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All Roads Lead to Obama

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Saturday, 21-May-2022 19:31:19

How did we wind up with a Marxist in the White House in 08? It was a carefully constructed plan, having it's beginnings before Obama was even born. Before then, there were many clues that America was being fundamentally changed.

Social Security under FDR was, whether well intentioned or not, a move toward socialism. Of course, if Congress had kept their sticky fingers out of the funds, it would have operated more like it was intended, as a savings account, rather than a pyramid financial scheme.

The plan has always been to bring America down. Whether you date it to Khrushchev's UN speech that they would take us over without firing a shot. Or Maurice Strong's comments in Rio about turning America into a third world country. Every move toward socialism was carefully designed to destroy America from within.

On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law. Since there is no such thing as a free lunch, and politicians aren't paying for these 'free' programs out of their own pockets, it always falls to the middle class tax payers to foot the bill for Congress's 'generosity'.

By the time Obama flew into D.C. like a super hero, the American people were ripe for the picking, or their votes were. As this articulate and charismatic Marxist promised Hope and Change, people couldn't look beyond his pretty black face.

For those of us who lived through the sixties, it was like a dream come true that America would see a black family in the White House as anything but servants. With the memory of night after night of fire hoses, police dogs and night sticks being used on a race of people just wanting equality, it was a good ploy to run a black Marxist for president. With his pretty face, slick jive talk and empty promises, so many of us fell for it. Yes, myself included.

By December of 2009, I was sure we had bought a 'pig in a poke'. as the saying used to be. We'd been had. I was finally convinced that the Democratic Party had been infiltrated by socialists to a great degree.

Pieces of information or clues began to surface around this man. A strange upbringing; how deeply into Marxism were his mother and grandparents? Enough that his grandfather introduced him to Frank Marshal Davis, an avowed socialist.

Although Obama portrayed himself as a Christian, there were elements of Islam in his background. There is nothing essentially wrong with that, but why lie about it? Then, his association with Reverend Wright was exposed as was his long friendship with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn of the Weather Underground fame. The glittery facade was beginning to crumble.

As if that wasn't enough proof that we had an enemy of America in the top job, look at his appointees. First, he creates positions known as czars. Why? Because they don't have to have congressional approval or go through an FBI background checks. And, so are outside any security guarantees. And a good thing as Obama would have never had the majority on board with him. How many of them were admirers of Lenin, Mao and Marx by their own admission?

There wasn't one who wasn't a socialist, if not an out and out Marxist/communist, intent on changing America into their vision of a country of a few rich overlords and a majority of workers to support their lifestyle. I couldn't find one member of his cabinet and inner circle who didn't have socialists/communist leanings. How did this happen in America? Why didn't our media investigate him and warn us? I think this is what David Icke calls the 'Totalitarian Tip Toe'.

Fast forward to 2016 and Hillary Clinton was slated to be the first woman president after the first black president had stepped down. Trump derailed those plans. But, don't believe for a second that the socialists have given up. These people never sleep. As well, anyone who believes that Biden is implementing these strategies to destroy America needs to pay better attention.

What did Obama say while he was still in his second term? He would like to have a third term in his pajamas in the basement, while directing the show in someone's ear. That was really pretty clear, but how many people believed it? The reaction was either, on the left, "OH, it's a shame this man can't have another term." Or on the right, "Thank God for the 22nd amendment. Or we'd never get rid of this Marxist snake."

We still aren't rid of him. Biden no more than took his phony oath of office than Obama continued to implement the destruction of America. One by one, attacking or ignoring the Bill of Rights. Every move Biden has made is by design. But, not his design. Trust me, Obama is directing Biden's every move.

For those who don't believe any of this, please check out:

Then read:

Every area and level of American life has been attacked by these deranged radicals. And Obama was behind much of it as a community organizer in Chicago and as an Illinois State Senator.

The flow chart toward the end of the american thinker URL shows clearly how all roads lead to Obama. He was groomed and trained for the presidency from an early age. Every encounter, every associate added to his radicalization, to his Marxist-Leninist world view. It was a politically perfect storm in 08 that would catapult him into the White House. These same people are grooming the next fraud to replace Biden.

Are the American people waking up soon enough to stop this socialist upheaval of our country? I hope so, because, as I said, these people don't stop and they don't sleep.

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