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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Wednesday, 22-Mar-2023 19:51:48


Bouvier 1856 Law Library on Habeas Corpus – HABEAS CORPUS, remedies A writ of habeas corpus is an order in writing, signed by the judge who grants the same, and sealed with the seal of the court of he is a judge, issued in the name of the sovereign power where it is granted, by such a court or a judge thereof, having lawful authority to issue the same, directed to any one having a person in his custody or under his restraint, commanding him to produce, such person at a certain time and place, and to state the reasons why he is held in custody, or under restraint.

#6. By the habeas corpus law of Pennsylvania, (the Act of February 18, 1785,) the benefit of the writ of habeas corpus is given in “all cases where any person, not being committed or detained for any criminal, or supposed criminal matter,” Who “shall be confined or restrained of his or her liberty, under any color or pretence whatsoever.” A similar provision is contained in the habeas corpus act of New York. Act of April 21, 1818, sect. 41, ch. 277.

#7. The Constitution of the United State art. 1, s. 9, n. 2, provides, that “the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it and the same principle is contained in many of the state constitutions. In order still more to secure the citizen the benefit of this great writ, a heavy penalty is inflicted upon the judges who are bound to grant it, in case of refusal.

First of all, the indictment is not an arrest warrant. As reported, the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, must ask the grand jury that has been hearing evidence about the former president to vote on whether to charge him. A majority of jurors must agree to do so.

Then a warrant for arrest would have to be filed and sent to Kathy Hochul, Governor of New York, who would have to issue a Governor’s Warrant to Governor Ron DeSantis.

Governor DeSantis would have to accept that Warrant in order for President Trump to be extradited back to New York. Governor DeSantis has already stated that the case against you, President Trump, is unlawful and bogus, which shows that he is not interested in participating in the egregious violations of the Constitution and Rule of Law. However, Governor DeSantis can issue an Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus on as an effort to validate the claims against Trump and that decision can be made in the State of Florida.

Habeas Corpus is probably the most important matter facing the nation especially in light of the fact that on September 15, 1863, by Proclamation 104:

Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States proclaimed and, “made known to all whom it may concern that the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended throughout the United States, and required all magistrates, attorneys and other civil officers with the United States and all officers and others in the military and naval services of the United States to take distinct notice of this suspension and it give it full effect, and that this suspension will continue throughout the duration if the said rebellion o until this proclamation shall, by a subsequent one to be issued by the President of the United States be modified or revoked.”

On April 2, 1866 President Andrew Johnson issued Proclamation 157 – Declaring that Peace, Order and Tranquility, and Civil Authority Now Exists in and Throughout the Whole of the United States of America. President Andrew Johnson, who acknowledged that he was President of the United States, declared by his proclamation that:

The “insurrection which heretofore existed in the State of Texas is at an end and is to be henceforth so regarded in that State as in the other States before named in which the said insurrection was proclaimed to be at an end.” President Johnson further declared, “And I do further proclaim that the said insurrection is at an end and the peace, order and tranquility, and civil authority now exist in and throughout the whole of the United States of America.”

However, there was no other specific reference in President Johnson’s Proclamation 157 to President Lincoln’s Proclamation 104, which required notice of revocation or modification.

Thus, President Johnson’s Proclamation 157 did not alter or change President Lincoln’s Proclamation 104 and that President Johnson’s Proclamation 157 only affected the State of Texas and the other named States AND the United States of America, which is a wholly different entity than the United States. (Watch “Show Me Proof Habeas Corpus is no longer Suspended” on YouTube Covers Executive Order 104 September 15th 1963 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFn0Gw1DH6A)

We are some of those who have concerns and understand that the rebellion Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States referred to, is still ongoing, and we are unable to find evidence of a subsequent proclamation from a President of the United States modifying or revoking Proclamation 104. Thus before any court could rule on an Application for a Writ of Habeas Corpus, SCOTUS would have to make a Declaratory Judgement as to whether or not Habeas Corpus had been reinstated.

Secondly, you, President Trump, issued a declaration that we are at war, so even if Habeas Corpus had been reinstated, your Executive Order suspended it again. So, New York cannot lawfully issue an indictment and Warrant for Arrest of you, President Trump, because it appears that the Military is the only one who has lawful authority for the last 140 years.

President Trump, you are not an enemy of the states and thus you should be attempting to seek redress under the provisions of Proclamation 104.

Additionally, you may find of interest the Admissions by the five Justices of the UTAH SUPREME COURT earlier this month, wherein they ADMIT to Paul Kenneth & Barbara Ann Cromar (sometimes known as “Barbie & Ken”) of Cedar Hills, Utah, that the state of war declared by Abraham Lincoln has never been revoked and where in the Justices do NOT provide Habeas Corpus remedy for this patriotic couple defending themselves from a similarly weaponized DOJ and lRS for their exposing of corruption in their small town where he served as a City Councilman for 5 and a half years.

The original “Rebellion” of the slavery promoting government has never been officially and lawfully ended. You, Mr. President can take advantage of this actionable “Abuse of Process” in violation of USC Title 18 sec. 242 – Denial of Constitutionally protected Rights under the Color of Law, and, USC Title 18 sec. 241 – Conspiracy to Deny Rights, and ironically possible New York government officials in RICO violation, to help insure that it does.

The above violations of law could lead to Mr. Bragg’s disbarment and prosecution for violation of USC 5 § 3331- Oath of office, and 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – TREASON in the Courts, for which there is one appropriate and irreversible penalty of death by hanging.

This could get interesting rather quickly! – Please pass this on to your esteemed Counsel for immediate consideration.

We are grateful for Your Every Effort to Protect Yourself and All We the People from criminal “DOMESTIC enemies.

May God Bless You and Your Family’s Every Righteous and Godly Effort,

Tom Fairbanks
Community Health Advocate
Community Support Foundation

“Barbie & Ken” Cromar have posted and archived Tom’s letter at their website with the following link, which also includes a PDF of the ” Admissions by the five Justices of the UTAH SUPREME COURT”


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