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Posted By: Nemesis
Date: Sunday, 28-Apr-2024 18:06:46

Thanks to George Eaton for the video (BELOW) which was in his recent post misc. news report.

THE LINK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SCAMS CURRENTLY GO ON (NESARA/QFS: A Long Running Internet Scam Detailing the background, history, and current frauds being run by internet influencers using "NESARA Law" and "Quantum Financial System" disinformation)

WORTH YOUR READ: https://jordansather.substack.com/p/nesaraqfs-a-long-running-internet



HERE ARE A 108 COMMENTS ABOUT THE SCAMS, ABOUT THE ARTICLE AT THE PREVIOUS LINK: https://jordansather.substack.com/p/nesaraqfs-a-long-running-internet




Feb 23, 2023
Liked by Jordan Sather

I once followed many of those on “the team” and soon realized something just wasn’t right. It was the same propaganda spewed over and over. Although NESARA sounds fantastic and I think we’d all love to see it happen but, once again, if it sounds too good to be true . . .
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Feb 23, 2023
Liked by Jordan Sather

thanks Jordan this will be great to share to anyone that spews out any of this BS Hopium in the future....better read it now !!
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Apr 22, 2023

So now that the system is running everything in NESARA GESARA is happeng in real life Congress is gone Biden is gone trump won no fake news here
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Apr 25, 2023

and any type of proof of this Nesara Fairytail would be what sources exactly .......don't mention 'DR' Charlie ward FFS
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Rob Polans
Rob’s Newsletter
May 3, 2023

Yes they didn't get their signed, notarized Oaths of Office in.
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Feb 23, 2023

You left out jaun o savin lol, think he's been on all there shows. Obviously, I checked them out for a while too. Some sauce on occasion, but lots of hopium...
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Trumpster’s Newsletter
Feb 23, 2023

he's right about a lot of this; if Sather has a flaw in his approach it's painting everything with the same broad brush. Like him, I too was involved in the 'ufo community' from the mid 90's and on. The same grift one saw then now see particularly in the NESARA/GESARA/QFS issue.

Now, understand that part of the so called 'great reset' pushed by the NWO/WEF is debt forgiveness. They do this by stealing everyone's holdings (401 k, IRA, pensions, etc) and issuing a CBDC ties to social credit scores.

So debt is going to go away one way or the other.

But the NESARA thing was always hopium in a jar, it makes sense morally but the idea of anyone refunding tax receipts illegally used is just silly in its theory. First of all, it isn't really necessary; the white hat plan of debt forgiveness and low cost loans made easily available would supercharge the economy.

QFS? Clif High has a very interesting take on it. It's just gobbledygook. The words mean nothing. 'Quantum' meaning both 'forgery proof' and 'block chain' in this application; nothing more.

Sather is right about Ward, he is a world class grifter; kind of a Jerome Corsi without the knowledge or experience. Parkes has MI 6 ties and has, on occasion, uttered things worth paying attention to.

Jaco is an opportunist who plays whatever is paying the bills. He has decent interviews from time to time. In the intelligence field analysts must monitor most everything -yes, including Michael Baxter and his RRN site- because a message might get through the miasma of blather.

Some of his posts are actually correct; others disinfo.

The truth is still largely subjective at this point and discerning what is, and what isn't takes a LOT of works...
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Mar 8, 2023
·edited Mar 8, 2023

" First of all, it isn't really necessary; the white hat plan of debt forgiveness and low cost loans made easily available would supercharge the economy."

When Trump pushed that idea forward, to basically reform the US income tax system, the Deep State freaked out massively and has tried ever since to kill any mention of this idea.

Nesara/Gesara and the QFS are complete and utter BS, the more I looked back into it the shakier the evidence that it was ever real, only more and more rumors and innuendo pushed by one or two people a decade ago, the QFS being pushed just as the pandemic started.

Parkes is more dangerous than Ward, far more dangerous because he seems to have some training in NLP(Neurolingustic programming techniques), basically a form of hypnotism where he sounds very convincing. When I first watched him in late 2020, just after the steal, he sounded extremely convincing with his sources.

His approach was calm and collected and he sounded extremely sincere which made him very much more effective in his delivery.

But my own intuition said this person is highly trained in psyops techniques and knows how to use them very well. Therefore he couldn't be trusted.

As time went on his "information" became more and more suspect and certainly when he teamed up with that clown Charlie Ward, that gave the whole game away.
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Trumpster’s Newsletter
Mar 8, 2023

Parkes' folks are both MI 6.
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Apr 8, 2023

...until you finally realize it's ALL a theatrical psyop for the masses. I am starting to spend more of my energy meditating, sunbathing and enjoying the time I have left on this predatory planet....
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Diane (Lion)
Diane’s Substack
Feb 24, 2023

I was told to be careful who I follow. I'm using my God given discernment. I know who the scammers are with help of other truth seekers.Thanks Jordan for your honesty and truth and God bless🌹🦁🇺🇸
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Cat Girl 88
Feb 23, 2023

Thank you for the research in to all these grifters. Sadly, I know a few who are still clinging to NESARA and who listen to a couple of the usual suspects. I know you have taken a LOT of crap for calling out these people, but many of us are glad you have done it!
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Feb 23, 2023

Very well done, Jordan. Thank you for including Judy Byington of Rumor Mill News. She just shamelessly keeps on and on about NESARA. It keeps the coffer full for most of these grifters. I am still waiting on your take on Kim Goguen.
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Jordan Sather
Feb 23, 2023

Kim Goguen is nutso
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Feb 23, 2023

LOL, but my she is developing quite a following, Jordan.
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Erik Zubkov
Feb 23, 2023

for perspective, Jordan, who ISNT “nutso”? i doubt the list will be as long as the ongoing Sh*tList…but how about a list of who is legit? that would be just as - if not more- helpful…seeing as you’ve been in this mucky biz for way longer than most of us have been searching.
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Feb 27, 2023

just turn on your tv....

also, cpac to follow all the politicians

of course Jordan could do a blog and tell us all what the actual truth is...because he is a trustworthy source....
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Feb 23, 2023
·edited Feb 23, 2023

I can't believe anyone buys the absolute crap being pushed on sites like Intel Dinar Chronicles and the whole Dinar-Zim ponzi scheme as well as the QFS scam.

"Any day now" is the motto of that site and Byington's byline.

Add to this medbeds, a specialty of Simon Parkes...

Hopium...what a drug!
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Feb 24, 2023
·edited Feb 26, 2023

I remember the IQD RV & blogs going back to 2011 and back then there were blog post going back to the mid 2000s. It got big in the Christian end time community due to Regner Capener aka Eagle1, Stan Johnson of “The Prophecy Club” & Rick Wiles of Trunews using their respective radio programs pumping that they had connections to Texas oil barons, who in turn were connected to the Bush family. The Bush crime family let it slip to the Texas oilmen that the RV of IQD was the real reason for both gulf wars under Poppy & W. So the whole Texas oil business network was into the IQD investment or so the story goes….

This went on for several years hard from 2011-15 when the blood moon’s happened in the fall of 15, and they were pumping hard the world was supposed to go into chaos and the RV was going happen at the same time. Kim Clement even “prophecied” of it in 14-15 shortly before his death. Of course nothing happened, just Trump came down the escalator and the Rv/IQD people they catered to back then being Tea party types evolved into MAGA and eventually evolved into Q which quickly got grifted by the Charlie Ward types & even the fake Christian prophets that Mario Murillo & Mark Taylor have been calling out.
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Feb 24, 2023
·edited Feb 26, 2023

Much of this RV was supposed to be coordinated out of Reno Nv via the “Admiral” working with the “Chinese elders” bringing 100,000 tons of prehistoric gold out of hiding to fund all of the RV humanitarian projects of the RV. The distribution of gold from the Chinese elders will be coordinated via the white hats of the galactic federation. What is interesting is the greed of these Christian prophetic voices and the lust for the “wealth transfer” has taken them from Christianity into new age Nesara/Gesara fantasy. (St Germain, Galactic Federation, Age of Aquarius etc)

And before it was the QFS it was “Basil 3” or “Basil III”…

I could go on…


I believe Rick Wiles later disavowed of the Dinar hype and Reg died still pumping it.
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Mar 8, 2023

You want to see deluded look at the site.


They're still pushing the QFS as being "God consciousness" level technology and still pushing the "humanitarian projects" program.

You can almost smell the self-deception on top of the greed...
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Constitution Rules
Mar 8, 2023

OMG!! That qfs site is a hoot. "Love Won..." and "you don't need to look further..." HAHAHAHA. Now that's quite the grift. Using Love and reassurance ... then -- GIVE US MONEY!!! Wait a minute! If you are hooked into the QFS, why do you need a donation from me?

This is Marianne Williamson level delusion. I love that she is running again for President. She is so into herself that she's convinced she would be better than DJT was. ( Love or hate him, the list of what he got done in the face of so much opposition is mind-blowing...) But hey, Marianne assures me LOVE WINS!

Side note, I met one of her former assistants. That "love" stuff is only for the general public. She's reportedly a bitch on wheels. Don't kill the messenger, I'm summing up what I've heard more than once about her backstage and in the office. But, hey, Love wins!
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Jan 28

This is a very late reply, but most New Age grifters are assholes when you strip away the facade, no if’s ands or buts.

The grifter psychology is one of ruthless self interest bordering on narcissism and sociopathy.

Look up Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes if you really want to see true grifters in action and the people who defend them are true New Age followers and are worse than normies, they are the definition of what P.T. Barnum meant by ‘there’s a sucker born every minute’.
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Constitution Rules
Mar 7, 2023

"distribution of gold from the Chinese Elders..." Right there is your clue that this is all balderdash. Come ON people. Not being racist, just making a cultural observation: CHINESE PEOPLE ARE GENETICALLY INCAPABLE OF GIVING AWAY GOLD TO COMPLETE STRANGERS FOR ANY REASON.

I'm sorry, but it's a tribal thing. I'm related to Chinese families. Ain't gonna happen. They won't even give ME gold, let alone "distribute" it to the world. Gimme a break.
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Mar 8, 2023

I can concur as I'm of that background as well.

Chinese along with Indians and most Asians are gold hoarders, no ifs and or buts.

It's ingrained culturally(especially in India where bride dowries were of gold and livestock) into many Asian cultures for millennia.
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Margot Wooster
Feb 23, 2023

Great article. A friend tried to explain "Nesara/Gesara" to me a few years ago, I think around the time the great covid scamdemic started, but I didn't delve into it and it sounded crazy to me. I think the kind of people who fall for that are the same kind who believe the earth is flat. Now that is crazy. Somebody with an agenda is spreading this to deceive people and make the truth/patriot movement look ridiculous. I understand how it happens; I was deceived by many crazy "new age" bs ideas in my younger years.
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No one
Feb 24, 2023

Try using your own discernment and that includes with Sather too.
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Constitution Rules
Mar 7, 2023

Amen Margot. It plays into the free money fantasy that people have about welfare, medicare for all, and guaranteed annual income. The human "engine" of motivation is stunted when there is no need to go out and earn money. It's why so many 3rd or 4th generation wealthy kids screw things up and then fantasize that socialism works. In truth Nesara/Gesara is another form of Socialism. I don't know why all these so-called patriots don't see that. It's really a childish and immature way to look at life. Gimme Gimme Gimme... No one feels good when they don't have to work for things because they don't have that sense of accomplishment and pride that comes with doing a great job.
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Mar 8, 2023

Nesara/Gesara is very simple in it's appeal, it appeals to the basic greed in humans, nothing more complicated then that.

Something for nothing and no effort required, a road that eventually leads to societal stagnation followed by disintegration.
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Feb 23, 2023

If you want another source of where SGAnon got so popular look at the site "Golden Age of Gaia" and be amazed at the massive levels of gullibility of these "Lightworkers" who don't question anything being put out there by these scammers.

They help to spread a lot of disinfo and make the Truther community look like laughingstock in the eyes of normies.
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Constitution Rules
Mar 7, 2023

Yeah, because people who call themselves "Lightworkers" are really bragging that they are special and have been appointed by higher beings to "fix the world." I've met many of them and there's a kind of hidden superiority complex if you look closely. It's the same patina as the old "Nobless Oblige" idea. Look at how wonderful I am that I am giving my money/time/attention to you poor suckers who aren't as magical or rich as me. It's an ego trip. A way to imbue themselves with specialness and importance. This, unfortunately, makes them easier to con. I've sent Jordan's articles to some of them and their response is to cut me off, block me, or ignore me when I see them. Confirmation Bias and Cognitive Dissonance can be terrible afflictions.
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Mar 15, 2023

The 'Lightworkers' sound like amodern Gnostic cult. Agreed that people who are receptive to being told they are anointed with special powers, or are uniquely victimized, are gullible by nature.
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Mar 8, 2023

Unfortunately too many people look for easy answers which doesn't require much effort on their part to fix any problems they may have.

I studied new age philosophies in the mid 90s and the more I dug into their beliefs the more I saw much of it being ripped off or using the modern term "culturally appropriated" from ancient belief systems and put into a blender with other beliefs from totally different systems and out comes the "new age".

The more I dug back into the origins of the modern New Age the more I saw the old 19th century snake oil salesman.

Then I came across one the the "founders" of new age thinking.


And she basically triggered off all the grifter alarms I had, a classic 19th century scam artist.

Yes, Lightworkers I've noticed have a tendency to want to truly believe they are somehow special and worthwhile (more like an inferiority complex that they need to compensate for).

They have a need to emphasize they are "mastering the light" and will ascend while all of us poor suckers are going to be forever mired in the darkness unless we listen to them.

In some ways they're no different than the more militant evangelical Christians or the ultra orthodox Jews or the fanatically devout Muslims.

Personally I believe all religious systems blinds people into an unquestioning system of obedience and the New Age is another religion.

I differentiate that from true spiritual beliefs on a personal level which requires the individual to assume personal responsibility for their beliefs and their actions instead of reliance on outside agents to "save them".

Sorry no Galactic Federation to the rescue, only the good old saying "God helps those who help themselves."
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Mar 15, 2023

The Nazis were heavily influenced by Mme. Blavatsky's nonsense, in particular by her notion of 'root races,' with the Aryans being the most advanced. The fact that the Aryans were not in a particularly good condition implied that some villain was responsible who needed to be extirpated. The same ideas have re-emerged as Critical Race Theory.
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Constitution Rules
Mar 8, 2023

Thanks GRY - excellent observations. Here's my litmus test for whether or not we are dealing with a cult-like religion or just a deeply held religious belief: The cult always requires unquestioning obeisance and the adherents are deeply insulted or angered if you question or ask them to explain. This is why "they" hate Donald Trump. He left the cult. He called them out. He is unapologetically himself, which is NOT ALLOWED. Not saying he has no faults, but it's been fun watching him challenge the narrative.

One great explanation I got for the real essence of spiritual belief was this: "Most Religions are all the same at their deeply mystical core. It's when people need to alter them to fit their own beliefs that we run into trouble." I don't think Satanism or the current LGBTQI religions fit into that description, but Sufism (the inner mystical center of Islam) and the center of Mystical Judaism and Christianity all fit that description IMO.

I recently had an unfortunate conversation with a deeply indoctrinated 30 year old who made the poor decision to go into debt to get (ready for this?!?) a Masters Degree in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Or as I call it, Division, Envy, and Insecurity.

She was aghast, AGHAST I TELL YOU! That I did not respect her choice. Actually, I never said I didn't respect her choice. I simply asked her this: "So can you describe for me what Equity means and how it applies to your getting that degree? If you believe in equity, shouldn't all your sisters have received the same degree? After all, they helped you with your homework and one of them typed it for you..."

Weirdly enough, this sent her into a rage. She was practically spitting at me. No answer to my question, but lots of insults about "privilege" and "mean and nasty conservatives..." You can imagine the rest.

I just decided not to engage. So all I said was, "OK." Then waited. She went on and on and on. It was a regurgitation of all the indoctrination she paid tens of thousands of $$ for and wasted at least 2 years on... When she got done, I said, "I love you." And walked away. I pray she will wake up, but these effers in the University system are good at what they do and I hold no hope for her.

Then again, (Of course) she is vaxxed and boosted up the wazoo, so she may not be around long enough to wake up. That makes me too sad to think about for very long.

You are absolutely right about Religion (with a capital R... ) The point of Religion WAS to bind people and control them. It was pushed so people wouldn't go inside and find their connection to their higher purpose and higher self (to use a New Age term.) It's in there, but the noise and distractions of everyday life are just too much for many people to manage. I am so grateful that I figured that out at an early age. I actually have a Masters Degree in Divinity. The more I delved into it, the more I realized how much Truth had been warped and contrived to fit man rather than man surrendering to the reality of a mortal existence and knowing there is more beyond all this.

Yah, lol, the whole "Galactic Federation" thing is a hoot. If they ain't calling for BigGovt or BigPharma or BigTech to save them, then they gotta call on BigAliens!
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Constitution Rules
Dec 3, 2023

Replying to my own comment to update. Lord Have Mercy! Love won! If you have ever doubted the power of Love, listen up. My young friend who believe(d) in DEI, has fallen in love. Her love interest is a Conservative with a Capital C. He loves her to death and has slowly and sweetly taken her head and turned it to the Right. She actually believes SHE was the one who awakened herself. He looks at me and winks and agrees with her. I LOVE this! Faith in Humanity restored. A reminder that all is not lost until it is really lost. Just had to share...

Feb 23, 2023

Anyone with the tiniest bit of technical knowledge would tell you that the Quantum Financial System was a complete load of BS.

Put Quantum in any title and it sounds "scientific" to convince the rubes to believe anything you say.
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Feb 23, 2023

Geez O Pete, I was banking on that NESARA money to use on a MedBed.

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Paul Nunns
Apr 18, 2023

I found two sites promoting quantum healing and the so called med beds which included pictures. A quick search and they each used med pods from the movies 'Passengers' and 'Prometheus'
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Constitution Rules
Mar 7, 2023

To be fair, there are some interesting beds out there that use vibration and sound to reduce stress. Reducing stress does lead to better healing. So there ARE beds. Just not magical "MED BEDS" that will heal every affliction you have. Good diet, lots of exercise, clean water, clean food, meditation, good soothing music -- all those will help. Stop being your own enemy and you'll go a long ways towards health! Just a thought...
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Mar 8, 2023
·edited Mar 8, 2023

There are precursor technologies which currently are in a very early stages of development which if combined would have some of the qualities ascribed to medbeds.

Such as modern medical scanners like MRIs, ultrasound, CT scanners etc.

There are some other technologies only now being developed like AI based diagnoses and robotic surgery.

However the way medbeds are described by grifters like Simon Parkes makes them sound like technologies far beyond even the Star Trek universe in that it's almost magic.

They will deage you and fix almost everything wrong within minutes or in some cases hours.

Another example of where a person doesn't have to take any responsibility for their life choices such as diet and exercise.

You can be a drug abuser and then step onto a medbed and instantly repair all the physical damage you've sustained so you can go right back to being a drug abuser.

The medbed might or might not fix psychological problems such as schizophrenia or psychpathy, but I wouldn't be surprised if this were the claim as well.
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Roberto Alejandro
Feb 23, 2023

Thanks so much for keeping everyone up to date with all of the GRIFTING out there. It's hard enough for people who have been around awhile to sift out the bullshit, and almost impossible for Normies who are just starting to awaken. These guys give all Truthers a BAD NAME with their dishonesty.
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Erik Zubkov
Feb 23, 2023

u need to add that fat skank Shari Raye to the list of grifters…her “military sources” are the same as that other scamming Ho, Judy Byington with her “UsMilitaryNews.com” - try typing it into the address bar and see how far that gets u….Shari Raye quotes directly from Byington’s RestoredRepublic.co site with phrases like “Tier 4B(us, the Internet Group”) when referring to the GCR that was supposed to happen every day for the last 12 years and is always given a new date always like this “release will happen Feb 21 or Feb 22” then on Feb 23 same junk “will happen by March 1” and the beat goes on and on til the breaka dawn….cant stop y’all…tick-tock y’all…come on come on….LOL…

like u Jordan i was originally stoked to hear such a thing as Nesara was even possible - until i took 7 days out of my life and added it to 1 gram of critical thinking skills (CTS)…for those of u sleepwalkers who think it has anything to do with CTR….and lo and behold the entire veil shrouding the mysterious intel disappears in the light of the truth.

so many folks want something to believe in…when that something is already here and has been for eternity….go within and lock in with Source intelligence…that’s the best/only “intel” u will ever need.

if people only realized they were born with all the tools necessary to not only navigate this life but also prosper wildly they would cease to look “out there” for answers…

i’m gonna shut this down before my rant gets tl;dr.

great article - keep opening eyeballs one at a time…its a worthy endeavor.
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Jordan Sather
Feb 23, 2023

Oh yeah, Shari Raye is another batshit one promoting tons of bunk
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Tia Loca
Feb 27, 2023

Who wouldn't want what they promise? I know I thought it was great- until I started realizing that some of what they were claiming was more akin to socialist/marxist commie dream weaving, or new age spellcasting- like universal income and forgiving all cc debt. We are put on the earth & in this life to do, to learn, to grow. Not to sit around and become so fat, lazy and dumb that the only "life" we can have is to be hooked up to some computer, living in VR until our bodies finally die- or are "removed". The more I think about it, the more bizarre and non-sensical and unspiritual it seems.
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Janet M
Feb 26, 2023

Wait, did you say David Straight? Isn't he the one teaching classes on becoming something along the order of a State National? He's very convincing. The trouble is so many of these broadcasters mix the truth in with the lies....thus leading many astray.
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Feb 23, 2023

Thank you so much Jordon. This was an excellent article and confirmed some things I’ve been wondering about for several years. I followed Charlie Ward and Simon Parks when we started our journey but at some point had a strong feeling I didn’t trust them and quit. The same goes for Patriot Street fighter when I found out he believed in aliens. Wondering how you feel about Mel K. I’m a Christian and as I was reading your article I was reminded that the apostle Paul told us “If any man doesn’t work, he doesn’t eat”. We were never meant to sit around and have everything handed to us on a silver platter although my God is a great provider. How boring life would be anyways if we did that. Blessings! Carol
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