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SARATOGA OCEAN: The REAL reason they want us divided...😲

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Saturday, 4-May-2024 01:21:29

This message is from a mailing list.

Have you noticed how in the past four years we are constantly being pitted against each other worldwide? When did things change to such a degree that we collectively behave like dutiful sheep who just wait to be railroaded into the next required conflict?

I remember hearing about staged animal fights where 2 animals are pitted against each other and encouraged to fight each other to the death for the amusement of the disgusting onlookers and perpetrators.

Well, in my opinion we are being driven into a similar state as humans. We are told what to think, whose side to be on, and who to be angry at.

We are given a story and a narrative to justify the conflict. Then each side has a symbol or a name attached to it. Finally a bunch of emotion is ginned up, and then it's time for everyone to go at it. Critical thinking and discussion is NEVER allowed. If you dare to attempt an actual conversation about the latest conflict, then you will be accused of being on the wrong side.

Remember when we were all required to put black squares on our social media posts? And if you didn't, then you were accused of being a bad person with no heart. That's when it all really began.

Next we had the Vaxers and the Anti-vaxers. Entire families and friendships were broken over this one. We had the Maskers and the Anti-Maskers. That's when the physical fighting really began. And of course that also required certain symbols to be placed on one's social media posts to illustrate compliance.

Oh, and let's not forget the war in Ukraine. That was a big one, wasn't it? You better sport those Ukrainian colors and post the Ukrainian flag on your social accounts or, once again, you are a terrible person. If not, then you might be a Russian sympathizer! Gasp! 😱

Well, so much for Ukraine. That "trendy" Ukraine war has now been replaced by the current obligatory side-taking which is the war between Israel and Gaza.

Once again, we are instructed to take sides, and act out a bunch of aggression which is now morphing into violence. All of which completely misses the point!

The point that we're not supposed to notice...😵‍💫

The reason for the mass genocide taking place in Gaza is because it has been decided that "Lavender", the illustrious AI military commander, is calling all the shots. Israel has turned over its military decisions about who gets killed to an AI machine. Then the military simply obeys whatever Lavender says.

Funny how NO ONE ANYWHERE is protesting that.

This is how stupid they have made us on a collective level. Yes, of course we can blame Israel for making the decision to let Lavender take over. But do you really think this is just about Israel? I don't.

I have no doubt that there are other countries involved and that this is all one giant, real-life test to see what happens when AI runs an entire war. This is how they test new military technology. They ultimately have to test it in real life situations. And obviously they're discovering that AI is a devastating commander.

And by the way, not long after Lavender apparently proved its military worth, I read somewhere that the US decided to approve the very same technology. We already know that militaries around the world are developing robot soldiers. It kind of makes sense that they would ultimately want AI to control those robots.

So here's a thought! Has the following ever occurred to anyone? Lavender can do mass surveillance on an entire population of over 2 million citizens in Gaza, and then give each citizen a score of 1 - 100. Then it uses this information to decide who should be killed based upon their score. This is how it operates. Knowing this, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that AI can also be used to surveil and score populations in the same way for other purposes, too.

I would like to submit that the protests over this war are far too primitive a mindset to produce anything constructive in the end because it misses the main point. See they want us in a primitive state of violence and fear. They want us acting out on a tribal level, screaming and beating each other up, so we never notice what they're really up to with the dangerous, advanced technology that I think they are actually testing.

Do you think that they would never test such a horror on actual human beings? Well, take a look at the last 4 years before you answer that question for yourself.

Now here's some deeper food for thought: By dividing us over and over again, and condemning everyone who refuses to take a side, they are successfully getting us to label ourselves in various thought-camps. Think about how much easier this will make their AI surveillance later on down the road.

They can easily find whoever they want in whatever thought-camp they are looking for because these millions of compliant individuals have put the symbols of these various thought-camps all over their social media. I am certain that the controllers craft each of these thought-camps with exactly that idea in mind.

So people are playing right into the hands of these masterfully manipulative overseers.

Okay! So that's my message for today. I hope it activates even more of your natural, critical thinking skills that you hopefully have not turned over to mass consciousness.

Have a beautiful week, my friend! I'll see you next week 🌞🌷

Much love,

Saratoga 💖

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