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Rudolf Steiner on the Question of Vaccinations

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Monday, 13-Sep-2021 13:10:53

Dr. Douglas Gabriel gives a presentation on the subject, followed by a comprehensive post on the indications RUdolf Steiner made about vaccinations.
“A great majority of the population looks on with complete indifference as the medical papacy assumes ever greater proportion, worming its way into the most diverse fields - for instance, intervening extensively in children’s education, in school life, and staking a claim here to a certain form of therapy.” Rudolf Steiner, GA 107

Illness is big business in America. Doctors, hospitals, drugs companies, and medical insurance companies combined make over 1.5 trillion per year in America alone. This is approximately 5% of the total GDP of America that goes to Big Med, Big Pharma, and Big Hospitals. This industry depends on sick clients. According to a recent study by Johns Hopkins, more than 250 thousand people in the United States die every year because of medical mistakes (iatrogenic death), making it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Other sources claim that number is more likely to be over 440 thousand deaths per year, making iatrogenic death (mistakes of doctors) one of the leading causes of death in America each year. When you also add the admitted 4 to 100 million people who were given tainted polio shots that have caused countless illnesses and deaths, Big Med seems to do as much damage as they do good.

Quoting from the Hearing before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness of the Committee on Government Reform House of Representatives of the One Hundred Eighth Congress on September 10, 2003: “There is no dispute that millions of Americans received polio vaccines that were contaminated with the virus called Simian Virus 40, or SV-40. There also is no dispute that SV-40 is capable of causing cancer, but there is a major dispute as to how many Americans may have received the contaminated vaccine, with estimates ranging from 4 million to 100 million people. There is also a major dispute as to when the polio vaccine supply got cleaned up. In addition, nobody knows how many people got sick or died because of the contaminated vaccines.”

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) National Center for Health Statistics, cancer kills approximately 599 thousand people per year. There is no dispute that many of those deaths are caused by the polio vaccines of the 1950’s and 1960’s. Thus, if you add iatrogenic deaths (doctor induced) and vaccine deaths (pharmaceutical doctor induced) you have the number one cause of death in America being induced by Big Med with the help of vaccines provided by Big Pharma and mandated by the killer vaccine industry called the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Also, many people believe that the SV-40 vaccine also contributes to the 650 thousand who die each year from heart disease and the 85 thousand who die from diabetes.

It is also important to remember that the CDC and NIH “approve” cigarettes and simply put a warning on cigarette packages saying can kill you. Tobacco is responsible for more than 480 thousand deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41 thousand deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure – murder by association. This is about 1,300 deaths every day. On average, smokers die ten years earlier than nonsmokers and yet they are not outlawed by doctors and governmental agencies claiming to be protecting American’s health.

CDC members own 56 patents connected to vaccinations, including nucleic acid vaccines for prevention of flavivirus infection (Yellow Fever, Zika, Dengue, West Nile Virus, and many more), various vaccination testing methods (including an artificial lung system for aerosol vaccines and a process that screens new vaccines for human rhinoviruses), adjuvant patents, assays that assist vaccine development and facilitate monitoring systems, and patents for vaccine quality control. The CDC’s patents and vaccines are exempt from prosecution by - 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22: “(1) No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.”

The CDC Immunization Safety Office is responsible for investigating the safety and effectiveness of all new vaccinations; once an investigation is considered complete, a recommendation is then made to the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) who then determines whether the new vaccine will be added to the current vaccination schedule. Members of the ACIP committee include physicians such as Dr. Paul Offit, who also serves as the chief of infectious diseases at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Offit and other CDC members own numerous patents associated with vaccinations and regularly receive funding for their research work from the very same pharmaceutical companies who manufacture vaccinations which are ultimately sold to the public. This situation creates an obvious conflict of interest, as members of the ACIP committee benefit financially every time a new vaccination is released to the market.

Each of the twelve members of the CDC’s ACIP Committee has a significant influence on the health of nearly every member of the American population. Many own vaccination related patents and/or stock shares of the pharmaceutical companies responsible for supplying new vaccines to the public. Others receive research grant money, funding for their academic departments, or payments for the oversight of vaccine safety trials. ACIP members claim they are able to remain unbiased despite the rewards they receive every time a new vaccination is mandated to the public. In numerous instances, vaccines released to the market are later removed after serious side effects are documented. The rotavirus vaccine was one such example; it was pulled from the market in 1999, a year after its initial approval. In 2001, the House Government Reform Committee found that four out of the eight ACIP members who voted to approve the vaccine had direct financial ties to one or more of the pharmaceutical companies who produced the vaccine for public use. Similar situations involving many other vaccinations have been independently documented over the course of nearly twenty years.

The vaccination industry currently generates $30 billion in profit each year, some of which reaches the hands of the very people who create the vaccine schedule. Despite concerns connecting vaccinations to the increase in autism and a host of other disorders, the number of recommended vaccines continues to grow each year.

The safety and efficacy of vaccines is questionable at best, and criminal in many cases. As of 2008, super paramagnetic iron oxide (and graphene) nanoparticles have been added to most vaccines for children, as well as the flu, pneumonia, and shingles vaccines, among others. And now, mRNA gene manipulation is flying under the false flag of claiming to be a vaccine approved for emergency use authorization with the Covid-19 “fake vaccine.” Use of this GMO vaccine abnegates the life insurance policy of anyone who takes this “experimental drug”, and yet the public is not warned of these deadly realities and informed consent laws are being ignored and grossly violated.

Simply looking at the some of the ingredients found in standard vaccines reveals a list of potentially deadly substances that no one would agree to if the rules of informed consent were followed. Below is a partial list of some of the more dubious and draconian ingredients approved by the CDC and NIH to be active and inactive ingredients that they publicly justify, even though many are known carcinogens and poisons.
Some Ingredients Found in Vaccines

Aluminum, squalene oil, thiomersal, thimerosal, gelatin, sorbitol, stabilisers, emulsifiers, taste improvers, antibiotics, egg proteins, ovalbumin, yeast proteins, latex, formaldehyde, acidity regulators, human cell strains, animal cell strains, recombinant DNA, bovine products, viruses, bacteria, antigens, genetically modified organisms, aluminum salts, preservatives, human serum albumin, excipients, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, potassium aluminum sulphate, pneumococcal viruses, flu viruses, polysorbate 80, sorbitan trioleate, sodium, mercury-based preservatives, ethyl mercury, sugar, lactose, mannitol, glycerol, medium 199, arginine hydrochloride, monosodium glutamate, urea, polysorbate 80, antibiotics, penicillins, cephalosporins, sulphonamides, neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B, gentamicin, kanamycin, gentamicin, yeast proteins, glutaraldehyde, disodium adipate, succinic acid, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, histidine, sodium borate, borax, trometamol, human cell lines, lung cells from aborted fetuses, HEK-293 cell line, adenovirus, kidney cells aborted fetuses, animal cell lines, chick embryo rotavirus cells, coronavirus spike protein, bacterium, hepatitis B virus, bovine products, graphene oxide, iron oxide, super paramagnetic nanoparticles, paramagnetic hydrogels, medium 199, eagle medium, and minimum essential medium, among others.


As you can see, it would not take a medical degree to know that these substances are dangerous for human consumption, let alone injection into the human bloodstream. One can only imagine that health is not the goal of these vaccines, and then the question arises: Why are “they” poisoning people with vaccines? The answer is not clear, but the outcome of millions of deaths indicate draconian intentions through a protracted war on the human bloodstream. We seem to be in the Pharmaceutical World War III that is being conducted with needles and pills instead of bullets and bombs. Thus, one can only conclude that vaccines are not meant to create good health, but in fact are meant to feed the biggest industry in America – the medical industry’s need for illness.


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