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Anna Von Reitz: "Wake Up Call Number One -- January 2023"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 24-Jan-2023 05:43:35

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Illegal Constitutions -- Example, Australia" (hobie)

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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Wake Up Call Number One -- January 2023

By Anna Von Reitz

It's Sunday morning, and to quote Johnny Cash, it's coming down.

Yesterday, I very succinctly summarized the process by which our government was taken over by foreign governmental services corporations following the so-called Civil War----which turned out to be an illegal Mercenary Conflict and not a "war" at all.

America has been commandeered and occupied by its own military operating as a foreign commercial corporation for 160 years. This has gone on so long that none of us alive today remember the way this country is supposed to be.

I went on to describe how the same process occurred a few years later in Australia and other British Commonwealth countries (1907- 1909), and yielded the same results.

The guilty British Crown and Municipal corporations involved in this and the Principals backing them, make their money off of war, so that is why we have been kept in a state of constant war for the vast majority of our country's history.

We had only a brief period of peace, 1783 to 1860, before the Brits and the Holy Roman Empire weaseled their way back into power, and took by conceit what they could never win in war.

This is why "America" is hated throughout the world, even though the situation is actually the fault of foreign war-profiteering commercial corporations based in Europe --corporations that are controlling our military and abusing us just as they have abused everyone else on Earth.

Who are "they"?

Start with the U.S. Congress --- "a" Congress conducting business for the British Territorial Subcontractor doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated --- not our intended American Congress at all.

Turn on the floodlights and take a good look.

Those of you who voted in the last elections, did you know that you were electing proxies to represent you as a shareholder in a bankrupt British Territorial corporation?

Then look at SERCO, Inc., in Great Britain, and the British Parliament and their NATO partners. Turns out that they are the Bad Guys, as proven by reams of legislation throughout the years from 1864 onward.

Ask yourselves how Joe Biden has managed to double the historical national debt of "the US" in just two years? Answer: war spending. He's ginning up "the next war" and the crooks in Congress are slavering as they spend our money on their profiteering.

Ask yourselves who benefits -- win or lose -- on all the war spending associated with Ukraine? The answer is obvious. Anglo "Defense Contractors" --- what Eisenhower called "the military industrial complex".

What passes as our government, but which is actually only a foreign subcontractor, is benefiting itself and its cronies, at everyone else's expense, again.

Against this backdrop, I want every peace-loving man and woman in this country (and the world) to read an article by James A. Lucas, which explains that "The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 "Victim Nations" Since World War II".


And bear in mind that these figures, for whatever reasons, do not include the deaths in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Ukraine, or Libya.

If this does not sicken you and leave you with a new understanding of why the name "American" has come to be hated on a worldwide basis, it certainly should.

Unfortunately, my beloved countrymen, we have been used as cheap mercenaries for over a hundred and fifty years. It was an inside job and it happened a long time ago, at the hands of our own Generals and deceitful politicians.

What to do about it now?

First, we have to know what the problem is. I have summarized it for everyone above.

Second, we have to get organized. This is first and foremost an American problem. We are the only ones who can resolve it peacefully.

Third, we have to exert the power of our lawful government to bring the runaway "federal government" contractors back into line.

Fourth, we have to ask for the help and support of people worldwide as we do this.

If you are an American, go to: www.theamericanstatesassembly.net
and get your State Assembly rolling.

If you are not an American, go anyway, and see what's cooking in your country. We aren't the only ones with this same problem of lawless commercial corporations ginning up wars for profit.


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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