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Another Domino Drops

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Saturday, 28-Sep-2024 11:18:05

While most of us are focused on the rapidly approaching election, the attempted assassinations of Trump, the war between Russia and Ukraine, the attacks by Israel on Lebanon, in more regional areas our health care has taken another arrow to the heart. Depending on the kind of insurance you have, you could be paying out of pocket and up front for out-patient services. One lady I talked to said she had to pay $600.00 before the hospital’s walk in clinic would agree to treat her. How many people can do that? And, she has Blue Cross/Blue Shield, which used to be a good insurance company.

SEIRMC-South East Iowa Regional Medical Center, is what the corporation is called, that purchased two excellent hospitals and one band-aid station, in three area towns. The spokesperson for SEIRMC says it’s important to know that the new billing system will not affect in-patient care. What they aren’t telling you is how reluctant the doctor’s are now to decide for in-patient care. Now, why would that be? My own GP, who I had been going to for decades refused to run a test I requested, and which she had done not long before, advised me to go to the ER. Doctors used to complain that people misused the ER services, often showing up with little more than a hang nail. NOW, they want you to use those services? Isn’t that still considered out-patient care unless you are subsequently hospitalized?

At the same time, our wonderful FDA, who are 75% funded by Big Pharma, are going after natural products like supplements and herbals, you know, things that really do work. And that you can buy without a prescription and without the need to seek allopathic medical treatment. Conflict of interest? At the very least, that will mean an increase in deaths if natural products are taken away from us and people choose not to seek treatment if they are going to have to pay a large amount of money, from a budget which already barely covers living costs. Hmm, perhaps that was the reason all along. The poison jabs didn’t kill enough people-yet. After all, something had to be done to weed out the Social Security and Medicare rolls. This was the result of our Congress’ inability to keep their sticky fingers out of those funds to pay for their pork projects back home.

The newspaper article said, starting August 1st, these Regional Medical Clinics will be using what they call a “provided-based” billing model for out-patient services. (Which is also known as a “hospital based billing) Translated, that means the patient receiving two separate bills, one for the health care provider/professional services and a line item charge for the facility/hospital charges. “Professional Services” cover being seen by a health care provider or a test result read. (They surely meant August 1st of 25, since it is already September 27, of 24.) “Facility Fees”, or hospital care, cover room usage, equipment, supplies, and any additional health care staff involved in a patient’s care during their visit or procedure. Any lab tests or imaging done during the visit, will also be billed under the facility fee.

The spokesperson said, “This billing structure, which is already used by health care systems like Unity Point, helps insure the long-term sustainability of health care services in our region by meeting the financial demands of providing care.” Wow! If she ever loses this job, she can always go into politics. She already knows how to speak out of both sides of her mouth. And, as soon as she used Unity Point as an example, that was all I needed to read. Anywhere that Unity Point has taken over in our tri-state area, whether it was a hospital, assisted living or home health care facility, the services dropped to sub-standard pretty quickly. I’m sure they did this to save money. But then, don’t claim that “quality care” was your motivation for this change.

The same thing happened to Medicaid in the state of Iowa. When three insurance companies took over handling Medicaid, there was a meeting in our library where the three insurance representatives were spreading farm fertilizer about the changes they intended to make and how the recipients would not be impacted in any way. I said,”You are either going to have to reduce the number of care givers there are, reduce our pay or eliminate some previous services provided by the state. I said, Do you think managing Medicaid was a real money maker for the state? Why do you think the governor was in such a hurry to unload it from the state and hand it off to you three? Your companies are going to lose their asses unless you eliminate some services, pay the providers less or both.” A month later one company had already bailed. A second one hung on for a year and then bailed out. With one insurance company left, the services are a pale picture of what they used to be. One example is, when the state was in charge, if you had to take a client to an out of town doctor visit, you had one page form to fill out and get the doctor’s signature to prove that you really had taken them there. You got a check separate from your regular paycheck. After the insurance company took over, you had a three page form to fill out, several hoops to jump through in order be reimbursed for your time and gas. It was nearly impossible for most to complete it all. So, either a friend or relative took them or they didn’t go. I would think that could be considered elder abuse.

It is the same situation as this latest move to reduce the number of people even wanting out-patient services. The bottom line is for everyone to call their insurance provider to see if they will be impacted by this change. If they are going to be impacted, how is that being sold as “Beneficial to people’s health care?” Disingenuous as best. It is beneficial to their bottom line. How eager will people be to do doctor suggested health check ups like mammographies, pap tests or any other blood tests for a variety of possible health concerns? Perhaps that is the idea. Make tests and out-patient care too expensive for the average person, so they let concerns go until they are bad enough to require a hospital stay. That isn’t going to help anyone catch a condition in time to get the proper care.

Does anyone remember the movie, “Soilent Green”? I believe that is where we are headed if a massive number of people don’t wake up in time to resist these moves. And when it looks like people really are awakening, the Archons send us another ‘savior’ to redirect our attention back to the Matrix. Check and mate! 27 states already allow the use of the dead to be ground up for fertilizer on fields. Don’t believe me, check it out. Iowa is one of them. How far of a stretch is it to make such practices sound like good common sense? In one sense it is, since I have always thought that preserving a body we don’t intend to inhabit again makes no good sense, but, I’m sure most people would be appalled to find out that grandma was growing their food. AND, are the funeral homes selling the ashes of the deceased? If they are using real cadavers, how are they processed? Lots of questions. We need answers, but be careful where you get those answers. One clue is to look for truth tellers who are seriously banned from any social media or other alternative sites. Without turning him into another ‘savior’, I would at least listen to what David Icke has to say on these and other subjects. For those who are still seeking answers, I would recommend his trilogy, “The Trap”, “The Dream” and “The Reveal”. All three eye openers, but if you can only afford one, make it, “The Reveal”. You will never view religion or politics the same again. Please remember, for those of you who are Christians, when Satan took Jesus out in the wilderness to view all of the kingdoms of the Earth, which he promised to give him if Jesus would just fall to his knees and worship Satan. How was it possible for Satan to offer Jesus all of these kingdoms, if they weren’t his to offer? This isn’t God’s world. It is a pore imitation of Prime Earth. Jesus didn’t say to him, these aren’t yours to offer. He rebuked him, but resisted the offer. The Creator isn’t going to follow you around and keep you from falling and bruising your knees. He has given you ‘free will’ for a reason. What will you decide?

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