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A Major Financial Crisis 5 Times Worse Than Lehman Brothers Is Fueling the Demise of China

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Friday, 1-Oct-2021 10:13:58

While the world was focused on a fake pandemic, China was losing its financial power due to the lack of exports, too many factories closed down and the collapse of their real estate market.
For several months I was following what Chinese insiders were revealing - along with researchers in Taiwan, Hong Kong and friends of Steve Bannon, who was a strategist in the Whitehouse during the Trump administration. They revealed the fact that China was in trouble financially and politically, because of the over-reach and corruption of the communist government. They no longer could provide enough jobs and food for their people.

The Chinese communists had funneled huge sums of money to build up their military so they could eventually become the one remaining super power in the world. But in a pandemic world, the communists could not sustain their economic power with the loss of exports. In addition to that, the Chinese controlled stock market and financial houses were taking a huge hit. But, since the communist control the outcome in their stock market by “forcing” those entities from reporting their losses, the world was not aware just how bad things were the past few years.

At the top of the pyramid of financial houses was the Evergrande group that invested in real estate futures. But as the pandemic caused an economic downturn ripple effect across the globe, the huge financial company could no longer maintain its financial strength, and is now in jeopardy of going under.

Here is a quote from a researcher on Evergrande:
Yesterday, according to a Reuters article: …’The company, reeling under a debt pile of $305 billion, was due on Wednesday to make a $47.5 million bond interest payment on its 9.5% March 2024 dollar bond, after having missed $83.5 million in coupon payments last Thursday.’…

Ok, so there is $131 million dollars in interest payments that Evergrande has not paid to foreign investors in the last six days. If they can’t pay their interest payments on time why would anyone think that they will get their money back when Evergrande bonds start to mature in March 2022?

Reuters also reported yesterday that Evergrande sold a $1.5 billion stake in a bank to repay a large lender to whom they owe $7 billion. Evergrande has debts of over $300 Billion.

Evergrande is 5 to 6 times the size of Lehman. It is entwined in the world financial system. It has missed its last two of its dollar-denominated interest payments in the previous week. It has -apparently- made good on only 10% of its current wealth management products domestically (inside China). How will it pay off the principle of the dollar denominated bonds that start to come due in just 6 months?” (unquote)

In discussions with a friend who is retired from an alphabet agency, here was his response on the subject:
“I have been following this for weeks... it has been suggested that this could lead to a worldwide economic collapse... that sounds sensational to me- but who knows. none of it is good. it could collapse the real estate boom.”

This was my response:
“The real estate boom has already collapsed in China. I suppose the same thing could happen in other countries.
The unraveling of China could take a few more months. The actual default on the loans, etc. could take another 30 to 60 days. They may sell gold between now and then, or sell US treasury notes (they have $1.4 trillion), or take money from corporations and the public to pay the debt off. China has absolute control over all stocks, incomes and bank accounts. So, they have many options before anything major happens.

But one thing is certain, the rest of the world will see this fiasco and stop investing in Chinese stocks.
This all means that the financial collapse of China is on track to happen without any form of a comeback on the horizon for years to come, if ever.
I realized this a few months ago after analyzing what political activists and billionaires from Asia were saying about China… I was able to see the big picture that few others were willing to see. The bottom line: Something was wrong with China.
And when you add how the globalist were treating China in the news media, it showed a clear pattern of the global hierarchy deciding to pull the carpet out from under China (communists).

China was “used” to make profits for the globalists (this went into full gear in the early ‘80s), but then the Chinese communists became too arrogant and unmanageable for the wealthy elite.
Regardless what the UK or the US does, China is still going down from within anyway. Their economy is unsustainable. Their exports will not resurge. Their companies cannot rebound.

It is only a matter of time before they implode. Whether there is a military incident or not, makes no difference at this point, China still won't get back to the place they were 5 years ago. My guess is that an accident will take place in the next few years between China and an enemy country, then things will go hot.

Whatever China tries to do militarily will get an immediate response from the UK and the US. Basically, China is checkmated.
During the unfolding of chaos, if North Korea tries anything, they too will be dealt with by the US. It is a foregone conclusion that the US will defend Japan and South Korea, and other S.E. Asian countries against all acts of aggression from the communists.”
(I should add that Russia has finally revealed their displeasure with North Korea regarding the testing of their nuclear capable missiles. This was an important move by Russia, which may tell us that when a confrontation happens between the west and China and North Korea, that Russia will stand down and not get involved whatsoever.)

Right now, China is acting desperate. They have threatened to nuke the United States, Australia and Japan - officially. That is not the act of strength and power, it is an act of irrational desperation. Their economy is on the verge of full collapse. There are no new orders for exports to help them re-gain their manufacturing strength. They have propped up the Chinese stock market for years, to the point it is beyond fixing. They can’t maintain the power grid or the food supplies for the 1.4 billion people they have to feed.

The bio weapon attack on the US didn’t work with the lab created, weaponized virus. Now they are threatening to invade the free island of Taiwan and seize their companies that control 90% of the world’s micro-chip production.

It was decided years ago that when things got to this point in China, that the western nations would not allow the Chinese communists to assert its control, and would be stopped dead in its tracks. Hence, this is the reason the largest gatherings of navy ships since World War Two, are in the south China sea at this very moment.
Who is gathered there? The UK Navy is there in force along with the US Navy with several aircraft carrier strike groups, the Canadian Navy, the Australian Navy and the Navy from India, to name a few.
They are taking turns sailing through the Taiwan straits every day as China watches and fumes. As this has been going on for weeks now, China sends into Taiwan airspace, a minimum of 10 military aircraft daily to try and intimidate the democratic government of Taiwan. It hasn’t worked.

All of these countries are ready for whatever the Chinese communist do in the region. A few weeks ago, Japan stated they would defend Taiwan if they were attacked. This prompted a strange response from China saying: “If one Japanese soldier helped Taiwan, that the communists would nuke Japan, and keep nuking them until they surrendered unconditionally. Then China would divide Japan into 4 different provinces to be under full control of the communists from then on.”
The leaders from Japan ignored the wild threat and continued their plans to defend Taiwan.

This is the current situation in the western Pacific. The world is on the precipice of war, that has the real potential of going nuclear. China has over played their hand and thought they had global politics all figured out. They infiltrated governments, bribed politicians and bought up properties and mines all over world. But their corruption at home and their failed communist system caught up with them.

Where it goes from here is anyone’s guess. But one thing is certain, whatever China tries next, the western nations have a counter move against them. One way or the other China is going down. They could fade away and an internal revolution replaces the communist system, or they could go out in a bright light of nuclear fire. But one way or the other the collapse of China is imminent. George Eaton

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