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So Many Unanswered Questions

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Monday, 14-Mar-2022 22:09:26

I just read that Barak Obama, when he was a state senator in Illinois, led efforts to build a Ukraine-Based Bio-lab handling Especially Dangerous Pathogens”. Does that really surprise anyone? My question is, why does a state senator have any business meddling in other countries' affairs? Shouldn’t they be confining themselves to improving the lives of the constituents who voted them into office? Oh, wait, that list would include Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, founders of the terrorist organization, Weather Underground, and radical Reverend Jeremiah Wright, wouldn’t it? Never mind.

These Marxist A-Holes, who have benefited from this great country’s freedoms, educational and career opportunities, really hate America. Why? Is it the poison of socialism? Do they really believe their own B.S.? Do they think any of their shenanigans are going to allow them to live forever? If creeps like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Nathan Rothschild, or David Rockefeller are any indication, I would say the so-called adrenochrome doesn’t work. They all look/looked like the living dead.

What in the world do the Globalists hope to accomplish by meddling in the affairs of other countries? All they have accomplished is to turn areas of the world into cesspools of ideological hate and division. Of course, in the process, they have all managed to amass huge fortunes and power. Is that their aphrodisiac, power? How much money is enough? Power is ephemeral. Aren’t the ETs or Bugs, as Clif High calls them the ones who really benefit?

I have asked myself many times why other humans, who need clean air, water, and food would collude with the Reptilians who apparently want a wasteland to live in. One answer may be found at a website called WingMakers They are supposedly Earthlings from far into the future. Alarmed at something that happened on their timeline or could potentially happen to affect them, they left behind a lot of information in the hope that people in this time could correct it. Supposedly, a secret government group called the Consortium had something they could place over a human and it would increase all kinds of power. But, it was also permanent. The person would become a blend of human and AI from what I could Glean from their site.

A friend and I were told about this site while we were writing a trilogy of metaphysical books. And we thought it was important enough that we devoted an entire chapter to the WingMakers. It was over my head. But maybe someone else can figure it out or knows something about these people. I was left with more questions than answers. Like if people from the future come back and try to change something, how does that not create a paradox? Anyway, the website is still there for anyone who wants to check them out. And the reason I even bring it up is articles on RMN and other sites, from time to time talk about blending humans and AI. I had to wonder if there was a connection.

Back to Obama. The web pages where I found the information about him starting the bio-labs in Ukraine have now been deleted. Why? What was the purpose of installing bio-labs on Russia’s doorstep? Trying to intimidate Putin? I’m sure that got his attention. Just like he noticed when Western powers, in violation of all treaties and promises, began cozying up to countries surrounding Russia, building military bases, starting dissent, and backing coups against popular and democratically elected leaders like Viktor Yanukovych. I’m also sure he noticed when we encourage those countries to join NATO, again in violation of treaties.

My question to Mr. Putin, who seems like a smart guy, is after learning how the U.S. has broken every treaty they ever made with the Native Americans, for instance, why would you or any world leader sign a treaty with them? Since the Corporate United States breaks every treaty they sign sooner or later, what made you think they would honor one signed with Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union? That doesn’t seem real bright to me.

As I asked in an earlier article, just how many countries in the world have we meddled in the affairs of that country? It seems like any country that resisted our meddling became our enemy and paid a heavy price in sanctions at the very least. Often a bloody uprising and coup. I do not consider it our business to tell other populations who to pick for their leader. Or what religion or language should be prominent, or how their leaders should...well lead. I have more faith in the human spirit than that.

First of all, it isn’t our business to change regimes under the excuse of spreading democracy. Remember, for most of the world’s history, there were few democracies. Secondly, I believe when a country’s people have had enough of a regime or ideology, they will rise up and demand change. It is in our DNA to want to be autonomous. Stifle that hard enough or for long enough and you can expect people to revolt.

That is why The Powers That Be have given us Americans so many ‘toys’ and other distractions. So we would stay asleep and not ask too many embarrassing questions. Like what are they trying to distract us from with the attempted WWIII in Ukraine? Is it to deflect from the results just coming out now about the COVID-19 pandemic that has caused so much death and even more disabilities? Or is the Puff Ball economy set to self-destruct soon?

Thank God Putin moved to capture the bio-lab materials before these lunatic monsters could destroy all life on Earth. For those who think that Putin is just a modern-day Hitler, just go back to sleep. We'll wake you up when it's all over.

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