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Anna Von Reitz: "More "Galactic" BS - Situation Update"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 18-Feb-2023 23:24:08

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Alarm Given -- Trespass Within the General Jurisdictions" (hobie)

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Sunday, February 12, 2023

More "Galactic" BS - Situation Update

By Anna Von Reitz

Where to even begin....

Let's begin with this --- in ancient times and in modern times -- before and after the First World War, the "governments" of this world have been in conscious contact with alien extraterrestrial civilizations. Okay? Let's just be honest and put that out as a necessary starting point.

This shouldn't be much of a shock. Most of the world is familiar with spirits good and bad; in the Bible which forms a basis for Christianity, Islam and Judaism, we are flat out told that God is a spirit, that Angels were created before us and come and go upon the Earth, and that Fallen Angels and demons exist also. So use that as a reference point.

The Bible does NOT say that God, Angels of various kinds, and demons are the ONLY other beings in the Universe -- it just focuses on them as being crucial to the Bible narrative.

The "aliens" who are as much a part of the Universe as we are, are like us in that their civilizations produce good sorts and bad sorts. Each individual has to be treated as an individual.

Some of these alien civilizations are technologically advanced and yes, even millions of years ahead of us in evolution.

That's all right, too. Everyone has to start somewhere, and we are where we are in our progression. No guilt or virtue is implied. We were simply born later in the great scheme of things, like younger brothers and sisters.

The truly advanced alien civilizations understand that and help us along. The not-so-advanced civilizations try to take advantage of us and make use of us to promote their progress and meet their needs.

This, too, is nothing unusual. As above, so below.

We have the mental capacity to understand self-serving older brothers and self-serving beings in general. They simply haven't matured enough to see that they are part of everything and everyone else, so they don't gain anything by parasitizing others.

That is, self-service is an illusion created by the perception of a separate ego --- where there really isn't one.

With that as a backdrop, once the governments made contact or were contacted, trading and horse-swapping began. The aliens gave us technology in exchange for natural resources. The governments took these innovations for their own benefit in "the name of National Security".

So now we have the Secret Space Program (SSP) and the United Space Service (USS) running neck and neck, and both are just commercial corporations trying to corner the space market --- for lack of a better description of it.

They are not being honest about this in the same way that they haven't been honest about much of anything else. They both try to present themselves as benevolent extraterrestrial "councils" of one kind or another, "here to help us".

Where have we heard that one before?

Predictably, they have split up and created alliances with one group being associated with "good" aliens and the other being associated with "bad" aliens.

And we are sitting here in the middle listening to the chatter and propaganda and narratives being spun off by both groups, without having the context of where all this bunk is coming from.

Now, you know.

This morning I received an update titled "The New Earth Year Intentions of Galactic Space Operations" in which the USS (Joe Biden and the Chinese, et al.) announced their plans to "intervene" because we are all so stupid and need to undergo "Conscience Retraining".

Let me tell you, if these people really were advanced they would already know that the Evil Ones among us were born without a conscience. They simply don't have one to begin with, so there is nothing to "retrain".

They would also know that these individuals can be identified and selected according to their unique vibratory frequency, so yes, they can simply be targeted and removed.

Such a removal is what I recommended to the actual Alien High Command more than two years ago.

Instead, the USS is claiming to "represent" us, which they don't, and they are proposing a typical Chinese Communist style take-over, complete with millions of casualties, complete disarmament of the planet, re-education camps, and all the rest of the usual Mao Madness, all backed up by new technology that they received as a result of selling -- literally selling -- billions of people to be used however the alien purchasers like.

The point that needs to be driven home like a Ten Penny Nail is that none of these governments own anybody and all their claims otherwise are fraudulent. At best, these governments are the equivalent of cattle rustlers who are engaged in capital level crimes and offenses against Universal Law, which also applies to the alien contingents.

So the Joe Biden sock-puppet and the CCP-USS can just go sit on their offer and spin; we, the actual Government, and the people of this planet, don't accept their "intentions".

I have objected to the Andromedan High Command and the Sirian and Venusian Delegations which are here in a peacekeeping capacity. I have also contacted the Centaurans and Pashats for additional and immediate support to suppress the non-beneficial use of alien technology and discuss my original proposal for the removal of the conscience-less Evil Doers and Liars who are responsible for all of this chaos and killing.

We are also going to discuss my initiative to establish a transition model to replace the debt note system with a credit note system based on credit already owed to the population of this planet, and the institution of a planetary currency that gains value in tandem with investments made in cleaning up pollution, new waste management technologies, workforce education and welfare, reforestation and similar efforts.

All the deals that these phony "governments" operating as corporations have made, purportedly on our behalf, are on the table to be scrapped, including their depopulation (sale) agenda. We are not cattle to be tagged and shipped off as slaves and food sources to the far corners of the galaxy. Aliens may not understand everything about us, but they all understand fraud and they all understand free will.

I am exercising my authority as the Senior Field Commander --- as in Magnetic Field Commander. Anyone who doesn't like it, can come see me. I am fully enabled and prepared to leave the Perps and their allies stuck like ants in amber.

The actual people of this planet have their own free will vision of the future which doesn't involve killing billions of innocent people and animals in the name of saving them. And if there is any "alien intervention" here, it's going to be by the appointed peacekeepers, not a bunch of Communist Flim-Flam artists.

As for the SSP it's time to grow some brains and drop the sappy self-aggrandizing narratives. You all sound like sophomores in High School recounting the tragedy of your first love. Makes me want to barf.

The U.S. Navy has developed (with a lot of alien assistance) a super weapon that "can't be stopped". From what I can see of it, it appears to be a form of solid state multi-phasic laser that can either be pin-pointed or deployed as a 3-D grid. It is indeed state of the art for this planet, but no big deal for a lot of other places I can think of. And access.

Here's my advice to the SSP --- if you are going to use this weapon, use it defensively and against the USS and their allies in the space environment, but never against the people or animals or plants of this planet. You will be stopped like a hamster running full tilt into his little wheel.

The people of this planet are going to be set free. Nobody is going through another round of the same old bunko transposed into the air jurisdiction. This is called "the Apocalypse" because once the curtain is drawn back, you can't "un see" what you have seen. The old illusions lose their power, and the full-force and power of life itself becomes visible.

To put it in the jargon of the Elders of Zion, the Primal Creator becomes visible and walks the Earth, utterly destroying those who would ruin this planet and murder its people. So think twice, both about what you are doing and what you are failing to do.

Remember --- if you recreate what you destroy, you become a transgressor --- and transgressors are universally despised; so are liars, cowards, and thieves, yet, a penitent sinner obtains grace.

Everyone else, sit tight. Concentrate on your many blessings, the beauty of Nature, the miracles surrounding you on every side. Fill your minds with images of beauty and peace and harmony and great abundance, until you are immersed in the glory and power of the Living God.

I have a little plaque on my wall that says, "Faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing who holds the future." I know who holds the future, and if you think about it, so do you.

Don't allow yourselves to be afraid -- not of any power, principality, or liar pretending to be a law-giver; you were created according to truth and by the word, and there is no law but the law of love that created you.


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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