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How to Exit the 3D Reincarnation System

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Friday, 9-Apr-2021 13:32:32

Thanks to reader Mark..


By Michael Becker

We’ve all heard the term “reincarnation.” We’ve also heard tales about “the reincarnation trap” that have been proposed and told for centuries.

Is reincarnation even real, and if so, what is the true purpose of it? Is our conceptualization of reincarnation skewed as a result of limiting cultural conditioning? Is this entire Earth experience really just some kind of cruel, deceitful set up orchestrated by nefarious, malevolent beings hijacking our reality? Or is it something else entirely?

My views about reincarnation – what it is, what it isn’t, and why it’s a part of this reality construct – has changed significantly over the course of my awakening journey. Like everything else in our reality, your perception of reincarnation will depend on how you choose to view it – from a place of love or a place of fear.


To assist in comforting and guiding you during this presumably difficult process, you will be met with at least one or two advanced teachers who will counsel you through the life review — yet the same beings will apparently encourage you to come back to this 3D reality after some time, despite how happy you are on the other side. Sometimes this happens quickly, other times it takes years and years.

I am deeply appreciative of the divine guidance I receive, and I love my guides, but the question must be considered: is it possible that our spirit guides are merely trans-dimensional representatives for some kind of Archonic, Sirian, or Reptilian species who have kept us enslaved within these perpetual cycles of incarnations (think The Matrix)?

And is it true that the more karma we accumulate, the more time we’ll be spending here on Earth, down in the trenches and paying the price for our supposed “sins?”

Let me just say this: I suppose anything is possible… but the true nature of reality is much more complex than we know, and I do not resonate as much with these distortions as much as I was simply intrigued by them at the onset of my awakening.

Have you had enough of this sort of pessimistic, fear-based background information? Good, me too. Now I’m going to shift my focus to share my truth about reincarnation – which has nothing to do with malevolent beings and everything to do with the rules of this planetary reality construct we call Earth.
How to Exit the Reincarnation System

To understand the truth about the reincarnation system, we have to understand the purpose and mechanics of this reality construct as it relates to our consciousness and ascension.

Earth is the hardest game within the cosmos – and was intended to provide a very formative experience for advanced ascending consciousnesses. In fact, according to Judy at at Quartz Crystal (the self-proclaimed most highly-achieved player of every Matrix game) you had to be a victor in 55% of the other Matrix games in-play to even be considered to come to Earth. Up until this point, part of the RULES of entering into this planetary construct included:

The Veil of Forgetfulness. When we come to Earth, we lose almost all of our connection to God-Source energy and forget who and what we are.

Separation/Duality/Polarity. When we come into Earth, we take on a mind and an ego which perpetuates the perception of separation and reinforces existing constructions until we wake up inside of the game.

“Reincarnation.” We each made a sacred, divine agreement with ourselves and Source that we would not get so caught up in the material world so as to forget who we were and why we came here – and to continue embodying inside of the experience until we came to Enlightenment (including complete understanding and unconditional love for all other-ones).

Earth is a VERY risky and challenging endeavor – we agreed to have our Source fractal remain inside of the game, continuing to reincarnate until awakening… and if it couldn’t do it, it’d stay stuck in this Matrix forever, which Source would never shut down. Some 55 million souls have been swallowed by the Matrix according to Judy.

BUT… Evidence from channeled Pleiadian light forces suggests that a central Sun portal has NOW been opened and the reincarnation system which had remained a closed loop for 350,000+ years has been dissipated. This portal is being opened in conjunction with Humanity’s Grand Ascension event in which negative polarity is being eradicated from this galactic construct. As a result, we may all be home free after this lifetime (though I’ve heard multiple times that as soon as you come out of the Earth experience you will want to dive right back in and that the line to get into Earth is quite long… so maybe reincarnation is actually a good thing!).

Up until now, achieving Enlightenment had been the only path to escaping the reincarnation system. What does that mean?
Exiting the Matrix: Achieving Enlightenment

Enlightenment refers to the amount of light that your “body” is able to hold. When I say body, I am referring to your light body, the density of which directly correlates with your state of consciousness.

Your body is just a vehicle which allows you to take on an incarnation in order to gain experience and ‘add’ to your consciousness’s figurative bank account or repository of knowledge, experience, and wisdom. As our consciousness grows and matures, it accumulates more PHOTONS/LIGHT, or greater PHOTONIC DENSITY.

Since ‘enlightened’ individuals carry more photons/light (and the photons within their consciousness are spinning faster), they have access to higher understandings about the order of the cosmos, the mechanics of existence, and the true nature of reality. Each individual is at differing levels of their journey toward enlightenment.

My understanding is that reincarnation discontinues once an individual consciousness has accumulated the maximum amount of photonic density that can be carried within the physical vehicle which we temporarily take on to experience and ascend through this construct.

So, this is how I view reincarnation – as a gift which allows us to come to completeness, to fullness. My understanding is that this is the point of life: to INCREASE THE PHOTONIC DENSITY OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS by gaining a multitude of experiences and learnings, and ultimately to maximize progress on your path toward spiritual self-mastery.

We will continue this work until there is no point and nothing more to be gained by remaining/reincarnating into a Third Density construct like Earth.

I view reincarnation as a gift which allows us to come to experiential wholeness and fully spiritual maturation.

If part of the purpose of life is to awaken to the truth of who we really are by a process of self-realization and a reclaiming of our sovereignty as Source, we can come to realize we are not victims of our circumstances and that we are always in control.

Ultimately, your true peace will be found once you realize that you are The Creator of the experience itself, and you have the ability to create worlds and galaxies that are harmoniously filled with love outside of this system of control.

Part of the matrix itself includes fear-based distortions about reincarnation – and part of awakening is choosing to break away from them to dig deeper and find your own truth.

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