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Small Town Impoverishment

Posted By: Sacred_Scientist
Date: Monday, 6-May-2024 09:00:10

This article has been an interest of mine for many years. Why do small towns become ghost towns? There are many reasons for this. Perhaps the main reason is a small town produces less and less products and services for itself forcing residents to acquire needs from outside the local community which of course means more money leaves the community than enters it. The article below is a simple first attempt to ask some hard questions and have ChatGPT answer them. For this article to be complete would require drilling down into the answers given as they are quite general and not detailed. For instance the article could explore finding ways to slow down the exiting funds and increasing local production, local sales and local capital accumulation. [Dale Pond]

Small Town Impoverishment

ME: I’d like to write a short 2 page article on why small towns are financially collapsing. The central idea is more money leaves these towns than comes into them. List the various payments people make to non-local entities where the payment funds leave the community never to return or be invested locally. These would include but not limited to: new vehicle purchase, insurance payments, buying non-local produced products and services.


Here's a breakdown of the various payments that contribute to money leaving small towns without being reinvested locally:

New Vehicle Purchases: When residents buy vehicles from dealerships located outside the town, the money spent on these purchases leaves the community. This includes not only the cost of the vehicle itself but also ongoing expenses like fuel, maintenance, and repairs that often go to non-local businesses.
Insurance Payments: Many residents pay insurance premiums to companies located in larger cities or even in other states. These payments represent a significant outflow of funds from the local economy, as the insurance providers are typically not based in the small town.
Buying Non-local Produced Products: When residents purchase goods that are not locally produced, such as electronics, clothing, or household items, the money spent on these items goes to companies and manufacturers located outside the community. This can include online purchases from national or international retailers.
Services from Non-local Providers: Similarly, when residents hire services like home repairs, landscaping, or professional services from providers based outside the town, the payments for these services leave the local economy and are not reinvested locally.
Online Shopping: With the rise of e-commerce, more residents are shopping online for a wide range of products. This trend further contributes to money leaving the community, as online purchases are often fulfilled by companies located far from the small town.

Banking and Financial Services: Many residents use banks and financial institutions that are not based in the small town. This includes mortgage payments, credit card payments, and other financial transactions that result in funds leaving the local economy.
Utilities: Payments for utilities such as electricity, water, and telecommunications often go to larger utility companies that may not be based locally. While these services are essential, the funds spent on them do not directly benefit the local economy in terms of job creation or local investment.
Highlighting these points in your article can help illustrate why small towns face financial challenges when more money leaves than comes into the community, leading to a lack of local investment and economic sustainability.

ME: Following up on the above article you (ChatGPT) failed to mention taxes. List the various tax payments leaving the local community and going to county, state and federal agencies that further depreciates small town capital.


Absolutely, taxes play a significant role in the financial dynamics of small towns. Here are the various tax payments that leave the local community and are directed to county, state, and federal agencies, contributing to the depreciation of small town capital:

Property Taxes: Residents and businesses in small towns pay property taxes to the local government. However, a portion of these taxes often goes to county or regional authorities for services like schools, infrastructure, and emergency services. This means that a share of property tax revenue leaves the immediate community.
Sales Taxes: When residents make purchases within the small town, sales taxes are collected. However, a portion of these taxes typically goes to the state government, reducing the amount of revenue that stays within the local economy.
Income Taxes: Individuals and businesses in small towns pay income taxes to state and federal governments. While these taxes support various public services, they also represent a significant outflow of funds from the local economy.
Business Taxes: Small businesses in towns often pay various taxes, including corporate taxes and business license fees. These taxes are typically collected by state authorities, further reducing the capital available for local investment and development.
Other Taxes and Fees: Small towns may also levy other taxes and fees, such as utility taxes, vehicle registration fees, and permits. While these revenues may support local services, a portion of them may still be directed to higher-level government agencies.
Federal Funding Allocation: In some cases, federal funding allocated to small towns for specific programs or projects may pass through state or regional agencies, leading to delays or reductions in the actual funds available for local initiatives.
By highlighting these tax payments in your article, you can provide a comprehensive view of how financial resources flow out of small towns to higher-level government entities, impacting the local economy's capital and ability to invest in growth and sustainability.

ME: Again following up on the above article you failed to mention all the various employment taxes such as Social Security deductions, FISA, etc. Please list these various taxes associated with hiring employees and also include various fuel and gasoline taxes.


Certainly, here are the various employment-related taxes and fuel/gasoline taxes that contribute to funds leaving small towns:

Employment Taxes:
Social Security Tax (FICA): Both employees and employers in small towns contribute to Social Security taxes, which go to fund retirement benefits for workers. These funds are directed to federal agencies.
Medicare Tax: Similar to Social Security taxes, Medicare taxes are deducted from employees' wages and matched by employers, with the funds going to support the Medicare program at the federal level.
Federal Income Tax Withholding: Employers are required to withhold federal income taxes from employees' paychecks, which are then remitted to the federal government.
State Income Tax Withholding: Depending on the state where the small town is located, employees may also have state income taxes withheld from their wages, with these funds going to state agencies.
Fuel and Gasoline Taxes:
Federal Fuel Tax: A portion of the taxes paid on gasoline and diesel fuel at the pump goes to the federal government. These taxes support infrastructure projects and transportation programs.
State Fuel Tax: States also levy fuel taxes, and the revenue collected from these taxes is used for state transportation infrastructure and related projects.
Local Fuel Tax (if applicable): Some localities may have additional fuel taxes that contribute to local government revenue but may also lead to funds leaving the small town.
Including these additional tax categories in your article will provide a more comprehensive overview of how various tax payments, including employment-related taxes and fuel/gasoline taxes, contribute to the financial challenges faced by small towns.

ME: Now present as many ways as possible to enhance a local community's earning capacity, increase production and other ways of 1) reducing out-flow of capital and 2) increasing local cash in-flows to a local community thus enhancing the community's prosperity.


Certainly! Here are several strategies to enhance a local community's earning capacity, increase production, reduce the outflow of capital, and boost local cash inflows:

Support Local Businesses:
Encourage residents to buy from local businesses to keep money circulating within the community.
Promote local products and services through marketing campaigns and community events.
Entrepreneurship Development:
Provide support and resources for aspiring entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses locally.
Offer training programs, access to funding, and mentorship opportunities for new businesses.
Invest in Infrastructure:
Improve local infrastructure such as roads, utilities, and internet access to attract businesses and stimulate economic growth.
Develop industrial zones or business parks to attract investment and create job opportunities.
Diversify Economic Activities:
Encourage diversification of industries to reduce dependence on a single sector and create a more resilient economy.
Explore opportunities in sectors such as tourism, technology, agriculture, and renewable energy.
Support Agriculture and Local Food Production:
Promote local agriculture by supporting farmers' markets, farm-to-table initiatives, and agri-tourism.
Invest in sustainable farming practices and food processing facilities to add value to local products.
Encourage Collaboration and Networking:
Facilitate networking events, business associations, and partnerships between local businesses to foster collaboration and innovation.
Create platforms for knowledge sharing and joint projects among entrepreneurs and industry stakeholders.
Focus on Education and Workforce Development:
Invest in education and vocational training programs to develop a skilled workforce that meets local businesses' needs.
Partner with educational institutions and industry experts to offer training in emerging fields and technologies.
Support Small-Scale Manufacturing:
Encourage the growth of small-scale manufacturing enterprises by providing access to affordable workspace, equipment, and technical support.
Promote the use of local materials and resources in manufacturing processes.
Promote Sustainable Practices:
Encourage businesses to adopt sustainable practices such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and eco-friendly products.
Promote eco-tourism and green initiatives to attract environmentally conscious consumers and investors.
Foster Community Engagement:
Involve residents in decision-making processes and community development initiatives to build a sense of ownership and pride.
Support cultural events, local art, and heritage preservation to enhance community identity and attract visitors.
Implementing these strategies can help enhance a local community's earning capacity, increase production, retain capital within the community, and attract new cash inflows, leading to greater prosperity and sustainability.

ME: Now list all the inhibitions to achieving greater productivity and capital accumulation. These would include but not be limited to bureaucratic interferences such as zoning ordinances, state and federal impediments or statutes to production and prosperity, labor laws, lack of credit, etc.


Certainly, here are various inhibitions that can hinder greater productivity and capital accumulation in local communities:

Bureaucratic Interferences:
Zoning Ordinances: Restrictive zoning laws may limit the types of businesses that can operate in certain areas, hindering economic diversity and growth.
Permitting Processes: Lengthy and complex permitting processes for new businesses or expansions can deter investment and delay projects.
State and Federal Impediments or Statutes:
Regulatory Compliance: Strict regulations imposed by state and federal agencies may increase compliance costs for businesses, especially small enterprises.
Taxation: High tax rates or complicated tax structures can reduce incentives for entrepreneurship and investment.
Labor Laws and Regulations:
Minimum Wage Laws: Mandated minimum wages may increase labor costs for businesses, particularly small businesses with limited resources.
Employment Regulations: Complex labor regulations, such as overtime rules and employee benefits requirements, can add administrative burdens and costs.
Lack of Access to Credit:
Limited Financing Options: Small businesses may face challenges in accessing affordable credit and financing for expansion or investment.
Credit Requirements: Stringent credit requirements imposed by financial institutions can exclude businesses with limited credit history or collateral.
Infrastructure Challenges:
Transportation: Inadequate transportation infrastructure, such as poor road conditions or limited public transit options, can hinder supply chain efficiency and market access.
Technology Access: Lack of access to high-speed internet and digital technologies can limit businesses' ability to compete and innovate.
Market Access and Competition:
Monopolies or Oligopolies: Dominance by a few large companies in key sectors can stifle competition and limit opportunities for small businesses.
Trade Barriers: Tariffs, trade restrictions, and market entry barriers can impede businesses' access to global markets and hinder export opportunities.
Skills Shortages and Workforce Challenges:
Skills Mismatch: Mismatches between the skills demanded by employers and those available in the local workforce can hinder productivity and growth.
Training and Development: Limited access to training programs and workforce development initiatives may result in a less skilled workforce.
Addressing these inhibitions requires a comprehensive approach involving regulatory reform, infrastructure investment, access to finance, skills development, and fostering a competitive business environment to promote greater productivity and capital accumulation in local communities.

ME: The above is an attempt to address a complex situation. Much more thought and exploration needs be applied to the various issues. At the top of the list might be EDUCATION in all levels of schools and for businesses, into the basics of 1) what money is, 2) how to generate it, 3) how to manage it, etc.

Please comment on the above if interested in pursuing these lines of thought.


Dale Pond

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Articles In This Thread

  • Small Town Impoverishment
    Sacred_Scientist -- Monday, 6-May-2024 09:00:10
    • Reader Reply
      Sacred_Scientist -- Monday, 6-May-2024 15:38:30

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