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SORCHA: "Trump Shows “Deep State” He Has “Voice Of God” Mass Shooters Too"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07

I can't believe that "Trump-loyal forces" would deploy a mind-controlled mass shooter, but that's what "Sorcha" says here. For your discernment.



August 5, 2019

Trump Shows “Deep State” He Has “Voice Of God” Mass Shooters Too

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A mainly redacted classified at the highest level “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Donald Trump is preparing to address his nation about two mass shooting events, states the most critical information not being told to the American people about the deaths of 30 of their fellow citizens in two mass shootings this weekend is that they were, in fact, casualties of “War By Other Means”—a geoeconomics and statecraft term used to describe measures employed to lessen the outbreak of all-out war—and in this instance is seeing the actions of El Paso-Texas mass shooter Patrick Crusius being blamed on Trump by his “Deep State” enemies—that was quickly responded to by Trump-loyal forces, a few hours later, when they unleashed Dayton-Ohio mass shooter Conner Betts, a Trump-hating pro-Satan leftist who supported Democrat Party socialist leader US Senator Elizabeth Warren—both of whom the CIA had decades ago identified as being ideal candidates to be mind-controlled assassins—whose control over is accomplished by using such weapons as the “Voice Of God” device American military forces used in Iraq to beam messages into their enemies’ minds. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to the sections of this highly classified document we’re permitted to mention, the CIA has contained in their public viewable library a document titled CIA MIND-CONTROL PROJECT INCLUDED ASSASSIN-MAKING—the details of which, when combined with hundreds of news articles, revealed the ideal mind-controlled assassin would be a young man in his late teens or early twenties who considered himself a loner and/or social outcast whose mental “social construct” (i.e. anti-social) rested outside of mainstream thought—an exact description of 21-year-old El-Paso mass shooter Patrick Crusius and 24-year-old Dayton-Ohio mass shooter Connor Betts.

Most important to note about El-Paso mass shooter Patrick Crusius, this report details, is that after his capture, his social media profile was mysteriously changed from his having declared himself a Democrat to his being a Republican, and whose “manifesto” he released before his killing spree began showed him not blaming Trump at all for what he was doing—but wherein he did describe himself as an anti-immigrant fanatic who believes America is being overrun and destroyed by illegal aliens—while at the same time, Dayton mass shooter Connor made no attempt to hide his hatred of Trump, his full support for socialist Democrat Party leader US Senator Elizabeth Warner, his openly admitting he was a pro-Satan leftist, who wrote on his Twitter profile a description of himself stating: “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i'm going to hell and i'm not coming back”—and who kept a “hit list” and “rape list.

Anti-social 21-year-old mass shooter Patrick Crusius fits profile for CIA mind controlled assassin…

…as did anti-social 24-year-old mass shooter Connor Betts.

Making young men CIA mind-controlled mass shooters like Crusius and Betts more easily controllable, this report explains, are “microwave auditory effect” weapons—the research of which began in the US in 1961 when subjects were discovered to be able to hear appropriately pulsed microwave radiation, from a distance of a few inches to hundreds of feet from the transmitter—by the 1990’s saw the US military expanding the power and reach of these “mind speaking weapons—in 2007 saw the US military deploying in Iraq a device that projects voices into your head to make you think God is speaking to you they called “The Voice Of God” weapon—and just this past week, saw it being revealed that the US military has developed an even more powerful mind-control device—a weapon using a phenomenon of physics called the Laser-Induced Plasma formation which fires a powerful laser that creates a ball of plasma, then, a second laser works to oscillate the plasma creating sound waves “which can zap messages into enemies’ minds from hundreds of miles aways”.

The likelihood that two mass shooters would appear within hours of each other on the same day—most particularly with one’s actions being able to be blamed on President Trump, while the other one’s can be blamed on his “Deep State” socialist enemies, this report notes, has odds approaching that of being able to see in this same time period flying unicorns and an elf army—in other words, not just improbable, but impossible.

Using the philosophical principle of “Occam's Razor”, that says when there exist two explanations for an occurrence, the one that requires the least speculation is usually correct, however, this report points out, the more than obvious connection between these two mass shootings saw the “Deep State” using their mind-controlled mass shooter in bid to force President Trump to anger his Second Amendment gun rights supporters by forcing him to take needless draconian actions to curb their rights to own guns under leftist pressure—as nothing these demonic socialists have tried has split Trump from his followers—but whose second mass shooter showed the “Deep State” that Trump has his mind controlled mass shooters, too.

Most fascinating in this SVR report is that following its redacted conclusion section, it lists an appendix detailing how the CIA has been able to illegally fund for decades its mind-control assassin project—an appendix that begins by noting the 24 September 2007 crash in Mexico of a CIA private jet carrying tons of cocaine—the full details of which were given to SVR investigators during their interrogation of Andrei Kovalchuk—the most mysterious person in the world who has no nationality or past—who, early last year, was arrested in Argentina trying to smuggle 600-pounds of cocaine into their country, and his saying the CIA was behind this massive drug-trafficking operation—a case quickly handed over by Argentina to Germany who, in turn, more than rapidly extradited him to Russia, as his only piece of identification was a fake Russian passport, but who had never lived in Russia before—and during whose SVR interrogations, saw him detailing the CIA’s main global cocaine smuggling routes over this past year—which enabled Spain to make the largest cocaine bust in their history—the United States to make the largest cocaine bust in their history worth over $1 billion—and Germany to make the largest cocaine bust in their history worth over $1.3 billion—thus crippling the “Deep State” aligned factions in the CIA being able to finance their secret and deadly projects—and who now have against them a President Trump who’s just shown he can be as ruthless and deadly as they are.

August 5, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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