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Reader: "The Election and the Outcome…"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 31-Oct-2024 13:56:25

(Thanks, A. :)

Reader Anonymous writes:


.the 9 remote viewers and the Montauk chair! By anonymous….

I’m not a writer, but my spiritual guides have been chirping. I will do my best to relay the series of events that may be taking place.

There are two remote viewing institutes (Farside & Future Forcasting) that looked into the upcoming election. All together 9 individual remote viewers did a session on the election winner. Astonishingly every single one of the 9 saw Kamala Harris getting into the White House. Literally WTF!

I really didn’t want to hear that. I will 100% be placing money bets on Kamala Harris winning the presidency as she has plus Odds currently. It’ll be the best money I ever spent if I am wrong…

Sooo….Correct me if I’m wrong, but i believe even the establishment’s media has Donald Trump holding significant leads in most if not all of their polls. And If by their biased and slanted standards they still have Donald Trump in the lead…I would venture to say his ACTUAL lead is substantial.

However, as most of us probably know the establishment will never go down this easily. A win by Donald Trump means social out-casting for some, jail for others and death for the worst of the worst. Under those circumstances, would you cheat to win? I know I would. As mentioned with some cases, it’s cheat and win or lose and die….trust me…I understand the gravity of the moment we are rapidly approaching.

So if these remote viewers are indeed correct, then this election would have to be the most annoying and unfair spectacle to watch. It will be an exact repeat of 2020. There will be reports of fraud. There will be interviews of people screaming about the shady sh*t they saw, there will be vote recounts, and there will be court cases. BUT at the end of the day, it will all go down just like it went down four years ago.

Without the control of the msm media and without control of the courts and without control any significant lettered agency or without control of the DOJ…there is ABSOLUTELY no platform or way that can or will address this presidential election outcome if Kamala Harris is announced the winner.

However, this is where the fun begins….

For four years, I saw the “alliance“ and the “white hats“ fight the 2020 election through the courts and through congress and blah blah blah and accomplish close to nothing. They didn’t change how the votes are counted, they didn’t kick-out the Dominion system, they didn’t change the process of “who” can vote and finally NOBODY got arrested! Fail fail fail fail fail fail FAIL! I DO NOT want to watch another four years of Juan O’ Savin singing “The 2020 Election, It’s not Over Yet!”. BTW…I love listening to him, he sure does know how to move the ball forward and make the future look sexy.

However I can confidently say this: we certainly know the what steps NOT to take….and this may be our saving grace.

More on this later….

The power of thought and the Montauk chair:

A few decades ago, a whistleblower came out and talked about several secret projects/experiments he worked-on in the underground bases at the Montauk Military facilities. I’m sure someone can remember the guys name but at this time I can’t (Maybe…Preston Nichols). I believe this is also where the Philadelphia experiment took place.

Nevertheless, in one of the experiments there was an object called the “Montauk chair”. It was apparently recovered from a crashed alien vehicle. This chair amplified one’s ability to manifest reality through thought. We actually all have this ability, but certainly not to the extent of any individual sitting in this “chair”!

The whistleblower said he was able to create a creature in his mind that was half monster half animal. AND in an instant that creature appeared in the lab andddd….began destroying the lab. And Yes this IS ACTUALLY part of his story / part of his testimony.

Let’s say for one second you chose to believe this story: I would ask you to PLEASE consider for a moment the power behind a thought, and also its ability to create reality. Have you ever thought of something and the next thing you know…you are in the middle of a “strange coincidence” relating back to that thought? Well….at the very moment you would be witnessing the power of YOUR THOUGHTS!. It’s extremely real and it’s exactly what happens.

Now aside from having an enormously powerful “chair” that amplifies that effect many times over you can also achieve that same effect by a quantity approach. If an entire population of people align themselves with a similar thought they wouldn’t just influence their own reality they would be able to influence reality within an entire timeline.

Now think to yourself for one second all the methods the establishment uses on us to influence what we think and how we think.

I can give an example….

Look at the very first Iraqi war during President Bush’s time in office. Do you ever stop and wonder why our media played a video of a little girl saying Saddam Hussein was killing babies? That video just got the entire US population behind a cause and behind that war. It created a single unified thought. As evil as that was…it is a beautiful example of the establishment influencing how we think to therefore control the future. The manifestation power behind that one video clip won that war before it even started…

Thought influencing goes hand in hand with shaping our reality. It’s the single most important goal of the establishment AND likewise for the “white hats / Alliance”. Remember Q? That was/is an operation to awaken a population in order increase the number of individuals manifesting a reality to their benefit. Keep in mind, which ever side (good or bad) has more people

⁃ thinking in a unified fashion

⁃ wanting the same thing

⁃ desiring the same outcome

will eventually get the keys to the future direction of humanity.

When the majority of us were asleep (metaphorically) back in the 70s, 80s, 90s and early 2000s…. shaping reality through the mass media and through the false reporting of events was a hell of a lot easier then it is right now.

For the last hundred or so years (I believe starting in the mid 1800s) and through a massive calculated move (within a spiritual war that most of us do not fully understand) many star-seeds were brought to earth to start awakening humanity.

2 quick tidbits:

⁃ The advent of the Internet was used to spread information around quicker. The worldwide web has the ability to spread the “truth” in an instant. Ever wonder why information is getting banned?

⁃ Key figures like Elon Musk and Donald Trump and many more were carefully lifted up into the positions they currently occupy. This was strategically planned to accelerate the awakening process for humanity.

⁃ So when somebody asks me are people like Elon Musk or Donald Trump a positive or a negative figure for humanity? I always reply….”Just look at how many people they have awakened”.

Awakening is the single most powerful weapon against the establishment.

Justttt in case someone needs an explanation - an awakened individual is one that has broken free of the illusion we are born into. It’s a downright wicked illusion that explains away everything that is bad into a carefully crafted message that has the affect of anchoring an individual deeper into its grips. When a person FINALLY awakens It’s a “HOLY SHIT moment” that has the ability to really ruin a person in the short term. However, once that person has awakened the establishment’s ability to control their thoughts, and thus control our reality is greatly diminished.

Bringing everything back to the election and the battle we will soon face:

Over the last four years, there was never a clearly defined path on how to change the election outcome and how to change the election process to eliminate election fraud. There was never a single defined path on how to overthrow the current leadership. Rather hundreds of mini-plans started to take place..

To my knowledge not one single plan has ever fully worked….Not to the level that it could fix the processes needed in-order to have a “fair and square” election where a valid-elected leadership gets put in place.

It certainly didn’t even come close to ousting the current illegitimately “elected” leadership. Take for example “the Brunson case”. I call this a mini-plan! While this is great in theory and quite possibly this WAS used as leverage at various junctures….it stopped far short of what it could’ve done because that process is controlled as F*ck!

So FINALLY we can honestly everything has been tried….besides a kinetic plan (aka Military options, aka civil war). With our backs against the wall this seemingly becomes the only plausible option.

Will we finally have a unified thought for this option? Or will it be diluted by the talkers (aka Juan O Savin) and thrown into a bunch of different mini-plans again!!? I HOPE NOT. Should the establish win the presidency….I am STRONGLY against any type of fighting but I am at the realization this is our only available option left. Humanity will be in the spot where they could truly say WE WILL HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE.

⁃ do nothing = we will be doomed

⁃ Try by using the same tactics we did in 2020 = didn’t work

⁃ Fight and lose = we will be doomed

⁃ Fight and win = OUR ONLY CHANCE!

In the environment we are in today, with a lead as big as we have today - if we cannot get this done through the elections, there may never be another figure that unifies an entire country the way Trump does…. And we certainly have no chance at fixing the election processes at any point in the future. ITS NOW OR NEVER!


There is an interviewee on rumble (and with a little time I may be able to find him). Maybe a reader can help. This individual was tortured as a child sex slave. After growing up and as a late teen this person was given adrenochrome by one of his captors. Apparently, he became a companion and a friend to the captor in some sense.

This person took adrenochrome on two separate occasions. During both experiences he recalled taking a “trip” to our future timeline. And in that future timeline, he saw Kamala Harris as this elections winner….(again! WTF!)

And while Kamala initially wins the election this causes a kinetic exchange (small scale civil war) across the country…. and eventually Donald Trump and Kennedy end up ruling America and maybe the world (I am not exactly sure what the interviewee said as I had listened to it many months ago).

The only reason I put any weight behind what he said is due to the fact his initial experience happened at a time when Trump was not even a political name. And at a time when Kamala was no where close to being a presidential candidate. And finally, he made a connection between Trump and Kennedy at a time where there would be no reason to even think this was a possibility. And recently…it’s kind of odd that Trump and Kennedy have become running mates!


Within the Fareside institute’s remote viewing team….(please see Kerry Cassidys website for the complete explanation of what I’m about to say…www.projectcamelot.org…) they remote viewed themselves into a setting where they spoke with an alien. And in the translations of what the alien had said….

⁃ It mentions that with the win by Kamala Harris the establishment puts themselves in a precarious situation. It’s a situation that opens the door to an eventual overthrow of their entire control structure in the world. The alien states that humanity will need turmoil in order for this overthrowing opportunity to present itself.

I believe very greatly in the dynamics I laid out in this article…. Where we finally get behind a single unified thought/solution (i.e. war, civil war, kinetic exchange, etc etc.) And by “we” I mean me..I mean you…I mean the entire awakened population….I mean the white hats…I mean the alliance…i mean everybody that knows just how dangerous our situation really is.

So how dangerous is this moment? I truly believe this is the last chance to overthrow a control structure that’s about to be cemented into another thousand years of control if this doesn’t happen.


I could be wrong and Trump wins….


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