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Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 9-Aug-2022 06:33:54

(Thanks, C. :)

Reader Charles Miller writes:


Dear Hobie.

Please find below comment on the “current state of affairs” concerning the most dangerous of drugs, HOPIUM.
The drug dealers world, no matter the drug, always operates on the same principle.
Always sell the buyer what they want, particularly when the drug is addictive.
The more addictive the better.
HOPIUM is the perfect drug for the current state of affairs.
We the People allowed our public servants to establish an ADMINISTRATIVE STATE to RULE OVER we Americans.

That RULE OVER state is based in lack of personal responsibility for the governments We the People created and own if We will only act like the owners and control the TENANTS in our house of the Republic.
HOPIUM is the perfect drug to keep the People in the stupor that is the drug dealers most valuable commodity.
The really good part for the dealer is that commodity being a major currency of our culture feeding the BEAST our energy by talking about the BEAST rather than doing something to stop the BEAST from eating out the substance of the concept of personal liberty through enforcement of the Rule of Law.
The so called White Hats are operating a secret world. If not, then, all of us Americans would know about their activities in detail and the details would not be held by the select few.
I pray deeply that I will be invited soon to eat my own words and admit I got this wrong.
Time will tell as always.


1. The secret squirrel world runs on secrets. Secrets are always to intended to hide something. Usually something that a good portion of the American People will not like or condone.
2. The secret squirrel world is full of squirrels. Squirrels always act squirrelly sooner than later. Squirrels always bite some one in the nuts when they get squirrelly. Particularly when inside some one else’s house. Not their nuts. It’s the nature of the beast.
3. The term White Hats sets a dividing line between two sets of hats. One black, one white. The forgotten point that controls the root of the current dialogues is that up until lately there was only one set of hats. The separation of the two hat community concept fails utterly under one set of statements.
A. Both the white hat and black hat operators came from the same single hat group that was so successful in operating in secret for so long.
B. Changing loyalty, moving from the one hat group to the white hats or black hats is the act of a traitor. Loyalty to the original single hat was established in the same manner as exercising loyalty to the new hat groupings.
C. Disloyalty to one’s original premise can happen for many reasons. Few of them good.
D. The premise that the alleged white hats are now honorable would be acceptable in the event the full sets of facts causing the change of hats was of public record. No public record means the secret squirrel world still in control.
E. The essential question exposes the utter fallacy of the monikers white hats. “ if what you all are doing is so good for the country, lawful, legal and in accord with the Peoples Original Political Jurisdiction creating governments, why do you acts need to be secret”?
F. Blaming others for the cause of your own acts most often creates a need for secrecy because the acts hidden can not stand the light of exposure. One finger pointing at ‘them‘ and three fingers pointing at yourself seems to fit.
G. The meme of “trust the plan” Is premised on trusting somebody's secret squirrel world.
4. Anyone as allowed to correct their mistake. The first element is to admit that there was some sort of error and define or expose the error. The second element is to apologize for the error. The third element is to recognize self executed grace. The fourth element is to make sure those affected by the error are advised of your self executed grace and the apology. The fifth element is the critical one. The request to the people that you’ve harmed by your errors to accept your apology and your new pledge of Fidelity!
5. These five elements being absent the secret squirrel world and all of its secret operations is still in control.
6. Why are the American people being sold the exclusive diet that the white hats secret squirrel world and their operations is our only option?

Please remember, no culture that accepted martial law, military rule, or military law being in control ever produced any kind of government that could be considered honest and that forum always resulted in more serious chaos before any balance was restored.
When studying history we can always see the buildup, the resulting explosion of the buildup, but the triggering events are usually hidden very deeply. Secret squirrel world again!
The secret squirrel world of course exercising the need to hide something.

Exchanging one secret squirrel world operation for another is the perfect recipe for screwing up again.
So, the screwing up again should be defined as the American people failing to understand the two critical elements of jurisdictions and their operations in this country.
The failure to understand these two separate and very different jurisdictions is the result of people refusing to be responsible for and to the governments we created.
The for question is a property issue.
Anyone that creates anything is the owner of what is created even if it is a political body constructed to wield legalize force. Wielding legalized force for the benefit and protection of the people is the original intent of the construction of our country. That has never changed no matter who and how many attack that principal. Legalized force operated through the rule of law is the only legitimate reason for a legitimate government to exist. That is the definition of a Republic!
We the people created governments therefore we have the only ownership rights. The to issue has to do with the concept of consent of the governed. No one can be expected to consent to a secret because they do not know what they are consenting to.
What that means in real simple terms is that the agreement through the consent gained by deception, secrets, is actually the consent to be RULED OVER by whoever runs the secret squirrel world!
Oh what a concept. One very large inconvenient truth!

The second jurisdiction is the “administrative state” created by constitutions granting powers to mere men to serve in public office to provide services defined by constitutions and limited and controlled by our states Declaration of Rights and our national Bill of Rights.

The two jurisdictions operating in our country from day one are defined as follows.

First and controlling jurisdiction is the Peoples Original Political Bodies citing Laws of Nature and Nature’s God as the authority to be free and create governments in harmony with creation itself.
This is the essential Public Trust. Memorialized by the People’s constitutions beginning with the states, and then the states construction of the currently operating United States government. Read the documents and that’s exactly what they say. The foundational documents are all contracts between the People creating governments to serve us.

The second jurisdiction is the “administrative state” created by the constitution granting authority of the people to form governments providing services defined by constitutions has limited and controlled by our state constitutions declaration of rights and our national Bill of Rights

5CFR. 2635. “ § 2635.101 Basic obligation of public service.

(a) Public service is a public trust. Each employee has a responsibility to the United StatesGovernment and its citizens to place loyalty to the Constitution, laws and ethical principles above private gain. To ensure that every citizen can have complete confidence in the integrity of the Federal Government, each employee shall respect and adhere to the principles of ethical conduct set forth in this section, as well as the implementing standards contained in this part and in supplemental agency regulations.

(b) General principles. The following general principles apply to every employee and may form the basis for the standards contained in this part. Where a situation is not covered by the standards set forth in this part, employees shall apply the principles set forth in this section in determining whether their conduct is proper.

(1) Public service is a public trust, requiring employees to place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws and ethical principles above private gain. “

The second jurisdiction is the “administrative state” created by the constitutions granting authority of the People to form governments providing services defined by constitutions as limited and controlled by our state constitutions Declaration of Rights and our national Bill of Rights

The Choice that faces every American right at the moment is very clear and simple. Putting it in simple language is hoped to have some positive effect on the future of our country.

CHOOSE one of two secret squirrel worlds to RULE OVER you and your children's children.
CHOOSE To understand the gift that our founders gave us, understand the contracts between We the People creating governments, and enforced our will upon our public servants operating the administrative state where in each promised and is paid to serve us and provide us access to the law We the People created.

No brainer in my world!

In my world there’s only two kinds of people.
Those that STAND UP and those that bend over.
Those that STAND UP smell the fresh air of freedom, look around them and see where they’re going, look at their past and learn from it so they don’t repeat the mistakes.
Those that bend over can only see the tops their shoes, the dust on them, the asshole in front of them, as the whole line of bent over goes over someone else’s cliff like the lemmings ‘trusting the plan’.

It’s our choice just like everything else in life that happens to us!

The beauty of our American forms of government is that We the People always get the government we deserve. Oh, what a concept!


  1. States United under confederation perpetuity created the current United States government operations under constitution. See article VII constitution.
  2. The People declared they needed further restrictive clauses on the construction of the limited federal government serving the state as a management tool over specific powers held by the states as granted by the People. This is the Bill of Rights.
  3. The Bill of Rights is the thou shall not, trespass, ever, upon the rights reserved by the People in our construction of governments to serve We the People.
  4. Amended means added to some thing that existed prior. Amended also means controlling what existed prior by clarification and attachment. Thus the Bill of Rights are control factors over all federal government operations defined by constitution. The preamble to the Bill of Rights clarifies this completely.
  5. The legislative section of the national constitution does not identify any powers assigned by the states in their representation, administration, of the Peoples authority to create governments, for the RULING OVER of the Declaration of Rights in state constitutions.
  6. Presidents Executive Orders are limited by pledge of honor to the Bill of Rights.
Where did any government function, secret squirrel world, receive authority from the People granting the power to exercise jurisdictions never granted by the People?


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