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Anna Von Reitz: "Illegal Constitutions -- Example, Australia"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 24-Jan-2023 05:38:21

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "A Situation Report -- January 2023" (hobie)

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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Illegal Constitutions -- Example, Australia

By Anna Von Reitz

We have been taught to defend and venerate and protect our Constitutions.

All over the world, it's the same.

But what, exactly, is a "Constitution"?

A Constitution is a debt agreement, and a debt agreement can exist in any General Jurisdiction.

So what does that mean?

A Constitution is an agreement wherein one party agrees to provide goods and/or services and another party agrees to pay for the goods and/or services.

Within the international land jurisdiction where our original Federal Constitutions exist, Constitutions take the form of Common Law Contracts and are undertaken between competent sovereign governments called "Principals". Constitutions are more binding than Treaties, hence, the Supremacy Clause and the familiar phrase, "Supreme Law of the Land".

Within the international jurisdiction of the sea, Constitutions take the form of corporate charters undertaken by sovereign governments acting as contractors providing government services. This is a substantially different and lesser kind of "Constitution", even though it is still technically a debt agreement.

The 1787 Federal Constitution known as "The Constitution for the united States of America" is more binding than any Treaty ending a war, but the 1868 document called "The Constitution of the United States of America" is a corporate charter for a governmental services subcontractor-- a different kind of "constitution" under a different form and jurisdiction of the law.

One Constitution is on the land, and the other "Constitution" is on the sea, but both are debt agreements.

Most people have never known or been told the difference. They haven't been made aware of the difference between land treaties and sea treaties, either.

This has resulted in no end of confusion and no end of abuses and criminality, both.

Whereas a land jurisdiction Constitution is fixed and difficult to undermine, a sea jurisdiction "Constitution" is inherently mutable, based on nothing more than a private corporation charter. A land Constitution is lawful, but a sea Constitution is legal -- different rules and forms of law are involved.

When a sea jurisdiction "Constitution" is secretly substituted for a land jurisdiction Constitution, the guarantees owed to people under the land jurisdiction Constitution disappear; both the form of law and its General Jurisdiction everyone is operating under changes, and the perpetrators responsible don't say a word.

This is what has happened in our country and in countries throughout the world. Let's take Australia as an example.

Australia, meaning the organic land and soil we think of as "Australia" was bobbling along doing fine as a country, but it was also defined as a British Commonwealth Nation.

A country is different from a nation. A country has land and soil, rocks, trees, and air space and maritime coastal waters. A nation is composed of the people living within the borders of that country.

The British Commonwealth as a whole suffered many setbacks in the 19th century and had many investment expenses as well, which resulted in the member "Nations" being impoverished and in debt to each other and to other non-Commonwealth nations throughout the world.

Most of these Nations were in debt to The United States and when they failed to make their payments, this resulted in the bankruptcy of the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as The United States of America, Inc. (1868 to 1907) and a domino-effect collapse, which led to The Great White Fleet which sailed the seas from December 1907 to 1909.

The Great White Fleet basically sailed around the world collecting debts and imposing new sea jurisdiction "Constitutions" on the bankrupt governmental services companies in Australia and elsewhere.

As a result, a new, foreign, and so far as the Australian People were concerned, unauthorized, governmental services corporation came into power as a Successor administering their day to day government services under a new sea jurisdiction "Constitution".

Australia, Inc. was born --- backwards, under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure, but born nonetheless.

The Constitutional Monarchy that Australia and the People of Australia were guaranteed --and the Constitution defining it-- was still there on paper, but it was, in practical terms, set aside without a whisper, and without notification to the People of Australia.

The sea jurisdiction "Constitution" of Australia, Inc., became the "functional law" for the corporation's employees, and they gratuitously presumed their rules and codes and obligations on everyone else.

Instead of functioning as a country populated by a nation of free people, Australia started functioning as a foreign commercial corporation dominating a land mass, and everyone living there was "presumed to be" an employee or a dependent of that foreign governmental services corporation, and therefore, not owed any constitutional guarantees.

That's how the Australian people's identity was redefined and their constitutional guarantees were evaded and their lawful government overturned -- all without firing a shot and without anyone but a few schemers knowing what was going on.

The same thing happened in America in the years immediately after the so-called Civil War, and the creeping cancer of Corporatism proceeded from there.

After the Second World War another shake-up and redistribution of debt took place and Australia, Inc., farmed out its civilian service obligations to AUSTRALIA, INC.

The clueless Australian people were "redefined" again as Municipal Corporation franchisees, all without their knowledge or agreement, and another sea jurisdiction "Constitution" was imposed on them, creating another layer of corporate legal chicanery separating them from their actual Constitution and its guarantees.

The corporations got away with this, because nobody knew what was going on. They and the conspirators responsible adopted a "cloak of secrecy" and only Mikey, Joey, Donnie, and Alfie knew what was going on and how they were working this fraud against the people of Australia and garnering wealth and coercive power for themselves.

They have built up more piles of Odious Debt since WWII and been caught at it, so they have responded by trying to kill and/or maim their Employers who are in fact their Priority Creditors.

We have responded by demanding the liquidation of all these guilty corporations, the return of their debts as credit owed to their victims, the punishment of all their officers, board members, and if appropriate, their shareholders --- and stiff damages to be paid by the Principals for every life lost or disabled.

It turns out that we, the living people, the Employers of these organizations which have no natural right to exist, the Customers of their services, their Priority Creditors, and the source of all value in the economic system they plunder, were not being highly valued ourselves.

We were viewed as expendable human resources by these ignorant cretins, who have been dancing around like two year-olds with a hammer, banging on their own toes, and then wondering why their fourth quarter earnings are in the tank and screaming wah-wah-wah and laying off thousands of employees, which just makes everything worse.

They are having fun. They think that they created this world and they have the right to destroy it, but in fact, we created this world and we created the corporations. We provided for their form and their charters and their bankruptcy protection and we can gut them, too.

So, a change of management is in order, and they have planned for that, too, a plan that leaves the same unpleasant criminal elements at the helm after they have manufactured a dire economic and social collapse.

This is what they THINK they are going to get away with: destroy everything, destroy the economies, destroy the social structure, destroy the family, destroy the soil, pollute the water, kill most of the people, and after they have done all this damage, they propose to step up and say, "See, you people are incompetent and can't manage anything yourselves. We are here to save you."

And sadly, unless the rest of us get busy, they might even get away with it.

Getting back to Australia, see the latest round of their "Federal" plan: https://qpp.life/afra, the "Australian Federal Relations Architecture"
which defines the structure of Australia's New Enslavement System projected by "Federal" Authority, which has about as much actual authority as Federal Express.

This entire problem is taking place, jointly, in the jurisdiction of the Air, and the jurisdiction of the Sea. It involves mental constructs -- corporations and companies that have no natural right to exist, preying upon the people they are supposed to serve. It could be described as a grudge match between the British Crown Corporation and the Vatican, a final power struggle between the Red Dragon and the White Dragon.

And neither of them come from China.

Along the way, they've prepared all these narratives and distractions -- Joe Biden has a few of approximately eighteen billion pages of paper attached to Top Secret or National Security documents in his basement. Oh, my. What color of toenail polish is Michele Obama wearing today? Inflation, stock markets, border crisis, food shortages, death and diseases, ecological disasters, all of it engineered to scare and distract.

There's a core of people on this planet -- a core that isn't scared, isn't fooled and is keeping score. That core group of people is growing.

Remember that when they scream and shout and gin up one of their emergencies, it's there to distract you. It's there to draw your attention away from what they are actually doing, so that you won't see their actual crime.

When they report ugly, threatening, nasty news -- that's your signal to sit back and deeply contemplate the beauty of the natural world, the harmony of creation, and know that you are safe and part of it all forever.

When they create death and disease, know that your Father has the cure.

When they encourage hate and distrust, that's your signal to love.

It's your game and your planet, not theirs. All the lies in Satan's long history can't overcome one solid truth.


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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