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Four Hero Doctors Debunk Covidity

Posted By: MaryMaxwell
Date: Friday, 1-May-2020 23:32:02

Four Hero Doctors Debunk Covidity -- Prof Knut Wittkowski, Dr Annie Bukacek, Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr Rashid Buttar

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

The Powers That Be should never have given us the Internet, much less given us YouTube. Supposedly they’re very smart, but didn’t they foresee that people would: #1 gather info about them, and #2 rise up to kick them off their perch?

I sure hope “for their sake” that those Powers That Be are having a meeting right now to recognize that a nightmare scene is forming out there in the real world. I hope they see that forging ahead with the plan to conquer 7 billion people is not really a goer.

The “plandemic” did have some clever points – and I seriously imagined a takeover succeeding. Media assured everyone that the lockdown was 100% benign. Folks gladly cooperated “to help society.” Police were allowed by governors to make discretionary arrests. Insecurity and distress started to take its toll on citizens’ ability to think straight. Meanwhile, social distancing did the job of preventing group teach-ins. Clever, really.

Then along came several honest doctors. Oh-oh. Game over before it had hardly begun. I believe their stepping up to the plate is the most significant thing to have happened in the US in 40 years. Seriously. The reason for their unique ability to have a say, and to impress and encourage citizens, is that their status as doctors makes them authoritative.

Who’s Who in Today’s Hero Parade?

Many doctors and nurses are speaking out. I selected four whose videos are getting thousands of views every day, and who have a specific complaint about the political aspects of COVID-19. Here are their credentials:

Knut Wittkowski worked as an epidemiologist at the University of Tubingen, Germany and then came to New York where he headed the department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design at Rockefeller University.

Annie Bukacek is a physician in Montana and a member of the Montana Medical Association Legislative Committee. Dr. Bukacek was voted Best Family Physician in Flathead County in 2012. She is a mother of 5.

Sucharit Bhadkdi served for 22 years as the Chairman of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at University of Mainz, Germany. He has written an open letter about COVID to Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Rashid Buttar is a doctor of osteopathy in Charlotte, NC and served in the US Army. His birthplace is the UK (hence he’s not eligible to be US president, alas). Buttar has been reprimanded by his state’s Board of Medical Examiners for using unorthodox treatments for cancer and autism.

I have not taken the time to look up their career achievements, but in case you’re wondering if they actually know something about immunity, here is an article by Wittkowski, listed at Pubmed.

"Identification of cellular pathways of 'type 1,' Th17 T cells, and TNF- and inducible nitric oxide synthase-producing dendritic cells in autoimmune inflammation through pharmacogenomic study of cyclosporine A in psoriasis. Journal of Immunology," 2008.

Comments at

Let me quote, for each of the 4 doctors, just a few of the comments that members of the public have posted at Youtube or elsewhere, as of April 30, 2020:

******Prof Knut Wittkowski******

N C. -- Finally. A man talking sense. Thank you Professor Knutt Wittkowski

Mud Flap. -- So refreshing to hear someone talk so candidly and honestly. We need more people like him coming forward.

Gwoiler -- People follow Bill Gates for the same reasons they listen to political opinions of movie stars.

TyrellYo! -- It's great to hear sane, intelligent voices getting attention and putting all the mainstream media's lies to rest. Thank you for the thoughtful video.

******Dr Annie Bukacek******
Julien Herve 6 days ago -- so interresting, and astonishing. May you add french subtitles please? I'd like to share here in France.

D Beezy -- The more hospitals declare a death by COVID-19, the more money they will get from the government. An influenza death brings in about $3500 in funding. A death by COVID-19 brings in $39,000. Add a respirator to their in-hospital treatment and tack on another $13,000 (or so) to their funding. Why wouldn't doctors and hospitals take advantage of this funding?

Barry Dutton -- This Dr. is insane and dangerous. Please read The Great Influenza by John Barry. Our current situation is the same. [Imagine it being “dangerous” to inform Americans that the government tells doctors to cheat on death certificates!]

******Prof Sucharit Bhakdi******

Anuka ́s Seelenheilarbeit AKADEMIE Feintjuning -- Danke für ihre unerschrockene Aufklärungen. Bleiben Sie stark, behütet und beschützt im Herrn

Lichtsamen -- Danke von Herzen, Sie sprechen wie ein mitfühlender Mensch, eine mitfühlende Seele. Segen sei über uns alle <3

V1KA S4Y -- Herr Bhakdi, bester Mann!!! Lassen Sie sich nicht beirren oder diffamieren. Menschen wie Sie sind wichtig um die Demokratie aufrecht zu erhalten!!!

*******Dr Rashid Buttar******

yassin Rah -- Dr rashid buttar is powerful. His videos was translated to different languages because he is one of the few Drs in this world is telling the truth about vaccines ... GOD BLESS HIM AND SAVE HIM

Monica -- Dr Buttar has a heart of gold. He truly cares about this entire world. God bless you and your entire family. I’ve shared your videos with everyone I know. If our government officials would care about people as much as these Doctors do, we would have a much peaceful and healthy world to live in. ✌️♥️😊

Tigerex966 -- Gates and friends make no money from a cure, they make money from viruses, vaccines, and medicine, which are only insanely profitable bandages, and they patented viruses and vaccines and medicine to continually get people sick, dead, and treated with a booster shot every year, that will probably kill you.

Robert Lyons -- The SCARY thing is this is only phase 1 of the agenda.

Dr Buttar’s numerous videos have now been seen by millions, and have been translated into many languages. He mentioned that someone sent him a picture of people in Russia watch his video. It hardly need be added – for anyone who understands the dishonesty of mainstream media -- that Dr Buttar’s ideas are not getting picked up by CNN, or the New York Times.

What Are the Bold Claims by These Hero Doctors?

I will describe the four doctors’ claims in the order in which they happened to arrive on my radar screen.

Dr Annie Bukacek grabbed a microphone and camera and read to the nation the instructions that the CDC had sent to her and to all doctors, on how to fill out a death certificate during this pandemic. They were told to list COVID as the cause of death if the person tested positive for it, even if that did not cause their death. They were also told that they could “assume” COVID based on other factors.

Naturally, Dr Bukacek saw that this would result in false statistics as to the extent of the disease. This has also been said by other doctors. Oops, I was going to say “other brave doctors” but why should it take bravery to complain about such a thing? Well, apparently there is much at stake. Annie is now being pushed off the board of health of her county -- there is a petition to retain her.

Prof Sucharit Bhakdi told the German government that the reason for his concern is “the truly unforeseeable socio-economic consequences of the drastic containment measures which are currently being applied.”

He sent 5 written questions to Angela Merkel:

1. Statistics. An illness requires a clinical manifestation -- only patients with symptoms such as fever or cough should be included in the statistics as new cases. Question: Did the projections (of COVID) make a distinction between symptom-free infected people and actual, sick patients?

2. Dangerousness. If it should turn out that the COVID-19 virus should not be ascribed a significantly higher risk potential than the already circulating corona viruses, all countermeasures would obviously become unnecessary. [Probably] the new virus is NOT different from traditional corona viruses in terms of dangerousness. Question: How does the current workload of intensive care units with patients with diagnosed COVID-19 compare to other coronavirus infections, and to what extent will this data be taken into account in further decision-making by the federal government?

3. Dissemination. Not even the much-cited Robert Koch Institute knows exactly how much is tested for COVID-19. It [Yet] a rapid increase in the number of cases has recently been observed in Germany as the volume of tests increases. [Probably] the virus has already spread unnoticed in the healthy population. This would mean that the official death rate – on 26 March 2020, for example, there were 206 deaths from around 37,300 infections, or 0.55 percent – is too high. Question: Has there already been a random sample of the healthy general population to validate the real spread of the virus, or is this planned in the near future?

4. Mortality. The fear of a rise in the death rate is currently the subject of particularly intense media attention. Many people are worried that it could shoot up like in Italy if action is not taken in time. The mistake is being made worldwide to report virus-related deaths as soon as it is established that the virus was present at the time of death. This violates a basic principle of infectiology: only when it is certain that an agent has played a significant role in the disease or death may a diagnosis be made. Question: Has Germany simply followed this trend? And: is it intended to continue this categorization uncritically?

5. Comparability. The appalling situation in Italy is repeatedly used as a reference scenario. However, exceptional external factors exist which make these regions particularly vulnerable [such as] air pollution. According to WHO estimates, this situation, even without the virus, led to over 8,000 additional deaths per year in 2006. Question: What efforts are being made to make the population aware of these elementary differences?

Prof Knut Wittkowski is visibly angry about the criticism he has received and is threatening USA Today with a libel suit, merely over that newspaper’s statement that he misrepresented himself. Ah, if only all dissidents would sue the media for their typical smear jobs. Ah, you’d think they could have calculated that a man of thundering integrity is unlikely to have “doctored” his CV.

Both Wittkowski and Buttar have “entered the lists.” Here are a few quotes from “Perspectives on the Pandemic” which is an April 29, 2020 interview of Knut by Journeyman Pictures. In less than a day, the YouTube video of it managed to get 55,000 views and 1200 comments. Things are hotting up.

Professor Wittkowski said:
At 9.50 “If the infections peaked around the 8th (of March, 2020), shutting down schools and restaurants and the economy on the 18th, is something that is totally absurd.”

At 10.33 “We close down the economy and see 36 million people losing their jobs because it’s fun seeing them losing their jobs…I think that is heartless.”

At 10.49 “New York hospitals were not overflowing. They were laying off people.” The ship [at harbor] was not needed.
Knut (pronounced Newt) also recommended that we not wear face masks, which then caused Rockefeller University to distance itself from him in a formal statement. Also, Dr Anthony Fauci is presumably not fond of him.

Dr Rashid Buttar has become an instant celebrity. He speaks rapidly and passionately. Perhaps the two things he is best admired for are: wiping the floor with Bill Gates in regard to vaccination, and ridiculing the CDC to within an inch of its life (I speak optimistically).

Still, for me, as a political activist, Buttar’s most stunning statements when interviewed by NextNews, had to do with spilling the beans as an Army veteran. For one thing, he announced that it was the United States, not Iraq, that set fire to the Kuwaiti oilfields in 1991 (remember Desert Storm?) – something I always thought.

He also said that when he and his company were told to take their dog tags off in certain circumstances, it was plain to hm that this was a wrong mission. Great!

Above, I opined that our four hero doctors can make the government very nervous, since they have prestige as doctors. But Rashid has a whole other layer of prestige as a veteran. He repeatedly reminds soldiers that they took an oath to support the Constitution “against all enemies foreign and domestic.” You can guess which domestic enemies he has in mind. (See above re floor-wiping.)

To conclude, I sincerely apologize for omitting the names of, and quotes from, many other heroes in today’s war against hoaxers. Please keep it up, O Heroes, and increase it a hundredfold. That is the minimum we need -- just to survive!

--Mary Maxwell was a Republican presidential candidate in the 2020 New Hampshire primary. Her website is, as linked below.

Mary Maxwell, having a go

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