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2018 State Of The Union (with commentary)

Posted By: Swami
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:06

President Donald Trump Delivers The 2018 State Of The Union Address (Full) | CNBC - YouTube


[Begin real time commentary]

We are so good..

We are special..

We honor the hosts of our parasitical behavior, you are so brave..

Parasites stand and clap, for the hosts..


We are so good and strong, especially the hosts of our parasitical activity..

We are so full of shit.. just look at the facts on the ground about our financial condition..

Anything we say, the hosts of our parasitical activity, believe.. just because we say it on TV..

We continuously increase the amount of taxes we take from our hosts, and when we take a tiny bit less, they are grateful..

Keep shoveling this shit down our hosts throats..

We beg our hosts, please, keep buying into our bullshit, and spend, spend, spend..

Invoke "God" and our military, with false respect..

Duty? Doody? Flag? Pledging? National anthem?

(The state of the union, is just an aerobic exercise for congress. Stand, sit, stand, sit...)

Promises of legit behavior..

We are so good..

We are going to close the barn doors of economics, after the horses have left the building..

Things are going to get better for our hosts, we promise, as politicians..

New buzz word: reciprocal

We are going to protect our hosts, we promise, as politicians..

We will take more taxes, to pay for things that we should have fixed already..

[Invoke emotion]

Pulling on your heart-strings, we honor the hosts, of our parasitical activity, for their suffering, from our parasitical activity..

We are so compassionate, when we aren't enslaving, or killing our hosts, for fun and profit..

We are here to defend you, our hosts, from the evils of the world, except for our parasitical behavior..

Immigrants, we need to dilute our existing population, as well as bring in new tax income..

Our hosts need us.. Our hosts need immigrants..

America first, and immigrants, and taxes..

Drugs, bad, bad, bad.. pharma, good, good, good..

[Invoke emotion]

Saving babies... We are soooo goood...

Military, we are soooooo gooood.... more nukes..

Terrorism, still useful, but we are fighting the terrorists that we sponsor, protect, and arm..

We honor our hosts that do our bidding..

We should kill people that we designate as evil, bad.. because we said so..

We can do this wherever we want, even in other countries..

We are not stupid..

Jewy jews unite..

Iran, bad, but we need to help their people.. We should take them over, again..

North Korea, bad, their gov is so bad.. We should take them over, again..

Heroes, they make us parasites look good in the eyes of our hosts, proving we are good parasites, stay strong..

[Invoke emotion]

Monuments, heroes, freedom, the capitol, the American people, our hosts, soooo gooood....

Its the people, in whoes name we do what we do.. soooo goood..

God bless America..

[End Manipulative Rhetoric]


Where is the bon fire, aren't these rallies supposed to have a bon fire?


Ron Paul Just Destroyed Trump’s Hypocritical Speech in an EPIC Tweet Storm

Dismantling the President's speech failures one by one, Ron Paul just exposed the hypocrisy and neocon intentions and deep state control of Donald Trump.

Matt Agorist -
January 31, 2018

Champion of freedom and liberty, Dr. Ron Paul, decided to grade President Donald Trump’s speech last night, in real time. The final result of his series of tweets is nothing short of incredible and highlights how blinded some have become to the grandiose persona of The Donald — ignoring all his broken promises and audaciously excusing his championing of the police and warfare states.

When I saw the following tweet in my Twitter feed last night, I got giddy like a kid on Christmas as I know that Ron Paul is the one person who refuses to compromise on principle and is unafraid of backlash for calling out the hypocrisy and warmongering of the establishment — including Trump.

Are you going to be watching #SOTU State of the Union speech tonight? I’ll be live-Tweeting the speech! See you then!

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

While applause rang out during the speech, those of us who are able to see through the lies saw the dog and pony show for what it is—a glorification of war and the fleecing of American people.

Opening up his speech Trump appealed to bipartisanship which was an unusual move given his constant divisive rhetoric. But Ron Paul saw right through it as the issues Republicans and Democrats agree on are the things that hurt Americans the most like foreign policy, the Federal Reserve, insane military budgets, and war.

Lots of praise for bipartisanship and “coming together” but coming together is not really the answer if it means coming together on bad foreign policy, bad monetary policy, deficit financing, massive military spending and foreign entanglements. #SOTU

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

As Trump moved on—briefly—to health care, he hypocritically claimed that Americans with “terminal conditions should have access to experimental treatments that could potentially save their lives.”

However, Trump remains entirely silent as his Attorney General wages war on a plant that has been proven to save lives—marijuana.

Terminally ill should have access to experimental drugs – yes! But in a free market all free individuals should be able to make decisions on what kinds of medicine they wish to take. Like marijuana. #SOTU

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

Later on in his speech, Trump declared that it is the federal government’s job to keep Americans safe—completely ignoring the fact that safety is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution.

“My duty, and the sacred duty of every elected official in this chamber, is to defend Americans — to protect their safety, their families, their communities, and their right to the American Dream. Because Americans are dreamers too,” said Trump, to which Paul retorted.

Prime function of the Federal government is NOT protecting our safety! It is the preservation of our Liberty. That forgotten word

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

Indeed, “liberty” is a forgotten word and it was only mentioned once during Trump’s entire speech and only in regards to “religious liberty.”

Also, the word “freedom” was only mentioned six times and it was purely symbolic, referring to foreign countries and statues in Washington.

The word “drug” was mentioned far more times than freedom and unfortunately, it was in regard to Trump expanding the war on drugs. Sadly, he has changed his stance since running for president and an increase in the war on drugs will only serve to create more crime, fuel more gangs, and cause more overdoses.

Ron Paul understands this fact.

Expanding the war on drugs is NOT the way to solve the problem! Get rid of the drug war! #SOTU

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

Another word mentioned more than liberty was the word “power,” of which Trump declared he needed more.

“Unmatched power is the surest means of our defense,” declared Trump. Again, Paul stated the obvious.

We’re not lacking power. We are the most powerful country in the history of the world — weapons, military, etc. We don’t need more spending to enrich the military-industrial complex! #SOTU

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

Part of the power that Trump wanted to increase was America’s already insanely large nuclear arsenal. Currently, the United States has enough nuclear weapons to lay waste to every major city on the planet—but to Trump—that’s not enough.

“As part of our defense, we must modernize and rebuild our nuclear arsenal, hopefully never having to use it, but making it so strong and powerful that it will deter any acts of aggression,” Trump noted.

7,500 nukes are enough. We don’t need any more nukes!#SOTU

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

After declaring he wanted a more nuclear power, Trump declared he wanted more power to detain terrorists and essentially declared endless war by doing away with “artificial timelines.”

“I am also asking the Congress to ensure that, in the fight against ISIS and al-Qa’ida, we continue to have all necessary power to detain terrorists — wherever we chase them down. Our warriors in Afghanistan also have new rules of engagement. Along with their heroic Afghan partners, our military is no longer undermined by artificial timelines, and we no longer tell our enemies our plans,” said Trump.

Sadly, it is that policy which has fostered terrorism and perpetuated conflict over the past two decades and the military industrial complex knows this.

Occupation is the greatest incentive for Americans to be attacked. If you want us safe, bring our troops home from 150+ countries! #SOTU

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

Looks like the war on Afghanistan will continue into its 17th year. Longest in US history. Not telling enemies our plans – but do American people get to know? #SOTU

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

After declaring endless war and demanding to have the most nuclear weapons, Trump ensured the military-industrial complex that their cold war is here and here to stay by fear-mongering over Iran and North Korea.

As Ron Paul noted, the “Cold War is alive and well! Military-industrial complex and Deep State still in charge.”

Cold War is alive and well! Military-industrial complex and Deep State still in charge. #SOTU

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

Wrapping up his Tweet storm on the state of the union, Paul called out the hypocrisy of the federal government and their failure to defend our freedoms against the domestic threats.

All politicians take an oath to defend the Constitution agains threats foreign and domestic. Sadly they have little consideration about those domestic threats.

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

The state of the union was little more than a celebration of the military-industrial complex and the police state—just like every other state of the union—and, as the endless applause illustrated, our fearless rulers in DC couldn’t be more happy about it.

Summary: The most dangerous part of the speech was the glorification of militarism and our aggressive foreign policy. Sadly, the Members’ over-enthusiastic response to the militarism was not encouraging. #SOTU

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 31, 2018

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