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What Any Good American Should Do Tonight, May 7th, at 8pm (Hint: Related to the 2020 Election)

Posted By: MaryMaxwell
Date: Friday, 6-May-2022 08:47:44

What Any Good American Should Do Tonight, May 7th, at 8pm (Hint: Related to the 2020 Election)

by Mary Maxwell, PhD, LLB

On May 4, 2022, I decided to slap down the $20 admission fee and attend the movie "2000 Mules" produced by Dinesh D'Souza. It was screened in 300 cities for just two nights. It will be shown again tonight on your home computer, at 8pm eastern time. Even there it will cost you 20 bucks to "attend," but I assure you it's worth much more than that.

I had no idea what "2000 mules" meant. Did you know that a mule is a person who is paid $10 per ballot to transport ballots from a non-profit organization to a newly-installed ballot box on the street? Dinesh D'Souza used the skill of Gregg Philips and Catherine Engelbrecht to find out about this. Catherine is the founder, in Texas, of an "election intelligence" group called "True The Vote" or TTV. She strikes me as being detemined to saving our precious republic.

It seems that mules were busy in at least the 5 key states -- Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. Thanks to a requirement that surveillance cameras be installed near each of the ballot boxes (for instance in front of libraries), we now have video footage of the most amazing scenes.

Note: The total number of mules TTV followed is much greater than 2,000 but Dinseh limited his movie to only those mules who visited AT LEAST 28 DIFFERENT DROP BOXES.

OK, we're looking at a major racket. I am begging you to watch the show tonight, preferably inviting neighbors to watch it with you, at 8pm (or 5pm if you are on the west coast).

It is essential that we realize what really happened on November 3, 2020. I am a Republican but I would be appalled to see the "mule method" working for either side. Please read below a letter sent to Ross Perot in 1992 by the late wonderful Jim Collier. It claims that Bush Senior and Reagan won unfairly in the 1980s.

The baddy here is not a particular party or ideology. The baddy is Our Hidden Masters who have no party or ideology but who are (foolishly, the idiots) wrecking the entire human race.

I also think the baddy is All of Us, for letting this happen. I read the book "Votescam" thirty years ago and did I do anything about it? Nope. As you may be aware, the brothers who wrote it (Jim and Ken Collier) developed cancer soon after and died.

Here is what Jim said to Ross Perot who ran against Bush Senior in the 1992 election:

OPEN LETTER TO ROSS PEROT, from James M Collier, June 10, 1992

I am an investigative reporter who has spent the past 22 years studying how the vote is counted in these United States. It is with that background that I [Collier] can assure you [Perot] the Presidency of this country; all you have to do is read the enclosed material and follow my instructions.

The 287-page manuscript [I send you] is titled “VOTESCAM: The Stealing of America” ....
I shall explain the simple steps a billionaire may take to gain the crown. After all, others may have used this method before you, and if you are not aware of the current state-of-the-art in vote fraud, this letter will surely be an eye-opener.

1.) You contact a shadowy group of computer firms that work the nation like a grid. These firms, without public knowledge or public bid, are paid millions of dollars to quietly go into cities on election night and count the vote. The elected Election Chief simply steps aside for these firms and allows them to entirely program and count-control the vote.

In Titusville, Florida, the Election Chief lives in a $750,000 house. She earns approximately $66,000 a year before taxes. Before she became Election Chief she was not a rich woman. She hired Fidlar and Chambers of Moline, Ill., and they do all the work for her. She just sits back and watches. The public knows none of this, of course, as the local papers refuse to print a word. F&C gets paid more than $100,000 per election and they use their own modems and programs. Interestingly, F&C controls most of the south and the midwest. In California, a group called DFM creates the software and counts the vote for two-thirds or more of the state.

So, simply call F&C President Ralph Anderson up there in Moline, offer him something he can’t refuse, and he can make you President... for two terms. Isn’t that simple? You understand why the media is reluctant to expose this story.

They get all that political advertising vigorish [excessive irate of interest] every couple of years, plus they control their local areas in so many other lucrative ways, why in the world would they want to kill the golden goose?

James Squires, your media chief, must look into this immediately. Just direct him to a source such as Fidlar and Chambers and you can save a fortune in advertising dollars.

2.) Wherever you find the Printomatic device used in the back of the lever style voting machines you can be pretty sure the elections are rigged for the highest bidder. You see, the Printomatic device is a piece of paper that is slipped over the vote counters so that those irritating (and often ethical) precinct workers can’t see the numbers. A handle is cranked and a piece of paper slides out of a slot in the back of the machine, much like a gumball setup, and voila!... all the zeroes are printed there in the morning before the polls open.

Over the years I’ve reported on how the precinct worker is weeded out so that only those who don’t find this clever little gimmick an affront to democracy will get hired.

Those who complain that the numbers are cranked out again at night, with no eyeball verification of what exactly went on in the back of those machines, have their poll-working careers cut short by the Election Chief. The local press gets its advertising vigorish and no story is ever printed alerting the public to this obvious disenfranchisement of the voters.

You just drop a few big bucks on those Election Chiefs around this country and you’ll have that Washington patina in a flash. It’s a national rite of the well-heeled and well connected.

In the past 22 years I have been on radio shows from Miami to San Francisco. People have called me (referrals) to come into their town and check out their election systems. In Cincinnati we video taped the League of Women Voters using tweezers to alter the vote. That video was shown on channel 9 there in 1985 and the Election Chief quit the next day.

In Miami 1982, we video taped the LWV using officially-issued pencils to poke holes (unsupervised) in the vote card. We were dragged out of the counting room and threatened with arrest for that action. Miami attorney, Ellis Rubin, recently sent our manuscript to the U.S. Attorney General and asked him to call for a public investigation. But this Justice Department remains so corrupt that last week it announced its latest refusal to act.

As for the Miami tape—Pat Robertson bought it for $2,500. He even aired it on his show in 1987. David Burnham of the New York Times was on the same show and joined Robertson in decrying such deplorable acts. Burnham soon made his exit from the Times and Robertson ran for the Presidency.

Robertson didn’t win, but he didn’t crusade against vote fraud either. He did, however, buy United Press International and he is now one of the six members of the board of News Election Services (NES). That means he is now a charter member of the cartel that counts—and very possibly controls— the American vote.

3.) How much do you know about NES? If you know a lot, then you’re in a wonderful position to blackmail them. You see, NES was created in 1964, just after JFK was killed, and they have the exclusive franchise (from Congress) to count the vote in every state. Without a single actual vote being counted, they proclaim the Presidency within minutes of the polls closing.

You must understand that the networks don’t really compete for vote totals anymore. The LWV supplies them all from the field and the pool uses the same numbers.

Those pretty boys, Rather, Brokaw and Jennings get to sit there and pretend it’s all earnest competition. Just in case you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about—NES is an AP, UPI, CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN pool. It has a button it can push up in a building on 34th St. in New York that can literally change votes at will in every county in America which counts the computer vote at a central spot.

Those counties make up about 60 percent of the nation. Their sister group Voter Research and Survey (VRS) is the official exit pollster. On election night, NES proclaims the Presidency just minutes after the polls close, while VRS proclaims the Presidency even before the polls close. Both are 90% staffed by members of the League of Women Voters. Their numbers are always correct, before and after the polls close. Now that’s state-of-the-art.

[4.)] Down in Miami, the computer programmer for the elections division, ex- CIA man Joe Malone, is partners in an outside vote prognosticating business with the vote prognosticator for Spanish International Network-TV, John Lasseville. We’re talking about 20 million Spanish-language voters nationwide. Joe Malone and John Lasseville know the vote totals before dawn on election day. Lasseville is famous for going on the air at dawn and predicting exact final vote totals. He is always right on the money The Cubans down in Miami get a big kick out of that. Imagine if Fidel had that luxury! Therefore:

5.) To win Dade County, simply contact Election Supervisor David Leahy and have a talk at Wolfies.

6.) The networks are understandably reluctant to expose their position of power; they can change those computer votes with a push of a button from New York.

Now, Mr. Perot, you are a computer man. Why not declare war on them all? You just get the access codes to those county computers and hack in yourself. You punch in numbers, and they’ll punch in numbers and you’ll counter... what a night! For the first time since 1964 the numbers will change on television. (They never change now, you know. They remain steady from closing gun until Rather crowns the king.)

Through Ted Turner’s bureau chief in Washington, I contacted Ed Turner who runs the CNN network, and was told by E. T. himself that he would not touch this story under any circumstance. He’s just one of the role models I can offer you in going for the gold.

7.) Anyway, call Bob Flaherty at News Election Services (NES) in New York. He heads the counting pool. Your options are either to pay a modest chunk of your billions, or just promise that you too will keep all this quiet if he’ll push the right buttons. Chances are excellent that George Bush did it. Meditate a moment on how Ronnie actually got that landslide.

Then, when you are President, make sure that the Justice Department (Craig C. DonSanto, attorney-in-charge of prosecuting vote fraud) continues to remain well protected, never having to bother with meddlesome vote-fraud investigations, and you are a free man. Pick your Attorney General well, of course. An honest Attorney General could cost you plenty.

Well, I hope I’ve been of some help to you. Surely, if you don’t fight fire with fire you’ll get burned. If by nature, your outrage has been sparked by this information, and if you can show true Presidential timber by calling for a full public investigation of the vote even before you’re elected, then we will have helped each other.

Jerry Brown and Mario Cuomo were both contacted by us and both studiously refused to acknowledge this information. Coincidentally or not, Jerry Brown fired his media advisor Eli Mellor soon after Mellor read the Votescam chapter in Jonathan Vankin’s book “Conspiracies, Crimes & Coverups” and became persistent in asking Brown to take steps.

This letter will appear in the final chapter of “VOTESCAM: The Stealing of America.” We hope to include your reply.

Sincerely, James M. Collier

P.S. Don’t miss the chapter on Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. He was so responsive when the Republican National Committee asked his help in squashing a vote-fraud investigation, that he was given his position on the court.

Also, after you become President, don’t forget to continue our great tradition of encouraging developing nations to adopt the computer method of vote counting, so that the United States will be able to control international elections from the White House. Forget India and Israel because they stubbornly insist on paper ballots, but controlling a host of other country’s votes could cut the CIA budget in half while promoting democracy.

COMMENT from Mary Maxwell:

Amazing, isn't it? But apparently that method is not used today. Hence the mules. Here is a link to help you spend your $20 tonight May 7 at 8pm, eastern daylight time. Go to

Dinesh D'Souza's documentary lasts 128 minutes and is riveting. He -- and Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Philips -- make you feel proud to be American. There will be a live Q & A afterwards. Presuming Dinsesh survives.

And, below is a link to a free pdf of my 2021 book "Keep the Republic; Kill the Takeover." It is suitable for homeschooling at 12th grade level. (Can be bought at

Note: I live in New Hampshire and was a candidate for US president in the 2020 Republican primary. Per Ballotpedia, Trump won that primary with 129,734 votes, Gov William Weld came in second with 13,844, and Mary Maxwell was third with 929 votes. There were no mules in NH as that state did not do a mass-mailout of absentee ballots. My campaign website is, wouldn't you know.

By the way, now that the president of the US has proposed a Ministry of Truth, on what day of the week do you think a Reign of Terror will begin?

Link to Mary's book Keep the Repiblic

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