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Posted By: jensingr
Date: Sunday, 5-Dec-2021 12:40:05

Trump Is Right. Mark Milley Is, In Fact, a Fucking Idiot.

The nation's top military officer has a track record of rank stupidity and insubordination.

by Raheem J. Kassam

December 5, 202

Trump recalled an Afghanistan conversation with Milley, America’s highest ranking military official:

“Sir, sir. It’s cheaper to leave the equipment [in Afghanistan] than to bring it,” was the advice from Milley.

“You think it’s cheaper to leave it there so they can have it than to fill it up with a half a tank…?” Trump questioned. “That’s when I realized he was a fucking idiot.”

But is General Milley really a fucking idiot?

All signs point to “yes”. Here are some examples.


Unable to convince his predecessor of the need to leave billions of dollars of U.S. equipment in the hands of the Taliban, Milley continued the feckless advice into the Biden Oval Office. Of course, Biden obliged, leaving behind not just the equipment, but American citizens, too.

Today, nearly 100 days after the so-called final withdrawal of the U.S. from Afghanistan, there are still hundreds of Americans in the country, unable to leave.

But the botched plot hasn’t been the only indicator of Milley being a fucking idiot.

Take the disgraced General’s insistence in usurping the formal chain-of-command and colluding with the Chinese Communist Party as a prime example. Yes, that actually happened, as Milley himself boasted in Bob Woodward and Bob Costa’s book ‘Peril‘, which begins:

Two days after the January 6, 2021, violent assault on the United States Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump, General Mark Milley, the nation’s senior military officer and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, placed an urgent call on a top secret, back-channel line at 7:03 a.m. to his Chinese counterpart, General Li Zuocheng, chief of the Joint Staff of the People’s Liberation Army.

Later, the book reveals the conversation between the pair:

“General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be okay. We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.

“General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise. It’s not going to be a bolt out of the blue.

“If there was a war or some kind of kinetic action between the United States and China, there’s going to be a buildup, just like there has been always in history. “And there’s going to be tension. And I’m going to be communicating with you pretty regularly,” Milley said. “So this is not one of those times. It’s going to be okay. We’re not going to have a fight.”

“Okay,” General Li said, “I take you at your word.”
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Of course there was never actually a chance of President Trump starting a kinetic war with China in the final fourteen days of his Presidency. But Milley couldn’t help but signal confusion, weakness, and deference to his CCP counterpart.

There are, in fact, 302 references to Milley in Woodward’s book, including the page 17 claim that he called Admiral Philip Davidson – U.S. commander of the Indo-Pacific Command that oversees China – and convinced him to postpone critical Freedom of Navigation exercises around Taiwan and the South China Sea. Milley, once again, was afraid of China and projecting such fear extremely publicly.

Little wonder the Chinese have felt comfortable sabre-rattling over the territory, performing their military exercises in the absence of U.S. commitment.

And the fucking idiocy is not a recent thing for Milley. He has plenty of form, as evidenced through a 2017 speech to the Royal United Services Institute, wherein he stated:

“I would hesitate to call China an enemy. Some would say adversary. Others would say enemy. Some would say hostile. I think they are what the slide implies.”

He also foolishly claimed to “take [China] at their word,” over the nation’s military expansion and global ambitions.
Black Lives Matter.

Another Peril anecdote reveals how President Trump and aide Stephen Miller wanted to bring the murderous Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 to an end as quickly as possible.

In total, at least 25 people died as a result of the riots, including 8-year-old Secoriea Turner, black policeman David Dorn, and business owner Victor Cazares Jr.

Furthermore, over $2 billion in damage was caused in 2020 alone.

But when confronted with these issues, Milley not only dismissed Trump and Miller, but snapped at the latter, telling him to “shut the fuck up,” before moving the conversation onto excusing the violent, riotous, murderous behavior of BLM:

“That’s pent up in communities that have been experiencing what they perceive to be police brutality,” he said.

Shortly after, the nation would learn that Milley had been introducing far-left “critical race theory” education into the military.

“I want to understand White rage. And I’m White,” he told a Congressional committee, before boasting of his knowledge of Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, and Vladimir Lenin.

Fucking idiot.
January 6th.

And though there are plenty more examples, the last I’ll use is that of January 6th. Milley seems involved in both failing to prepare for the events of the day, failing to react fast enough, failing to follow the chain-of-command, and giving succor to violent riots in the nation’s capitol given his approach to Lafayette Square just a few months prior.

As BLM rioters burned down St. John’s Church and laid siege to the White House, Milley made public pronouncements decrying the use of force to clear the area and bring safety back to downtown Washington, D.C. – a truly bizarre statement for the nation’s top military official to make.
MUST READ: John Eastman's Lawyers Just Destroyed the Jan 6 Committee and Its 'Subpoenas'.

Fast-forward just six months and Milley found himself on the phone with Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) around 3:29pm. By this point in time, FBI-linked troublemakers in amongst the pro-Trump crowd in D.C. had already breached the Capitol building. It had been nearly three hours. The conversation went like this:

“Mark, you need to get the Guard down here,”

“I know it,” Milley said. “We’re working on it.”

“I know I was yelling at you for what happened in June,” Slotkin said, referring to the Lafayette Square episode. “But now, we need you and we need you here now. And we need you here with the military. And get everything you can down here right now.”

“Elissa, I get it.”

“I know how hypocritical this sounds,” she said. She had decried the military’s involvement with the Floyd protests in Lafayette Square. “You’re right,” Milley said. “It does a little bit. But we’ll be there.”

So soon after distancing himself from the use of military force to put down protests in D.C., Milley was now promising to “get there with as much stuff as we can as fast as we can.”

But instead of hanging up the phone and actually trying to get resources to the Capitol, Milley and Slotkin turned their attention to politics. Specifically, to President Donald J. Trump.

“Is it true Trump said no [to deploying the National Guard]?” Slotkin asked. A question that would soon be shown to be risible, even by Milley’s own admission.

“I purposely did not go to Trump,” Milley admitted. “I went to Pence. I informed Pence we were sending the Guard. Pence welcomed that.”

“It was smart you didn’t involve Trump,” Slotkin said. “Good on you for not involving Trump.”

But as The National Pulse reported shortly after January 6th, it was President Trump who had wanted the Guard deployed in the first instance, and left-wing figures like D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Slotkin – by her words the previous June – in opposition.

“I don’t think Trump would necessarily say no,” Milley explained.

“Why not?” Slotkin asked.

Milley admitted that days earlier, he had told Trump they were going to be sending some Guard to support the Capitol Police and Washington, D.C., police on January 6th. Trump was supportive saying, “Good, good, do what you need to do.”

Actually, Trump said “You’re going to need 10,000 people… You do what you need to do. You do what you need to do… You’re going to need 10,000.”

Milley, amongst the others, failed to prepare despite their Commander-in-Chief’s insistence.

Because he’s a fucking idiot.

Raheem J. Kassam

Raheem Kassam is the Editor-in-Chief of the National Pulse, and former senior advisor to Brexit leader Nigel Farage. Kassam is the best-selling author of 'No Go Zones' and 'Enoch Was Right', a co-host at the War Room: Impeachment podcast, a Lincoln fellow at the Claremont Institute, and a fellow at the Bow Group think tank. Kassam is an academic advisory board member at the Institut des Sciences Sociales, Economiques et Politiques in Lyon, France. He resides in Washington, D.C.

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jensingr -- Sunday, 5-Dec-2021 12:40:05
jensingr -- Sunday, 5-Dec-2021 12:40:05

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