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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Wednesday, 15-Feb-2023 16:13:38

Marines Catch FBI Trying to Sabotage Substation in Idaho, and Kill Them.

By Michael Baxter

February 15, 2023

United States Marines on Sunday gunned down criminal FBI agents trying to sabotage an electrical substation in Meridian, Idaho, sources in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Over the last three months, at least nine substations have been attacked in North Carolina, Washington, and Oregon, depriving tens of thousands of people of power, sometimes for several days. Following those attacks, the FBI posted a $250,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of whoever carried out twin attacks in Moore and Randolph Counties, N.C.

The feds also timidly implicated Trump supporters who oppose the LGBTQ community because the saboteurs struck cities hosting trans-friendly events.

The military now says the FBI should have put the 250K bounty on itself, for all signs suggest corrupt agents perpetrated the substation mishaps.

According to our source, the FBI’s “5th Column,” a growing number of agents working against Merrick Garland and his abhorrent Department of Justice, told Gen. Smith’s office that rogue agents were planning to disable a “power station near Boise” during the Super Bowl, but the tipster didn’t know which substation would be struck. And since Boise, a city with 250,000 residents, and its suburbs had numerous substations, Gen. Smith wanted specifics before committing his Marines to what could have been a wild goose chase. Such an attack would undeniably have made people angry and left thousands without electricity on a frigid night. Although some earlier “5th Column” tips yielded fruitful intelligence—and led to Deep State arrests—others were a bust, a waste of time and resources.

White Hat resources, he said, are stretched thin across a broad battlefield, and Gen. Smith must judiciously pick his fights based on concrete intel, not rumor, speculation, or innuendo.

“In the grand scheme of things, deploying a platoon or two might not seem like a big deal, but it could mean we’d have to pull Marines off current, just-as-important assignments. We have limited elasticity and need to know we’re using assets appropriately,” our source said.

He also let slip that Marines and members of the Special Operations community are involved in overseas assignments, but he wouldn’t elaborate.

When the substation tip came in, Gen. Smith asked, “Boise? Why Boise?”

But the whistleblower seemed clueless. He couldn’t say whether Merrick Garland or Director Christopher Wray authorized the attack, or name the field office—Boise has one—from where the sinister agents would emerge.

“The agents fighting the regime’s takeover—we know they put themselves at risk. We still must be wary of wolves in sheep’s clothing and traps,” our source said.

He added that Gen. Smith spent two days pondering a course of action: either disregard the tip or send a small expeditionary force to Idaho. The general decided on the latter because “If something went down and Marines weren’t there to try to thwart it, Gen. Smith wouldn’t forgive his inaction.”

By Super Bowl Sunday kickoff, a Marine reconnaissance platoon had already arrived in Idaho and had scouted five distribution substations within a 30-mile radius of downtown Boise. They decided that anyone brazen enough to assault a utility while the sun still shone would choose a remote location with the sparsest nearby housing. But no such locale existed. The surrounding substations in Boise, Eagle, and Meridian were densely populated, with homes, in some cases, only meters away from buzzing and humming transformers. The platoon commander, unwilling to stretch his forces too thinly, divided the Marines into three 8-man teams, stationing them at substations with the least visible security—chain fences and such—and foliage the agents could use to avoid detection.

An hour into the game, the Eagles were beating Kansas City, but the Marines in Idaho saw no signs of FBI saboteurs. At halftime, as a demonic Rhianna dressed in a crimson bodysuit with a pentagram belt took the stage, an SUV sporting “Trump 2024” bumper stickers stopped beside the gate of the Columbia substation in Meridian. Four men, none of whom looked like feds, exited the truck and approached the locked gate. All wore MAGA regalia—hats and jackets endorsing Trump’s 2024 presidential bid—and one carried bolt cutters. Two had AR-15-style rifles slung across their shoulders.

The Marines challenged the quartet as it snapped the padlocked gate. The intruders were told to stand down and surrender, but one unshouldered his rifle, rocked the charging handle, and leveled the muzzle in the Marines’ direction. He never had a chance to pull the trigger.

The Marines, armed with suppressor-equipped M27 rifles, opened fire, killing the aggressors. Upon searching the bodies, the Marines found several magazines and a belt pouch of C4 explosives, though none of the dead had wallets or identification. They ran a make on the SUV’s VIN and plates, which traced back to a laundromat in Wilmington, Delaware.

The dead, our source said, were fingerprinted, and White Hats with access to the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System matched two sets of prints to FBI agents assigned to an FBI office in Spokane, Washington.

“We can’t interrogate the dead, but at least now we know the FBI is complicit in the substation attacks,” our source said. “What’s worse, we’ve given the proof to MSM but they refuse to air it, and, yeah, this includes Fox, OANN, and Newsmax.”

As an aside, on Tuesday, we asked our source if White Hats had looked into the East Palestine derailment since residents have fallen ill from the release of vinyl chloride into the air. Real Raw News has also heard unsubstantiated rumors of a joint EPA-FEMA task force killing livestock and pets near the derailment. Our source said, “it’s being looked at,” but had no further info to share. He also wouldn’t comment on tales of hordes of walking wounded, supposedly effected by mind-altering petrochemicals, roaming the streets.

SOURCE: https://realrawnews.com/2023/02/marines-catch-fbi-trying-to-sabotage-substation-in-idaho-and-kill-them/

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