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Clif High Newsletter: Universe LOVES Pirates! . . . Sharpen Your Knives!

Posted By: SpaceCommando
Date: Tuesday, 18-Apr-2023 13:51:49

By Clif High - April 18, 2023

Universe LOVES Pirates!

Sharpen your knives!

It had been ‘an ordinary world’, in 1997, then the results of the first run of my software were produced, thus ending the last bit of my naivete still hanging around about our planet. Or, rather, about our Humanity.

Unlike ChatGPT (AI), my LLM (large language model), was not a neural net trained linking engine, but rather an analytic list-matching engine. Big difference. So ChatGPT achieves ‘non deterministic behavior’ by way of linking of text in databases through a complex software algorithm.

The ALTA Reports series started with the first of the large scale internet sweeps resulting in hundreds of millions of ‘reads’. The ALTA report engine was entirely deterministic in its approach. It was analytical. This caused the need for batch processing mode required to eat through vast quantities of text in the form of hundreds of ‘reads’, each of which was 2048 words located around our ‘key language’.

Walk without rhythm, and you won’t attract the worm.

Once again, in my software, as is now seen in ChatGPT, the effort was a hunt for ‘random’. Much of our material world is designed JUST to produce ‘random’ interactions. In my software, the analytics were deterministic, but the ‘random’ was already built into the process by the humans who were putting out the language. My process had identified linguistic clues to the seemingly ‘random’ associations within words on the internet that, in fact, were, and are, prompted by Universe. By use of my base algorithms around linguistic linking, the software analysis was able to tease out prescient clues to our unfolding future.

Many of the sets of prescient words first encountered in 1997 were describing our current circumstances. Yes, many of the timing placements were quite wrong due to factors too complex, and mostly too obtuse, to get into at this point, suffice it to say, that in this Matterium, ‘timing is a real bitch’ to do well. On any, and all levels.

In spite of the timing, many of the descriptor sets were incredibly detailed about these years. The data described the ‘sun (corona) disease’, it’s impact, it’s fake-ness, and the rise of the ‘Woke Globalism’, and much, much more, though without many of the labels we are currently placing on the phenomena that fill our lives. Including the many, diverse, Strange Energies from Space. All from the perspective of near 30 years back!

In this work, it is necessary to always keep in mind, the computer software was JUST an aggregator, it had NOTHING to do with the prescient language being put out by humans. All the software did was to locate, and collect this language into sets such that it could be examined. It was out there. Just laying around on the internet for anyone to find. Universe wants it this way. Universe wants its humans to have ‘prescient vision’. We know this as we DO have prescient vision, as my software and publicly posted reports prove.

You are constantly being ‘pinged’ by stuff from the developing Future, just ahead of its manifestation into your world. Mostly we are ALL normies in this part of the process of Life, and are NOT aware of the future intruding on our minds, but we are reactive to the mental pressures of the prescient knowledge on our understanding of the world. In fact, my software depended on the normie-minds reacting to this pressure by ‘leaking’ out the vision through unconscious word choices.

Being ‘normie-minded’ is when you are caught up in the tasks of your daily world such that your mind becomes occupied with the tasks, and does not examine the larger world that is prompting those tasks, nor your role, in it, in real time. Nor do you consider the interactive nature of you, and that larger world, and your mutual feedback loops impacts on your mind, and behavior. This is much as the Hindu tradition would describe the ‘house-holder’. The idea being the encapsulation of the vision of that mind by the distractions of its ‘normal’ life, mostly to the exclusion of all else in our common, constantly unfolding, shared reality.

So it was the vast numbers of normie-minds piling onto the internet in the 1990s that produced the first of the runs describing our world today! What were you writing back then in 1997? It contributed (perhaps) to our first ALTA run, and the developing data set view of the unfolding reality in which we now live.

The prescient leaks into language were very revealing. Much more so than there was any reason to suspect in those early years. Yes, the timing sucks, but the accuracy of the descriptor sets, and the set bindings (what stuff was found next to what other stuff), more than compensate for the level of inaccuracy of the decoding of the timing clues.

We are living in your prescient language leaks of decades ago. The descriptions provided then are now our reality. There remain descriptors that have yet to manifest. Many of these appear to be emergent in the activity now. We have passed through the ‘sun disease’ years, and, as forecast in the data sets continually over these last 30+ years, we are seeing the rising of the language about both Disclosure of UFOs (from officialdom), and Evidence of The Arrival (actual UFO sightings/encounters).

This set, that of the UFO centered language, was continually cross linked to sets about the Death of the Dollar (now called DeDollarization), and the sets about the political chaos now engulfing the Western liberal Republics. This set of the UFOs first appeared in the ALTA work in the very first run in 1997. It was constantly present in all subsequent data runs, and was constantly growing in all data runs. It grew new links continuously. It grew larger over time, though never showed as totally dominating of any set, other than momentarily/briefly (as we see from MSM coverage of the subject), UNTIL, we got to the point that humanity in the USA was having to express itself with ‘food riots’. Bear in mind that in 1997, the tendency was towards totally discounting this ‘food riots’ data set as being way-too-wonky to examine. Given our world in 1997, it was nearly impossible to imagine we would have had food, or any other real, shortages in the USA.

But the ‘food riots’ set persisted, and grew. Now, curiously, we do have the potential for food riots this year in the USA as the mother WEFfers’ agents, coming across the southern border, and already infiltrated into our society, are attacking our food production facilities with the intent of driving us into their Great Reset of Bug Eating in the Dark.

Also, curiously, amongst the many other manifesting descriptor sets from the ALTA reports, we are also having something of a flurry of UFO sightings. These are on a rising trend line over these last 15 months. Hmmm?

And now ‘officialdom’ is going to have UAP (they always change the language. UFOs! Damn it!) hearings on the 19th of this month. Hmmm...curious conjunction of timing…?

My system for aggregating your errant thoughts resulting in prescient leaks of language was set theoretic mathematics based. It was ‘sets’ all the way down. These sets were massive, especially when you consider that the ALTA sofware was running on x86 based chipsets in a first generation multiple processor server. The sets were terabytes in size. Even after processing, and that could take over 21 days to complete.

The resultant ALTA report would initially take over a month to construct. Obviously it was not possible to put all the data into a report. These reports were designed as a financial analysis vehicle. That changed when the first report issued in 2001 predicted the 9/11 attacks 85 days ahead of the event.

There was much left out of the reports. The condensate data that was put into the reports as descriptor sets still has descriptors yet to manifest. These include much about the Disclosure (by officialdom), as well as the Arrival (part of the Secrets Revealed set). There are reasons to suspect that we are heading into manifestation on some aspects/attributes of these sets in our immediate future (this Summer/Fall).

As the ALTA reports could not have been more than fractionally inclusive, given the sheer size of the data that we had to process to produce the resulting reports, a few items bear noting at this junction of Events and Time.

Bear in mind, from the perspective of 1997 through 2010, all our current world would look ‘too-wonky’ to consider as possible.

In way of noting ahead of potential manifestations, Universe loves, and supports Humanity, even if we, in our short sight of the events of the moment, are incapable of seeing it. Universe loves us as we are prime level, top dog, Novelty Creators. We are always doing new shit. Every day we come up with new stuff in the Matterium. Universe favors this.

As both the Disclosure, and the Arrival continue to unfold into our emerging reality, we note that, as described in various of our data sets, Universe loves pirates. They are good at prompting Novelty to be revealed. We will soon have proof of this, that is, that Universe LOVES Pirates! We will know as it will provide us with fat merchant ships!



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