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Mito Miracle REAL USER Reports list. >>>>>>>>> NOON SATURDAY SHOW!

Posted By: mroxygen
Date: Saturday, 5-Nov-2022 01:01:00

Subject: IMO REAL Possible User Reports For YOU Now. FREE BOGM INHALE NEWSLETTER #9

FREE Mr. Oxygen Occasional BOGM Newsletter


Mr. Oxygen's NEW BOGM Newsletter #9

Copyright 2022 Breath of God Ministry

For over 40 years We Have Always Had Your Critical

Answers When You Needed Them!

You Really Helped US!

And now in turn we REALLY need to offer YOU Your own help.

This INHALE newsletter is private and for our beneficiaries only.

INHALE expresses the private opinion of the Breath Of God Ministry.

All future articles are written when we can send them.

Today's 11/5/22 update newsletter:

A BIG Thank You to Everyone who Donated and Offered and Suggested - Your many collective donations of every amount have literally saved us!

We have been able to extend our stay in our suddenly increased in price by $650 a month home rent here in Florida, the base we help you from!

We had to sell our second car, and lose, trash, and sell for real cheap most of our rare and historical and valuable possessions in our panic state when we thought we were going to suddenly have to live (with my wife and dog) in our 2 seater car!

BUT NOW, and - directly because of your kindness - not only do we get to stay in our very much more empty home with EVERYTHING connected to this address, BUT,

(although we still have a way to go - like a new top for $1,000, and all new brakes and rotors $500.), we have also been able to repair and refurbish major systems in our 23 year old car!

You Have ALL Definitely Increased My Faith in Humanity . . . Some pledged 1.00 a month and some a lot more, and ALL are graciously appreciated.

Now to The Update!

To thank you ALL for so much of your loyalty shown in the real world by your sticking with us and keeping us afloat so we can continue to help you, our charity has a


to make as a way to thank you for your donations, offers, and sincere advice!

Just like we brought you OXYGEN, OZONE AND MINERALS 30 YEARS AGO - SO YOU COULD CHOOSE TO HEAL EVERYTHING AND MORE (if you wanted to,) we NOW bring you the FINAL PIECE OF THE HEALING PUZZLE (as in our opinion as of so far)!

How would you like to understand the deep meaning of this


Your Body Has Trillions of Cells

Each of those trillions of cells has their own Mitochondria organelle factories pumping out your energy from Source, - and from what you create when you eat, breathe, and drink, especially while grounded in sunlight. YOUR ATP, the energy currency of your body.

That's what's keeping you alive. Your trillions of cells that make your body, they all depend upon your STEM CELLS to keep the trillions of them all constantly and steadily repaired as nature intended.

Just like the ancient patriarchs spoken of in the duality laden good book (selectively edited by Roman Emperor Justinian) who all amazingly and naturally lived for around a thousand years! This was in the times before we humans were genetically and chemically messed with, (especially around 6,000 years ago) and before our more recent DNA versions were being polluted to death with toxins here - we ALL still do have our innate awesome potential that we can finally NOW choose to activate more of. In my well researched opinion, Mito (short for Mitochondria) may allow us to do that.

But we have to reset our DNA to return to the original status of our youth. Before “old Age” and “toxins” destroyed so much of out original Body DNA mind emotion Spirit template. IMO that is what Mito is all about, especially as based by my personal experiences and the experiences of others that just keep pouring in. 77 year young woman lost 77 pounds, man on crutches his whole life no longer needs them, all the scars melted off a woman’s face, energy, energy, energy, etc. etc. etc.

Go here and join – as it is worth it.
AND it’s FREE, no FEES! Then you can listen to the amazing reports for yourself! A people first company. Individual results always vary, but IMO Ultra Mito people and pet products are the greatest thing since sliced bread for us.

Active Oxygen and Ozone and Minerals could do all that this Mito stuff does, but they seem to take longer. It is also way more expensive with them, and must be done for months every single day because the Mitochondria are all broken and old - just like the stem cells are. They are eventually overcome by the load we live under.

Here is a RMN article BOGM just posted on Operation Disclosure for you as well:

MoreMito Saturday Health and Wellness Call

Here's why you should join us on this call and invite a guest or two or three or more!

Our topic is: Toxic effects and detoxing thru kidney, liver, colon, skin and lungs.

Mitochondria miracles doctors didn't think were possible:

Toxins are everywhere in the environment and we are constantly ingesting them.
We breathe them, drink, eat and touch them all the time.
They can be hard to avoid and hard to get rid of. Yet, to be healthy, we have to.
So on this call we will discuss how to:
Avoid toxins
Recover from toxic exposures
Keep your detox organs healthy and functioning well and
Know when your body is experiencing toxic and detoxing effects.

You'll hear from people who have seen dramatic improvements mentally, physically and emotionally by following good nutritional advice and using XDS technology products.

Plus, Dr. Bevan Elliott will bring the science and Dr. Dan, and Dr. Boswell will give their expert commentary and answer all your questions.

Dial in early so you don't miss anything. It's your health were talking about!

Join FREE and then Join us on this call!

Hear all the other MoreMito news and learn what's in it for you.

Click the link that follows to see the Restore PDF, listen to recorded testimonials:

Yes, the game has changed and we are doing it! People, NOT Profit!

Don't miss it, invite others!
Call (608) 906-0003
(no access code needed)
To join the call via the internet use this link: and enter conference code 6089060003.
In case you missed it:
How to have great skin, better balance, maximum mobility and fewer aches and pains - Part 1 and 2
Saturday Meeting

By Time Zones:

12:00 Noon - Eastern

11:00 am - Central

10:00 am - Mountain

9:00 am - Pacific

7:00 am - Hawaii

Restore Testimonies: Hear what people are saying!

(click on the links below to hear recordings)

Dr. Bevan Elliott and Dr. Dan Solloway re: the new UltraMito Restore ingredients

(click the link below to listen - 40 minutes).

Saturday Health and Wellness call on how to take Restore and what to expect.

Dr. Bevan Elliott on the role on mitochondria in aging.

Kent H. -UT –I experienced long day energy, less pain and enhanced illness recovery.

Keith G.– Chicago- My 4-year-old injury was resolved in minutes.

Marsha B. –Milwaukee –My 30-year digestive issue resolved in days.

Winston C. –Chicago -5 year injury disappeared after 3 days on Restore and so did my panic attacks.

Gary B. –Spokane – My blood sugar was so high I was warned that I could lose both legs.

Michael B I am so healthy my doctor said “I hate you man!”

Roger P. –Texas – My blood pressure was dangerously high,now it’s normal.

Stephanie A. -Dallas - My allergies were tormenting me.

Noel –Philadelphia –I walked without crutches for the first time in my life after using XDS technology products.

Lisa W. –Texas –I’m a negative breast cancer survivor. During my treatment I had extreme fatigue and severe side effects. After taking Restore my energy returned, the side effects were much milder and the speed with which my tumors shrank surprised my doctors.

Clementine D. -Virginia - I had a very bad respiratory problem that made it hard for me to breath. One day on Restore and I could breathe normally again. I don’t want to ever be without it.

Josephine G. –California – I struggled with a nine-year opiate addiction from medication prescribed for my injuries from a car accident. After two and a half years of trying everything I was introduced to Restore. I also worked in weeks.

Joyce –Houston –After the doctors gave up on my mother, our family was planning for a funeral, we gave her Restore.

Connie A. –California – My 17-year-old daughter was born with cerebral palsy. She is now recovering and discovering new abilities almost daily.

William G.–Oklahoma– My doctor said that I recovered faster from my heart valve and pace maker surgery faster than anyone he had ever seen and my kidney function continues to improve.

Faizal S.–Toronto– My resting heart rate was between 90 and 110.

Now it’s in the70s and my blood pressure is much improved.

Joni M. – Houston – My hearing was lost from chemo treatments. On Restore my hearing is returning.

Thresa O.– Philadelphia – My asthma and warts are gone and my energy is up all day.

Ronald L. – Spokane Washington – My doctor said I had the fastest recovery from heart surgery that he had ever seen. Plus, my sense of smell is returning.

Frederico–Bakersfield -Before at times I could be cantankerous. Now with Restore I’ve become such a calm and relaxed person and with Rejuvenate my aches and soreness are gone.

Antionette S. –Washington DC -I was blown up in Iraq by an IED in 2003. I required reconstructive surgery. I came home and for the next 17 years I suffered with PTSD, short-term memory loss, long-term memory loss until the day Randy introduced me to Restore and Rejuvenate.

Earnest L–Philadelphia– I had a high blood pressure diabetes, a heart attack and my kidneys were starting to fail. I ask the doctor if I had 10 years left. He said “... not that many” then I tried Restore.

Required Disclaimers

FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product discussed is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information in this document is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of disease. Individuals are encouraged to review this information with their doctor and seek their advise. The information in this document including testimonials is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.

Testimonial Disclaimer:No one was compensated for giving a testimonial. All testimonials are the opinions of those individuals and may not be the results that everyone gets.

Usage Disclaimer: This product is not intended for use with pets. Please refer to the pet products on the website for pets. Individuals that are pregnant,nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, should consult your physician before using this, or any other nutritional product.

To continue to help us help you: Please just go to Donate to Breath Of God Ministry Just checked, it's OK. Please consider making it an automatic recurring donation. Thank you!

Blessings to you, MrOxygen, Ed McCabe

To continue to help us please just go to Donate to Breath Of God Ministry Just checked it's OK. Please consider making it an automatic recurring donation. Thank you!

Blessings to you, MrOxygen, Ed McCabe.

Know that we love you all.

Thanks to your generous hearts from the bottom of our family's and my heart in our recent time of real need.

Love, Ed - Mr. Oxygen.

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