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Movie Review: "Jesus Revolution" - 2 m trailer plus comments

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 00:56:49


Description: In the 1970s, Greg Laurie and a sea of young people descend on sunny Southern California to redefine truth through all means of liberation. Inadvertently, Laurie meets a charismatic street preacher and a pastor who open the doors to a church to a stream of wandering youth. What unfolds is a counterculture movement that becomes the greatest spiritual awakening in American history.

Youtube comments:
Just saw the film in a theatre this afternoon. My review:
It is a rare thing when:
a) I watch a movie in a theatre; and
b) I can't think of anything negative about the film.
I give it a solid grade of "A". This movie is a must watch, especially during this time period of negativity and possible revival. Let's flood the theatres with people and support it!..

I am an atheist, and I found that trailer very moving and life affirming. The idea of people coming together and overcoming differences is something that the world could use a LOT more of.

Man, I’m 23. I party, I drink a little, I smoke.
I am not perfect by anyone and and I am not super religious at all. With that being said…
This movie almost made me as a grown man cry. One tear rolled down my face involuntarily while I was right next to my girlfriend..

I got to watch this movie yesterday, a surprise early preview. It is absolutely incredible! It definitely speaks to our generation today, and it’s very similar to how I believe we need to be reaching out to the new age group. They are eagerly searching for love, and for truth, just in all the wrong places.

My comment:
This movie is really not about religion or Jesus, per se, it is about opening up to people with love and letting go of materialism. It shows the benefits of rejecting drugs and alcohol abuse and finding inner peace and fulfillment through treating others like we would want to be treated.

It was also an outgrowth of the anti war movement during the Viet Nam Era. This was a movement OUTSIDE of the denominational religious system. But over the years, like all movements, it became intoxicated by gathering numbers and the fixation on emotionalism. The leaders were still human beings that had vulnerabilities to puffed up egos as they saw their popularity increase.
This movie was a real lesson in human nature and how movements can be multifaceted - mixed with great inspiration and at the same time loaded with human complexities that few people understand or keep in check.

The bottom line of this movie is to understand it was a real event that happened to real people. It could be considered a positive thing for our nation, and something that is sorely needed again in these chaotic and dark times.
It could be said that most religions are based on emotionalism, which causes a natural, human catharsis inside a person that is also connected to an epiphany that is life changing. But it can be balanced with common sense choices that direct a person's life to living by the golden rule and developing work ethics to live a wholesome life. If we live by emotionalism alone we are out of balance and can then crash and burn and then wonder why.

If people will learn to cultivate their life to wanting to help others and treat others with kindness they will be happier. The material world we were raised in hit a crisis point in the late '60s. We were the perfect, ideal modern generation trained to work in the rat race, obey the government and religiously send our children to die for the bankers wars.
But the hippie movement exposed the fallacy of materialism and the "great commercial" and promoted going back to our roots of loving others as real human beings and spending time together as friends without ulterior motives of a career, money or station in life.

This was beautifully illustrated when the pastor of that church was washing the feet of the hippies before they entered the church. His elders had complained the hippies were making the shag carpet dirty with their bare feet, so he washed their feet, and he bought them shoes. In this regard the two different lifestyles merged to both change and become united in a single theme of togetherness. This is what Jesus did 2,000 years ago, and it was reinvented with great success. But like all movements, once it gets "big" - then egos, money and doctrines get in the way and it gets derailed again.

There is another downside to unbridled emotions involving the sharing of things. The early church in the new testament gathered together with a great emotional, inspirational and philosophical awakening. They gathered like the Jesus freaks of the '60s and they had all things in common, in other words they were practicing communism. The pilgrims tried that same theory in the new world and after the first winter season it ended in a disaster. They had to go back to each family being responsible for their own gardens and labors that they were involved in, and this allowed the pilgrims to prosper though natural human incentives.

I enjoyed the movie "Jesus Revolution", and found it very emotional for me because I saw many of these scenes first hand in California, and throughout the US. It was a human rebellion against the status quo, but it was interpreted in many diverse ways by millions of people. Every perosn has their own unique description of that time. Some considered it a sex revolution to push free sex, integration, and gay lifestyles. Others saw it has a push to do drugs and drop out of society and live like bums. To others it was all about the music concerts and new music. And then with the outgrowth of social rebellion, the Jesus freak movement became popular with braless hippie chicks giving men hugs. What was there not to like?!? LOL

There was a sexual component to the movie and the movement, plus the coming of age of young people, which is nature in action. But that should not be confused with religious or philosophical inspiration.
Each one of these elements of a life's experience has merit and value, but to focus on one thing, like religious emotionalism, which is nothing but a chemical, can leave a person laying on the ground somewhere with no job, no future and no way to feed themselves and raise a family. A life well lived requires balance. The Jesus freak movement was NOT balanced by any stretch of the imagination, and it led to its own end as soon as people grew up and got hungry.
However, what it did teach us is the importance of kindness, and love for others and to live a life with friends and relatives - where we put them above material things. George Eaton

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