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What Else Can They Throw At Us? More Deception, Lies and Control.

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Friday, 10-Apr-2020 16:40:11

A Friend of mine recently asked me: What else can they throw at us? Here is my answer:
The economy will be shut down for a long time because of all of this. That will change our lives as well. My guess is we will be in a permanent state of government controls. They may force a vaccination on us in the future, and many will refuse to take the shot. If total control of the people continues, it may be rejected by some in society and we could have an uprising against the authorities. It is also possible that they will start some wars as well, to throw things off balance even further - and enrich the military industrial complex.
After seeing quite a bit of evidence recently on how they have exaggerated and exploited this virus, skewed the numbers, and shut down the economy for no valid reason, I feel they are collapsing our nation on purpose. Nothing good can come of that. We are facing a martial law situation where they are lying to us about what is going on and taking control of our lives to such a degree that our freedoms are being destroyed. We can't even leave our homes for crying out loud. How are we as a nation supposed to go to work or start and run businesses and thrive as a nation? Whatever they are saying they want from us is simply not possible when you look at it rationally.
This appears to be an exercise of total control of our lives. That is not the American way. We have tolerated the shut down and obeyed the government, but we may never know if it was justified. If they continue to lie to us about the real risk of a disease outbreak, how can we trust them with other things they tell us? When they destroy crops and it create food shortages, how can we know the real truth on other shortages? If they tell us they will pay everyone not to work, then what is the incentive to go back to work? Why not just keep paying us all $ thousands a month for staying home?!? None of it makes sense.
The truth that the public is not facing is this: the economy and financial system was primed to collapse already. The so called “new virus" panic was a random Black Swan event used as a scapegoat to bail out the banks, financial houses and big business - without anyone getting the blame. It was in effect, a total reset of the system. The end result will be inflation, then hyperinflation which then inflates the money to such a high degree they can easily pay off the national debt with grossly devalued dollars. Then they will do another reset, but by that time who knows what the world will look like. The bottom line is, we are being manipulated like a herd of cattle being inhumanly driven in one direction and then another, and kept in a panic from one "emergency" to the next to keep us mentally stymied, confused, emotionally drained and incapable of free thought or resistance. And we are supposed to respect and obey a government that is doing that to us? This is pure insanity. We are being treated like a new crop of mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed fertilizer. That is the new normal and the legacy citizens can look forward to. Nothing good can come from lies, subterfuge, draconian controls, panic, fear, manufactured hysteria, forced shutdowns, and social engineering. Keep in mind I believe in practicing social distancing, avoiding shaking hands and avoiding crowds during high risk times. But, we can do all of those things and still go back to work and go shopping normally. It is true, a lot of people died from the flu this year on a worldwide basis, this fact is not in question. Perhaps this can be a wake-up call to wash our hands more and live a new way of living. But, the time will come when we will need to get back to normal and have the freedom to go to a café, a movie and a walk in the park.
We should have been suspicious of what they were telling us when they shut everything down and conveniently gave us no date when things "can" return to normal again. This is not the black plague from the dark ages. let's get real here. This is just a flu - no different than what we have faced for generations. We get through it every year and will continue to get through it for generations to come. But the only thing that has changed this time is a media contrived panic and government controls. And to add insult to injury, when we are told it is "safe" to return to our lifestyles the powers that be will then tell us "see how many lives we saved? We did this all for you!" But, there is no way to prove that assertion. It is the perfect braggadocios claim by the politicians that we can't disprove - so they get away with total control over our lives and no one is the wiser. I now distrust the government and the news media even more than I did before this manipulated event. But I am certain of one thing, if a government will do this deception in such a massive scale, whatever they do next will not be good for us. George Eaton

To give some perspective on past flu seasons here are the statistics:
From 1957-1958, about 2 million people died from Asian flu, with about 70,000 deaths in the United States.
In the 1968-1969 flu season 34,000 people died in the US.
The Spanish flu of 1918-1919 killed 675,000 in the US.

On average 36,000 people die of the flu every year in the US.
Here is another quote on the subject:
“This year's flu season is shaping up to be possibly less severe than the 2017-2018 season, when 61,000 deaths were linked to the virus. However, it could equal or surpass the 2018-2019 season's 34,200 flu-related deaths. Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.” Source:

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