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SORCHA 5/16: "Russia Declared In “Rebellion” Against American “Empire Of Debt” Headed For Collapse"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 16-May-2023 12:41:38



May 16, 2023

Russia Declared In “Rebellion” Against American “Empire Of Debt” Headed For Collapse

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin signed a decree to transfer one of the most cherished pieces of Russian religious art, the “Trinity” icon, to the Russian Orthodox Church after its confiscation by demonic socialist forces in 1917, says this priceless artwork was originally painted for a cathedral at the monastery in the first quarter of the 15th Century, around the time when the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Persian Empire first established relations—today are known as the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran, both of whom plan to sign a new strategic cooperation agreement in the near future—but in rage because of the over 500 years of peaceful relations between Russia and Iran, the leading Washington DC-based warmongering think tank Heritage Foundation just proclaimed: “Washington must develop an overarching framework for undermining the power of both, penalizing dangerous cooperation between the two, and ratcheting up stress on their bilateral ties”.

Joining the American proclamation to interfere in the peaceful relations Russia has with its neighbors, this report notes, top socialist Biden Regime foreign policy advisor Fiona Hill declared: “More than a year after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the brutal war Vladimir Putin ignited has transformed, as major regional conflicts often do, into a war with global ramifications...This has not, as Vladimir Putin and others claim, become a proxy war between the United States or the "collective West" against Russia...In the current geopolitical arena, the war is now effectively the reverse—a proxy for a rebellion by Russia and the "Rest" against the United States...The war in Ukraine is perhaps the event that makes the passing of pax Americana apparent to everyone”—a declaration that followed world-renowned Brazilian geopolitical analysts Pepe Escobar, in his just released open letter “US Empire of Debt Headed for Collapse”, most factually observing:

Prof. Michael Hudson’s new book, “The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilization’s Oligarchic Turning Point” is a seminal event in this Year of Living Dangerously when, to paraphrase Gramsci, the old geopolitical and geoeconomic order is dying and the new one is being born at breakneck speed.

Prof. Hudson’s main thesis is absolutely devastating: he sets out to prove that economic/financial practices in Ancient Greece and Rome – the pillars of Western Civilization – set the stage for what is happening today right in front of our eyes: an empire reduced to a rentier economy, collapsing from within.

And that brings us to the common denominator in every single Western financial system: it’s all about debt, inevitably growing by compound interest.

These kingdoms all knew about the importance of canceling debts. Otherwise their subjects would fall into bondage; lose their land to a bunch of foreclosing creditors; and these would usually try to overthrow the ruling power.

Aristotle succinctly framed it: “Under democracy, creditors begin to make loans and the debtors can’t pay and the creditors get more and more money, and they end up turning a democracy into an oligarchy, and then the oligarchy makes itself hereditary, and you have an aristocracy”.

In the aftermath of World War II, this report continues, the United Nations was created to balance global financial inequities and stop nations from unilaterally launching wars and upsetting the world’s trade balance—quickly after which, however, the United States began launching undeclared wars and unilaterally sanctioning anyone opposing them—is a system of gain global hegemony the United States calls “the rules based order”, which it has yet to define, but when coming against the superpower nation Russia, today it sees sanctioned Russian oil exports hitting a record high—today it sees the G7 socialist Western colonial powers looking to place more sanctions on Russia, except for G7 member Japan, that is boosting its imports of sanctions Russian energy—starved of cheap Russian energy European Union member Italy just posted its largest national debt in history—and today the Eurozone reported their industrial output suffered a significant decline of 4.1%.

While the world watches the socialist Western colonial powers commit collective economic suicide, this report details, European Union Commissioner Vera Jourova factually observed: “In many countries, the narrative that Russia is not the aggressor but the victim is on the rise”—after talking with numerous global leaders it saw German Chancellor Olaf Scholz revealing: “When I talk to leaders from those countries, many assure me that they are not questioning the underlying principles of our international order. What they are struggling with is the unequal application of those principles...What they expect is representation on equal terms and an end to Western double standards...Their leaders perceive that we only approach them because we are interested in their raw materials or because we want their support on a UN resolution”—and how the world really feels is documented in the just releated geopolitical document “The ‘Clash Of Civilizations’ Is Already Underway As The World Resists Westernization”, wherein it notes: “Apart from very subservient countries such as Japan, the rest of the world has never wanted to be dominated by the West…That doesn’t mean they are hostile to the West, but it does represent a longing to be treated as equal and to exist on their own terms as opposed to being at the bottom of an economic and value hierarchy which only benefits a small group of countries…As such, the new Cold War could very much be built on a “clash of civilizations”, because it is Western liberalism up against those who elect not to live by its premises”.


In the Eastern European country best described in the article “Welcome To Ukraine, The Most Corrupt Nation In Europe” the socialist Western colonial powers are committing economic suicide over, this report notes, Ukrainian Supreme Court Chairman Vsevolod Knyazev was just arrested for receiving a $2.7 million bribe—an arrest joined by the news: “Hungary has blocked the transfer of €500 million ($544 million) worth of arms and military equipment from the European Union to Ukraine”—news quickly followed by the revelation: “US aid for Ukraine could completely run out as early as mid-summer, Politico reported on Monday, citing sources familiar with the matter…That’s as Washington has already spent most of the $48 billion aid package approved by Congress in December”—all of which joins Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya informing the United Nations: “Recently German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that possible arms supplies by third countries to Russia were unacceptable because they could be equated to participation in the conflict...And what about the fact that now the entire military machine of the West is working to keep the war going?...This is yet another open admission of direct Western involvement in the conflict”.

Earlier today, this report continues, BRICS Alliance member leader South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that President Putin and President Zelensky both agreed to accept a peace delegation, with him revealing: “My discussions with the two leaders demonstrated that they are both ready to receive the African leaders and to have a discussion on how this conflict can be brought to an end...Whether that will succeed or not is going to depend on the discussions that will be held...Throughout, we have been firm on this point: South Africa has not been, and will not be, drawn into a contest between global powers”.

In the hours immediately prior to President Zelensky agreeing to accept a BRICS Alliance peace deregulation of African leaders, this report details, the Ukrainian government announced: “Russia conducted an integrated attack on targets in Kiev in the early hours of Tuesday that was exceptional in its density...The maximum number of attacking missiles was launched in the shortest period of time”—an announcement followed by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) announcing: “A precision strike by a Russian hypersonic Kinzhal missile has destroyed a Patriot air defense system in Kiev”, then reported: “Russian air defense systems managed to intercept seven enemy Storm Shadow missiles in a day...The Russian Armed Forces also intercepted three HARM anti-radar missiles, as well as seven HIMARS MLRS rockets”, and revealed: “Since the beginning of the special operation, the Russian Armed Forces have managed to destroy 425 aircraft, 233 helicopters, 4,156 drones, 421 air defense systems, 9,169 tanks and other armored vehicles, 1,100 MLRS, 4,821 field artillery pieces and a mortar, as well as 10,214 units of military vehicles”.




Last Friday on 12 May, this report concludes, Special Counsel John Durham gave top socialist Biden Regime official Attorney General Merrick Garland a 306 page report entitled “Report on Matters Related to Intelligence Activities and Investigations Arising Out of the 2016 Presidential Campaigns”, wherein it documented how the FBI colluded with Hillary Clinton to frame President Donald Trump and Russia—collusion to frame President Trump and Russia while covering up the crimes of Hillary Clinton that also involved the CIA, as documented in the article “Durham Report: Plan by Hillary Clinton to Link Trump to Russia Was Briefed by CIA Director John Brennan to Obama and Biden in August 2016!”—a damning Durham Report publically released yesterday that was quickly joined by the beyond shocking article “Whistleblower: IRS Removed ‘Entire Investigative Team’ from Hunter Biden Probe, per DOJ Request”—all of which was followed by President Trump posting the message to the American peoples: “THEY ARE SCUM, LIKE COCKROACHES ALL OVER WASHINGTON, D.C. Congratulations to John Durham on a Report that is being praised for its quality, importance, and professionalism, by friend and foe alike!”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


May 16, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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