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Posted By: hobie
Date: Sunday, 9-Aug-2020 20:36:57

(Thanks, C. :)

Reader Charles Miller writes:


Dear Hobie,

Please Publish as soon as practicable. Some of the issues herein seem to be on the steep rise to public consciousness at the moment.

As sent, August 9, 2020, 3:30 pm, pacific. Sent in 6 parts due to word count limits.

As always,duly served via White House web invitation, federal public record the moment sent.

- - -


Dear President Trump, our President.

Double Standards Destroy Credibility. 1 of 6

Beneficiaries, Charles C. Miller and Andre’ Paul Provost Jr., approach our Trustee, Donald John Trump, with two fundamental questions exposing the root of the massive confusions destroying our country. We also provide resolution mechanisms within the powers of the Executive Branch.

First; By what authority does government, any government of any level, grant special privileges, immunities and benefits to one group or association, while refusing same to the majority of the People and other associations?

Second; How does our President maintain credibility, claim to the People, promise to drain the SWAMP, clean the corrupted Divided Loyalty public servants out of the ranks of government operations, both state and federal, when the simple, straight forward, known authorities are ignored and never applied?

We understand these are the inconvenient questions no one wishes to address. Our obligations to our selves, our neighbors, our country requires we speak truth to power. No matter the consequences. Thus, this duly served for public record, Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes, demanding our Trustee, serving the Peoples Public Trust, our United States Government, to simply apply the law and the procedures to create Resolution to obvious double standards openly recognized as premium Civil Rights Felonies is presented.

Mr. President, honest government starts with one act. IDENTIFY THE ROOT PROBLEM THEN APPLY THE LAWS AS WRITTEN NOW!

The Law, fundamentals of right and wrong, always wins, no matter how long or desperate the battle!

Any one not understanding that granting social media, search functions, interstate communications structures and operations, SPECIAL EXEMPTION, from the standards of the Bill of Rights and lawful actions in interstate commerce, is either stupid or corrupted beyond redemption. The People see and understand the truth, the facts, the law, even when our alleged public servants do-not. SPECIAL PRIVILEGES OR EXEMPTIONS DESTROY THE LAW, RESULTING IN DEATH OF THE FIRST, FOURTH AND FIFTH AMENDMENTS!

Any one not understanding that granting SPECIAL EXEMPTION FROM THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT TO RECEIVE RELIEF AND OR REMEDY, SELF PROTECTION, FROM DRUG MANUFACTURES, is either stupid or corrupted beyond redemption. The People see and understand the truth, the facts, the law, even when our alleged public servants do-not. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR DRUG MANUFACTURERS FROM BEING COMPLETELY LIABLE FOR THE EFFECTS OF THEIR PRODUCTS DESTROYS THE RIGHT TO SELF PROTECTION. The result of this special privilege is SLAVERY to drug and vaccine manufacturers, and the government actors operating a protection racket.

Mr. President, the current circumstance of the People being denied access to and protection from and of the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments, in context communications in electronic form across state lines, is denial that the Bill of Rights is valid, in force and effect Law of Land. The result is what you are experiencing now with the tampering with our elections.

The result is that the people have no forum in which to express their political will. These two together result in SLAVERY to the few SPECIAL PRIVILEGE beneficiaries. The term banana republic comes to mind!

The simple fact exposed here is the Peoples Congress, our own Executive Branch, and our own judges, all public servants, are ratifying SLAVERY over the People for private gain and benefit of a few individuals and their corporate shields.

Mr. President, the current circumstances of the People being barred by act of Congress, recognition of a non-constitutional statute by the executive branch and enforcement of same by the judicial branch, providing complete limitation of liability to drug and vaccine manufacturers is a premium act of SLAVERY.

Mr. President, perhaps you can explain to the American People why the special privilege of limitation of liability for harming and injuring anyone, granted by the government through the force of law, is not a premium act of SLAVERY! It appears as if the 13th Amendment barring SLAVERY is a dead issue in our country! No wonder so many people are in the streets.

Mr. President, no one, you in particular can have it both ways. On the one hand your claim to serve the People, our best interests, then, refuse, fail or excuse the requirement that your administration, simply, directly and firmly apply the laws as they exist! This is Double Minded to say the least

The Law, fundamentals of right and wrong, always wins, no matter how long or desperate the battle!

Mr. President, you nor any government body or government operation, holds any power whatsoever to allow, any business to negatively affect or limit the People’s absolute right to protect our selves, from those trespassing on our right to free speech, free association, free assembly, redress of grievance, privacy, and particularly to be made whole for damages! Further, you nor any government body or government operation, holds any authority or power, to limit or impair the Peoples right to be made whole, from damages caused by defective, untested or corruptly verified drugs or vaccines. This is no brainer territory to any common American, except politicians and Divided Loyalty public servants.

Mr. President, how do you justify asking for the Peoples trust, our votes, when the resolution to many of the confusions of our time are within the powers of the Peoples office of President, and simply not exercised?

Mr. President, all the claims of honest government servants being in place and doing their jobs properly is patently false. There is no way on GODS earth that honest public servants would refuse or fail to call out, the blatant, ongoing, subversive, rebellious, riotous, destruction of our American way by simply not prosecuting the known wrongdoers. So, where are these honest, loyal public servants and what are they doing to earn their paychecks and the Peoples trust?

Mr. President, honest government starts with one act. IDENTIFY THE ROOT PROBLEM THEN APPLY THE LAWS AS WRITTEN NOW!

Mr. President, the People see you! You are in front of all of us all the time. That is part of the job. Simply do the right thing by identifying the root problems and publicly ordering your U.S. DOJ to apply the laws as written. Then, And only then will you deserve the trust of the American people. Let the chips fall where they may and reap the benefits of the recognition that you are an honest man!

Band-Aids, do not stem the arterial bleeding out of our Republic by the simple abandonment of the Bill of Rights as written and the obligations of honest public service

The simple fact is Mr. President you’re paying the price anyway, you might as well get something really good out of it!

For the most part, People across our American experience, appreciate honesty, strong men, doing the right thing, more than anything else in public life!

Mr. Trump, we are both real Americans. That means that we stand on the right principles. From my position I am not limited. I understand you are bound up in a swamp that stinks terrible. Perhaps if you present this to your AG and ask him what he’s going to do. It might motivate something in the DOJ. What do we have to lose? What do we have to gain?

Sticking to the principles, the facts, the laws, executed through the procedures is always a winner!

Mr. President, simple comprehensive review of the compendium holding Attorney Generals Opinions will expose some of the solutions you seek.

The Chief Magistrates position holds complete authority and power to review any act of Congress, determine if the act is within the confines of Legislative powers, assigned by the States United to the United States Congress.

This is the balance check between branches.

The same principle applies to acts by federal courts.

Neither Congress nor Courts exercise police powers to faithfully execute the laws.

The Office of President holds the police powers.

Issuing Finding of Fact Conclusion of Law from the office of President is the Quo Warranto inherent in the office. A prerogative writ is a writ (official order) directing the behavior of another arm of government.

Prerogative Writs are property of the Sovereign, as is all law making and executing power.

The Presidents Office is covered with the mantle of the Sovereign when acting under authority defined by the Peoples Constitution.

September 18, 2018, you received at the White House our allonge, attached to the foundational documents of our country. The sealed documents verify Miller and Provost Jr.
standing and capacity as American Sovereigns.

No one has denied our duly served documents, now federal public records, not deniable.

Your Beneficiaries strongly Wish our President issue prerogative writs to the characters. When the characters fail or refuse to disclose their authorities your AG has the evidence of felonies. No more excuses!


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Articles In This Thread

hobie -- Sunday, 9-Aug-2020 20:36:57
Reader: "Government is far bigger than President Trump."
hobie -- Sunday, 9-Aug-2020 23:50:42
Reader Charles: "Agreed a long term problem built one little stone at a time."
hobie -- Sunday, 9-Aug-2020 23:50:42

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