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SORCHA: "Hunter The Hunted Admits “I Am A F*cked Up Addict”—Father Joe Says “Give Me Half Of Your Salary”"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Saturday, 17-Oct-2020 16:13:09



October 17, 2020

Hunter The Hunted Admits “I Am A F*cked Up Addict”—Father Joe Says “Give Me Half Of Your Salary

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An insightful new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today mocking as absurdities leftist media sources claiming that the FBI is probing whether purported Hunter Biden emails sprang from a Russian disinformation campaign, says this obvious deflection from the truth is intended to keep hidden from the American people that Hunter Biden’s emails have been in the possession of the FBI’s top child pornography investigator Joshua Wilson since he subpoenaed them to a grand jury in December-2019emails confirmed as belonging to Hunter Biden by his business associate Bevan Cooney—and if Russia was really suspected as having anything at all to do with these emails, the FBI would be using its counterintelligence agents, and most certainly not its child porn experts—a fact known full well by FBI Director Christopher Wray during the sham impeachment of President Donald Trump, which is why he has just been sent a letter from Republican Party lawmakers in the US Congress asking: “If the FBI was, in fact, in possession of this evidence and failed to alert the White House to its existence that would have given even more weight to the president’s legal defense, this was a gross error in judgment and a severe violation of trust”.

A sentiment likewise shared by Hunter Biden, who in a newly released set of text messages from this hard drive in the possession of the FBI says to his socialist Democrat Party leader father Joe Biden: “Well dad, the truth is as you and hallie point out — I am a fucked up addict that cant be trusted relied upon nor defended”—and in another text message revealing how demonically cruel and vile Joe Biden truly is, saw drug addict Hunter Biden writing to his own daughter Naomi: “Unlike Pop (Joe Biden), I won’t make you give me half of your salary”—that in itself reveals the scheme employed by Joe Biden to use his family members as puppets to funnel into him millions of dollars of pay-to-play bribes, as unlike himself they aren’t required to file government reports about where their money comes from—and confirmed as being true by Hunter Biden emails describing how the Chinese Communist Party was paying him millions of dollars in the email that says: “10 held by H for the big guy”—with “H” being Hunter Biden, and the “big guy” being Joe Biden, who in just this corrupt deal alone made $10-million without having to report it.

All of which explains why President Trump yesterday called the Bidens an organized crime family and why Joe Biden lashed out at a reporter asking him about these crimes, with his angry reply being: “I have no response, another smear campaign”—an angry reply from Joe Biden met by famed anti-corruption attorney Rudy Giuliani warning the American people that of the still thousands of Hunter Biden emails to be released “they will shock the hell out of you”—who was joined by renowned legal scholar Jonathon Turley telling the Americans what three things to watch for— Bark 1: This Was Not Hunter Biden’s Computer…“but the response on ownership has been crickets for days”—Bark 2: These Were Not Hunter Biden’s Photos Or Emails…”Again, crickets”— Bark 3: This Is Defamation…“It would seem that one of the hundreds of lawyers currently lined up by the Biden campaign would fire off an “intent to sue” letter”—but astonishingly before any of these three things were brought into clear view, Hunter Biden’s attorney contacted the computer repairman who made the hard drive copy and demanded he give it back to his client—thus proving beyond all legal dispute that Hunter Biden’s emails are true. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, with it being beyond all dispute that the entire American leftist mainstream propaganda media establishment are complicit in the crimes committed by the Biden Crime Family and its socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden, it bears remembering that just before the 2016 election the leftist New York Times in their endorsement of Hillary Clinton wrote: “Running down the other guy won’t suffice to make that argument…The best case for Hillary Clinton cannot be, and is not, that she isn’t Donald Trump....The best case is, instead, about the challenges this country faces, and Mrs. Clinton’s capacity to rise to them”—an endorsement based on the proven reality that more people vote for positives than negatives—but after watching over these past few days as the New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s emails was shared over 470,000 times and having nearly 2-million interactions on Facebook while being censored—a few hours ago this same leftist New York Times reversed course and slammed President Trump with everything vile lie they could think of in their endorsement of Joe Biden, and sees them screaming: “Donald Trump’s re-election campaign poses the greatest threat to American democracy since World War II…Mr. Trump stands without any real rivals as the worst American president in modern history…He is a racist demagogue presiding over an increasingly diverse country; an isolationist in an interconnected world; a showman forever boasting about things he has never done, and promising to do things he never will”.

As in all such vile leftist media screeds against President Trump, however, this report notes, this one fails to mention or document a single fact or instance to prove what is being claimed is true about President Trump, nor does it even mention a single substantive positive fact about Joe Biden—though to fully understand hysterical leftist ravings such as this, one need only notice that over the same time period that Hunter Biden’s emails having been flooding across America, both socialist Democrat Party leaders and the leftist media have watched in horror as US Federal and State Courts have upended their election chaos scheme—and has seen the Michigan Court of Appeals slamming down a lower court socialist judges ruling and saying “No! There won’t be any 14-day extension past election day for mail-in ballots to be received”—saw US Federal Judges telling socialist leaders in WisconsinNo! You won’t count ballots received up to six days after Election Day”—saw US Federal Judges in New Hampshire rejecting a leftist lawsuit to tally mail-in ballots arriving up to five days after Election Day—and saw US Federal Judges telling leftists in GeorgiaNo! There will not be a three-day deadline extension for mail-in ballots”.

With the leftist news site Axios this past week cheerfully publishing their article “Joe Biden Is The Luckiest, Least Scrutinized Frontrunner” that says “Eight months ago, Joe Biden was in danger of losing the Democratic nomination. Now he's a prohibitive favorite for president — who got there with lots of luck and shockingly little scrutiny”, this report concludes, the “shockingly little scrutiny” faced by socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden has now come to an abrupt end with the revelations of Hunter Biden’s emails—specifically because this scrutiny is now coming from an American electorate that can never get enough of stories involving corrupt politicians, drugs and sleazy sex, and no amount of leftist censorship can stop them from finding out about—a fact known to Biden campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon, who just sent out a panicked warning that this race is a lot closer then the polls say—a warning coming at the same time a new poll shows Trump and Biden are tied in Pennsylvania and today sees the Republicans having narrowed the voter registration gap with Democrats to the lowest level in at least three decades in the critical State of Florida—and when added to new polling showing that swing state voters are standing by President Trump and don’t blame him for the coronavirus, explains what supports articles such as “TRUMP LANDSLIDE: Data From Trump Rally in Des Moines Spells Doom for Joe Biden and Democrat-Socialists”—a looming doom for Joe Biden and his socialist Democrats not being truthfully told to those consuming only rabid Trump-hating leftist propaganda media outlets—who if honest would try to help their deluded and deranged leftist news consumers by telling them about the Trafalgar Group—one of the world’s premier research firms depended upon by international finance giants to accurately forecast elections, and whose accuracy predicted President Trump’s win in 2016—thus making it critical to notice the Trafalgar Group having just reported that “Silent Trump Voters” in all of the key battleground States are twice as large as they were in 2016.

The Titanic hit the iceberg not because they could not see it coming but because they could not change direction.

Dean Devlin

October 17, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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