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Clif High: Stinky Thoughts . . . Let's Get Physical

Posted By: SpaceCommando
Date: Wednesday, 8-May-2024 16:28:33

By Clif High - May 8, 2024

Stinky thoughts.

Let’s get physical.

How do thoughts affect your body? We know that they do. We know that thoughts are key. We have a whole pseudo-science called ‘psychiatry’ based on the idea of ‘thoughts’ being involved in the process of bodily disease. We need only reference ‘hypochondria’ as an example.

Thought is not material like sweat. Yet it can affect your sweat.

“Thought” is conceived of by science (generally) as being electrical effects of a transitory nature that occur in the brain. Thus ‘thoughts’ are thought to be the result of electricity operating at bio-electrical potential levels (you can ‘think’ about this as being ‘low voltage’ circuits) that cause electrical disruptions to ‘steady state’ bio-electrical fields. A further refinement of this idea is that the ‘steady state’ bio-electrical field is maintained by millions of individual cells within the nervine, and cerebral, complexes in the brain/body. An analogy would be these cells as individual spark plugs, as in the engine of a car, and that as they individually fire off their spark in response to changing conditions, they each then contribute to the overall bio-electrical field of the brain as it is in existence at that millisecond.

Basically, it’s all vibrations. Electrical vibrations at a cellular level. Vibrations in the sense of the change of bio-electric potential within individual cells all forming the totality of the ‘standing wave’ of the vibrational field that is your mind and you. Vibrations affect liquids very easily. Hormones are ‘liquids’ within the hypothalamus, and the rest of the glandular complex of the brain. These cells produce very thick liquids in the form of a near-oil that we call hormones. They vibrate. Hormones are, as with most liquids, unstable by the nature of their ‘construction’, their molecular arrangement. Hormones are also bio-electrically unstable, and they transmit that instability to the matter (your flesh) that they contact and affect.

Thoughts are expressed out of humans in more than just words, and behavior. Thoughts are also expressed as smells. Hypothalamus translates smell for the brain. It is a sort of temporal control center for many parts of the human body. It puts hormones into saliva & mucous. Think about a BBQ when you are hungry, feel the thought put more saliva into your mouth. Yes?

Thoughts are put into motion to create hormonal balances specific to that moment in time in that particular body. These hormones go into our fluids, saliva, tears, sweat, et al. Thoughts transmitted to animals this way. All dogs ‘smell’ your thoughts. What? You ‘thought’ they were stupid? Humans are animals. We can also ‘smell thoughts’. We are stupid, and do let some of our thoughts about our reality blind us to the reality we don’t want to acknowledge, and so we don’t want to admit that we can ‘smell’ the thoughts of other humans. Much of what people take as psychic, when in close contact, with another human, is actually, transmission by smell.

The hypothalamus, thalamus, pituitary, pineal, and thyroid complex of glands are the ‘time translators’ for our human bodies. The ‘translation’ of the ‘pulse of time’ that creates, then destroys, our Matterium 22 trillion times a second, results in changes in our hormones which are collected, stored, and distributed by way of these glands.

Hormones carry ‘time’ throughout our body. Note that this is a key component of the body’s production and use of hormones, that is, ‘time’. So it would not due for us to have puberty hormones just being activated on some random schedule resulting in some people pubescent at age 5 and others at 55. All this sort of activity is coordinated. Structured to a degree that would be surprising for most people to learn. Time, which is to say ‘duration’, as in a clock’s spring, as it is experienced here in this Matterium by Life, is a vital part of the organization of the human body. We even acknowledge this socially with the structures around humans of various ‘time duration expanses’ = your age.

Socially we also equate age with maturity, though increasingly those two deviate under the assault of the Elohim worship cult on the structure of the global human social order. The human proclivity for equating maturity to age had to exist for the Elohim worship cult to engineer it; so at that level (at least), they are aware of this level of analysis. We even find that the pseudo-science of psychiatry acknowledges the underlying key component of Life, and health, that are hormones. Abulia is a neurological symptom characterized by a lack of will, initiative, or the ability to make decisions. In extreme conditions, it expresses as a total inability to make ANY decisions, even to live. It can result from damage to certain areas of the brain, including the frontal lobes, basal ganglia, or the connections between them, such as those involving the hypothalamus. This condition is thought to be totally the result of hormone disruption, rather than other, electrical interference, in the brain. It is this abulia state that proves that computer software (AI) can never become sentient, nor aware. Software can’t have hormones so can’t have desire, nor make actual decisions based on anything other than in-built branches in the code.

We can see how ‘ki’ force, (chi/qi/prana), the manifestation, within the body, can indeed emerge, and be controlled, by ‘will’ which is constrained thought. Without getting into the bio-electric ‘mechanics’ of this process, the resulting energy is not(quite) only electrical. And it can be stored in the body. More grist for the mill in another article later.

One can also see how ‘bad’ thinking would definitely be personally injurious to their body. This is explicitly a condemnation of ‘hate’, which is a maintained state of being. It makes one wonder if ‘hate’ could cause the hater to develop cancer. It certainly will warp the mind and distort other thinking via hormonal imbalances.

The excited mind can easily extend this concept out to a far extreme and would arrive at “Marana-Maranam” which is the Yogic label that translates into ‘death of deaths’. This is the encapsulation of thousands of years of thinking into a process wherein ‘thought’ is used to first destroy the physical body, then rebuild/reconstitute it, system by system. Fundamentally it arose as a method to avoid yet-another-incarnation by those who were siddha (perfected) and were “THAT” close to not needing to come back here another time. The idea is to destroy this body, preserving the karmic ties to the soul, and rebuild the body, such that continuance on the siddha path in this body’s Life would be possible.

This is not anything you are going to want to do. It is only an example of the concept of how thought is translated into physical reality. My view is that death and rebirth into another body’s Life is FAR easier, FAR more pleasant.

This will provide a few ‘thoughts’ about why thought is so powerful. Especially within the human body, it can be easily seen how thinking specific thoughts would alter your body, and its response to our physical reality. You can indeed affect the physical manifestation of your body in this reality by your thoughts.

Not the way you are thinking about it though.



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