs taken care of. No reason to fear exposure and deportation.

Propping up central banks as long as possible. Like former FED chairman Alan Greenspan said recently and with a straight face, we won’t default on any of our bills, All we have to do is print more money.” Someone with that assumed intelligence and experience thinks all you have to do to cover any bills coming due and keeping the Treasury Notes an attractive place to invest, is just to print more money. Brilliant! I have always wanted to see how a businessman would perform in the job of president. Quite well, actually. We were energy independent, even able to sell some of our oil. Prices for food and at the pump, were low enough we didn’t have to sell our firstborn to afford them. We weren’t hearing about any banks closing.

Just what is the job of the president, besides signing or vetoing bills? Believe it or not after watching Biden for almost three years, it is the job of the president, and Congress too, to be fair, to repel invasions. Article 1, Section 8. They are also required to take an oath of office to faithfully preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. AND to have it notarized! Apparently this fake president and most, if not all, of his administration have either not taken the oath or have not had it notarized. If I had to guess, that would be at Obama’s direction to avoid charges of treason.

Article IV, Section 4 again states that the United States government shall guarantee to every state in the Union, a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion. Who do you trust to safeguard our borders? Who do you trust to manage immigration, so we are not absorbing the dregs of other countries societies? The elected members of our government are mandated by the Constitution to preserve and protect our Constitution and the people of the United States. Who do you think has done and will do a better job of that? Do you think the people on the Southern border feel protected? Do any of us?

That is why every time there is a mass shooting somewhere, TPTB do everything in their power to disarm us. Yet every time, the response by the citizens is to buy yet more guns and ammo. I think if we are invaded, we at least have a chance to repel the invaders. With as many armed citizens as we have, any world leader would have to be a fool to attempt invading us. Remember, the home court has the advantage. Even Dems are buying up guns for the first time. Many first time buyers are women. Can you imagine being a woman, perhaps with children, and living along our southern border? Yikes! I’m afraid if someone were to break into my house down there, I would shoot first and ask questions later. In this case, you’re fighting to preserve your freedom and protect your family.

I suppose it’s not fair to judge which candidate would preserve jobs and rebuild factories. That has been slowly dismantled by both Parties, leading people to understand that there really is a dangerous army already among us. The takeover by socialists/communist has been insidious. But, I believe it was a Democrat both times who signed NAFTA and tried to get the TPP passed into law. However, make no mistake about it, both Bushes were corrupt up to their eyeballs. The Republican Party has so many RINOS, they could split off and use the Rino as their symbol to start a new party.

It seemed to me that Trump was a Nationalist. The moves he made showed us that he loves this country and tried his best to rebuild it while fending off nonstop persecution of one thing after another. He made sure that other NATO countries paid their share. He put a tariff on all goods coming in from China. OMG, that isn’t the way it was supposed to work. The CCP squealed like the swine they are. Almost from the time Biden took his stolen office, he has signed Executive Order after Executive Order. And not in favor of the American people. In obedience to his puppet masters, he has destroyed prosperity and freedom almost everywhere in our country. Another four years of this senile idiot and this country will be a third world country, with no hope left.

As Biden loses more control and as viable candidates throw their hat in the ring, with both Parties having at least one candidate the people can get enthusiastically behind, he has reverted to more and more of Trump’s ideas. As more information comes out about this corrupt family and their nefarious dealings with foreign powers, he will lose even more support. The Dems may just have to replace him before the next election. I’m assuming that Kennedy is running on the Democratic ticket. And, he hasn’t named a VP yet. But, he has set himself up to follow in his uncle and father’s footsteps by vowing to ‘clean house; in the CIA, especially. However, there are things that he believes, like Climate Change, that make me question his intelligence. Please, RFK, read a book called “Dark Winter” by John L. Casey and tell me you still buy that ridiculous fairy tale.

Checking off another box, which candidate is protecting our food, water and seed supply. The NDAA actually gives the president the power to confiscate, basically anything you have. Both of these candidates have signed it. This is one of those areas where you will need a store of supplies or the ability to get them. If the S. really does HTF, you will need a store of supplies and the means to protect it. Will either of them send the military or National Guard door to door to confiscate stored food and weapons? That can’t happen? I believe Katrina was a test case as the National Guard went door to door confiscating any weapons they found. So, the people, already dealing with a devastating hurricane and flooding, were not then able to protect themselves from looters. And I believe the Boston Bombing showed how citizens will allow law enforcement into their homes without a warrant. I couldn’t believe that people were just opening their doors like they did. And in a city that had been in the middle of the events of the Revolutionary War.

Then we come to the medical tyranny of the last two and a half years. Although both of these projected candidates encouraged people to take the required jabs, at least Trump was against mandating them. But, what would it take to mandate against the next ‘virus’ invasion? And, would both of them mandate it? I’m guessing they would. Especially if the WHO takes over the role of your doctor and the U.S. government. I think the Elite were as surprised as I was at the way the sheep like people lined up for their “Life-saving” shots. But, of course, they weren’t life saving were they? They were life destroying in the end.

I am at least encouraged at the number of people who refused the jab, even in the face of unemployment used to coerce them. I am also encouraged at the people who took one shot and said, “No more!” But, didn’t anyone else question how all those Chinese people just managed to fall down dead in front of a camera? Please understand, any video that comes out of China, that’s allowed by the CCP, is at the very least, suspect. So, will we have another deadly pathogen turned loose on us? Depend on it. That is why, whoever wins the 2024 presidency IF we have another election, is so important. We need someone who will fight for We, the People. Is there anyone running that we can count on to do that?

What does it mean to win the presidency of the U.S.? What would someone do to gain those votes? “2,000 Mules” showed us what the Dems would do. But there are others running on the Republican ticket, who are salivating to win that top job. Is it because they want to turn this ship of state around and make decisions that will benefit us?

I was impressed with some of the things that DeSantis did even before he acted like a candidate, though still unannounced. Then Florida changed its laws to allow him to run for president, while retaining his job as governor. So, who is running the state of Florida while he ‘tests the waters’ as a presidential hopeful? He must not be too sure of a win as he wants to secure his job as governor. ‘Power hungry’ much? No, that smells to me. He’s lost his possible vote from me, if he ever does decide to throw his hat in the ring.

To answer the question of ‘What Do You Need To Know Before You Vote’? At the very least, I need to know that a potential candidate has integrity and I’m not seeing that in DeSantis. Had he put his political desires on the back burner for down the road and backed the man who helped get him elected as governor, I would have been willing to campaign and vote for him in 2028. I will keep looking.

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