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The Story of the Clever Parasite

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:46

The Story Of The Clever Parasite
A parasite walked into a bar and met up with a tape worm. ”Hello Mr. Parasite!” The Tape worm said. “Let me buy you a beer! Let’s toast to our success of draining this host of his life. It won’t be long now and we will drain all of the life out of the host’s system.”
“You must be new at this.” The parasite replied as he took a drink of the beer and lit up a cigar. The tape worm had a puzzled look on his face and let the parasite continue as they both sipped on their drinks.
“Sometime back,” The parasite began, “long before you were born, I was with a group of tapeworms and parasites inside a host and we worked tirelessly day and night to take all the energy possible from the host we will living off of in expert fashion. In fact, we were doing such a good job that we even had children and taught them to follow in our footsteps, until even they were joining forces with us to drain even more life and energy from the host. It was almost like an instinctual contest for us, as if there was no tomorrow.”
“What happened?” The tape worm asked. “It sounds like heaven, the ideal situation for all of you!” The parasite drank another sip of beer and stared out across the bar.
“You’re right of course, it did seem like a heavenly paradise for us all,” The parasite answered, ”and we had children to share the bounty with and follow in our footsteps. But, one day our host became weak until he collapsed in the field of his toil and he died suddenly.”
“What did you do?!?” The tape worm asked.
“I was one of the lucky ones, I was carried off by another host and got re-established in his body next.” The parasite explained. “But I lost a lot of my friends and I learned an important lesson. If you are going to be a smart parasite you have to be careful not to drain too much life and energy off of the host, or else the entire system will collapse.”
The tape worms face became more serious as he drank another sip of beer. “I had no idea. What do you recommend we do?”
“Well my friend, I am part of a group that monitors the health and well being of the host. And we decided that we had drained every bit of energy and life force from the host we could possible take without killing it.” The parasite explained in detail. “We have called a press conference and hired all the news media to carry our propaganda throughout the host body. We are pretending that our work as the parasites and tape worms has suddenly come to an end so the host will feel re-energized and healthy again. And, once the host’s energy and vigor is restored we can then go back to draining energy from him without him even knowing what happened.”

“That is genius!” The tape worm said. “You mean all the news media talk of our companies stopping for a while is just a trick to make the host work all the harder for us later?”
“Yep, you got it my friend.” The parasite replied as he took another draw from his cigar, then drank down the last of the beer. “We have learned that if you drain too much energy from a host victim, that the entire system will collapse and die. So, we pretend to stop work and let the host recover for a while, then we can benefit from his added strength and continue our secret work of draining the host again for years to come. Our group of clever parasites have hired politicians and the news media to stop all work and businesses so the host will be fooled into going back into the field and laboring for us, and then in turn feeding us and our children.”
“How long can we keep draining the host then?” The tape worm asked.
“Forever my friend,” the parasite replied, “as long as he never learns the truth that he can survive without us. Then we can keep building mansions with pools and buy sports cars for our children. So my friend, mums the word on our plan and our host will never wake up to what is going on. Afterall, we are the chosen few that truly deserve to rule over all hosts that produce labor and energy. We alone are clever enough to control all information that gets to the host. We have learned by experience that to control information will control the host. And, as we tell a lie over and over again that it will finally be accepted as the truth.” The parasite then tipped his hat and left the bar.
The moral of the story is that parasites have controlled nations and people on earth for generations. They tell lies to start wars and build up economies and then collapse them at will. They exploit all disasters and emergency events to gain more power. And when they tell the people to stop working for a while because of a war or disease outbreak, they are not doing so out of the goodness of their heart. No my friend, they are strategically retrenching themselves in the world, to gain more power and control so they can continue their power over all people, their host victims. George Eaton

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