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What If - The Globalists Planned the Entire War Between Ukraine and Russia From Start To Finish?

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Sunday, 13-Mar-2022 00:32:53

What If - The Globalists Planned the Entire War Between Ukraine and Russia From Start To Finish?

When a pattern develops in world events it makes a person wonder if what they are seeing was actually planned in advance. Some things may appear to be a pre-planned scheme or conspiracy. We may never know until after the fact, and we look back on events and see all of the so-called coincidences and the unusual fortuitous actions - that makes a person stop and wonder “what if this was actually planned in advance by someone or some group for ulterior motives?”

For arguments sake, I will consider this possibility and assume that the “group” that might have planned these events are the wealthy elite globalists - who just happen to have the greatest motive for acquiring the natural resources, territory and labor source from Russia. With that premise, let’s begin:

What if “they” wanted to acquire Russia and knew that to get Russia to attack Ukraine, all they had to do was entice Ukraine to threaten to join Nato?

What if they promised the Ukrainian government all the money and weapons and back-up they would ever need?

What if they pre-placed thousands of mercenaries, special forces and CIA military members across the nation with piles of high-tech weapons that would have the capability to destroy tanks, armored personnel carriers, helicopters and fighter jets?

What if a battle plan was made from the beginning to pretend to run away from the invading Russian army, but then go into hiding to become a covert fighter force?

What if the Russians became over confident and sent out miles of tanks and support vehicles, and were then picked off by a covert military dug underground, and hiding in basements?

What if the US promised to give the covert Ukraine military up to the minute satellite reports on all Russian military locations, including any and all military aircraft in flight?

What if this plan was perfected after learning how the Viet Cong fought, how the Islamic state fought with Toyota pickups against tanks, and how the fighters in Afghanistan fought - and they decided to use the latest shoulder fired, high tech weapons to neutralize outdated tanks that were more suited for WW2 type battles?

What if they utilized the main stream media to demonize the Russians and make the Ukrainians the bold and courageous fighters for freedom to defend their crying children and thousands of families fleeing bombed out buildings?

What if they persuaded all the major nations to cut off trade, businesses and banking with Russia to begin the total collapse of their nation?

What if they set up biological labs across Ukraine, and then tell the world that Russia may use chemical or germ warfare against the Ukrainians and Europe?

What if they tell the world that Putin and Russia are so desperate and insane for power to rebuild the Soviet Union, that they will sabotage a nuclear plant to cause massive radiation that endangers all of Europe?

What if at the risk of massive radiation or a chemical or germ warfare attack by Russia, the Nato nations decide they have no choice but to militarily stop Russia?

What if at the first conflict with Russia, that Putin then decides to hit Nato forces and bases with tactical nukes to defend his nation?

What if Nato then responds with similar nukes against Russian forces and Russian bases, knowing it could lead to a larger nuclear exchange?

What if they are willing to engage in a full nuclear war with Russia, knowing it will result in hundreds of millions of deaths - and this is acceptable losses to them that helps fulfill their depopulation agenda?

What if, regardless what Russia does or how they react, the globalists are more than willing to call their bluff as they sit in their underground bunkers and fight it out to the end?

What if we are already several stages into this scheme and we could be witnessing the next events take place in the next few weeks?

What if they can take down the second most powerful nuclear power on earth, what other nation can stand against the same techniques used again and again?

What if the globalist already know they control the world under a one world government - and now they are merely demonstrating their power and authority?

What if they realize through the pandemic, they can kill off millions and no one stops them, and start a nuclear world war and no one stops them - how will free men be able to remain free anywhere on earth?

What if there is no one…like us…left?

We don't have to imagine "what if" any longer. Intelligent men and women know what is really going on. They know who the bad guys are and who the good guys are. They know tyranny when they see it and also recognize Constitutional freedom.

In the last election our nation was overthrown and we saw the evidence of losing all three branches of government. We are now living under an occupying force that is working hand in glove with the globalists to take the entire world into communist slavery. Until all of the globalist leaders are removed from power and replaced in the US government, we will remain an occupied nation on a downhill road to hell.
George Eaton

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What If - The Globalists Planned the Entire War Between Ukraine and Russia From Start To Finish?
GeorgeEaton -- Sunday, 13-Mar-2022 00:32:53
Reader, link: "This post from reveals that there is a massive tunnel operation in Ukraine. ..."
hobie -- Sunday, 13-Mar-2022 00:32:53

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