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Anna Von Reitz: "Every Kind of Deceit"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 22-Feb-2023 17:33:29

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "The Kingdom of Lies" (hobie)

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Monday, February 20, 2023

Every Kind of Deceit

By Anna Von Reitz

Michael McKibben and Team recently revealed that there are no longer any living Hebrews and therefore, none of the people now practicing Judaism are Hebrews. None of those now speaking and writing Hebrew are Hebrews, none of those now studying Talmud and Noahide Law are Hebrews, none of those now attempting to obey Mosaic Law are Hebrews, none of those claiming possession of the Old Testament Covenant, none of those circumcising their sons.... are Hebrews.

Actual Hebrews started disappearing 3100 years ago; they were set free from the wheel of karma, their debts were all paid, and the Law of Moses was fulfilled for them. Their Savior came by the hardest road.

Others have also found the Way out of karma, but on an individual basis, one by one.

It is the height of inanity for anyone to talk about today's Zionist Jews as if they were inheritors of the Hebrews. The Hebrews certainly didn't leave any such Will behind, nor their bloodlines, either.

There is no basis to talk about "Jews" and "Hebrews" in the same breath, and it's for the same reason that there is no point in talking about "Americans" and "U.S. Citizens" in the same breath.

There were Hebrews from the tribe of Judah (and nine other tribes) who converted to the foreign religion of Babylon and Egypt, and became known as Israelites --- "Is-Ra-Elites", as a result, and they took titles for themselves: Pharisees and Sadducees, and the Levites who were priests, followed after them. They were "lost" -- -not geographically, but spiritually and mentally. And they were not Jews, either.

Just recast that whole process of becoming "Pharisees" and "Sadducees" and "Levites" and "Kings" into becoming "Lords" and "MPs" and Bar Members and Kings. It's the same process. Or, "Senators" and "Congressmen" and "Judges" and "Presidents". It's the same process again.

It's even the same roles to be played, using a different vocabulary!

Forgive us, Father, for being dim. Forgive us for not looking upward. Forgive us for being unobservant and not watching, for not being aware, and for sinning unawares. Forgive us for surrendering to what appeared to be authorities set over us. Forgive us for not holding fast to your outstretched hand and the teachings of your Son.

This is entirely synonymous with the process by which Disciples of Jesus were converted into "Christians" so that they followed other Masters and other gods and other laws, and hardly anyone was consciously aware of this conversion process as it happened. One lie crept in, was accepted, and that was followed by another. And another.

Now, the Sons of Satan are teaching The Doctrine of Trans-Substantiation, and passing off vampiric blood-drinking and cannibalism as a sacred rite. And nobody in a position of authority in the whole "Christian Church" stood up and called them on it. Not one Pope objected.

The insidious silent process of conversion resulted in people who were genetically and culturally Hebrews, leaving the religion of their Fathers, and joining the Synagogue of Satan--- yet outwardly appearing to be Hebrews, and still wearing the clothes and faces and carrying on the external traditions of the Hebrews.

An outsider couldn't recognize them for what they were, but Yeshuah named them "the Synagogue of Satan".

The Disciples soon became Apostles and then Popes -- breaking the very clear command that Yeshuah gave them "to call no man Father"-- while Yeshuah himself was transformed into a Romanized "Jesus" and then into a "Christ" --- a thing, in other words, cerebral spinal fluid --- and all based on what authority?

Look at what happened with the Angels, the First Created. They started out with one accord to be at peace and serve God, but a Liar appeared among them, and soon, he had carried away a third of the Angelic Host, who were deluded and fell into serving him instead. They have been at war ever since.

Here we are again, facing another such repetition --- where some Americans have been deceived into departing from their heritage and following after foreign masters, working as U.S. Citizens and even unknowingly being impersonated as Municipal citizens of the United States--- yet, they look like Americans, sound like Americans, and have their origin in one of the American States.

Like the Fallen, they have been deluded and misdirected and left in a perpetual state of warfare.

So how can you make a clear distinction? Can you tell a man's nationality by looking at him? No. Can you discern his religious beliefs by looking at him? No. And as is the case with the Satanists among us, can you discover them by their appearance or their words? No. They can look and sound as American as Apple Pie and John Denver.

There is only one way to know them - and Yeshuah told you this a long time ago: you shall know them by their fruits. You have to observe not only what they do, but the results.

Does the path this country is on lead to health and wealth and freedom, or does it lead to death and poverty and slavery?

I think it is self-evident that our beloved country has been led astray and suffered every kind of deceit and malfeasance and breach of trust and lie, much to the loss and detriment of all those who have remained part of the General Public and population of this country.

We have been occupied and destroyed by our own Army, which has been immorally and illegally misdirected as a foreign corporate mercenary force for 160 years. Yes, we have been pillaged, plundered, and robbed blind by our version of Levites -- the members of the Bar, acting --- and I do mean literally acting as in "members of the Actors Guild" -- as Jurists for Hire.

We have suffered every injustice, indignity, and deceit. We have been blamed and accused by the guilty among us. We have trundled on unaware, until now.

Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net. Begin to find your feet and walk again as free men and women.


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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