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If you are unfamiliar with Matilda McElroy's story of her telepathic communication with the Roswell alien of 1947, here's your chance

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Friday, 26-Apr-2024 19:31:53

I originally downloaded and began to read the revelations contained in the PDF document called Alien Interview back in August 2009 (15 years ago).

By Windlander
April 3, 2024



This strange story was published in 2008 but is still little known even among ufologists. It was narrated by a well-educated and qualified woman called Matilda McElroy who allegedly personally saw the bodies of aliens in Roswell, and even communicated with one of them telepathically.

In December 2020, History Channel released a 3-episode documentary based on the diaries of military officer Jesse Marcel Sr., who was the very man who led the investigation of the strange incident in Roswell in July 1947.

In his notes, Marcel pointed out, in particular, that the fragments found in New Mexico “were clearly not made by human hands.” Following the release of this film, the Roswell incident grabbed attention once again, and soon, some researchers “unearthed” an event earlier hidden from Roswell about a nurse who telepathically communicated with the only alien survivor of a UFO crash. Matilda O’Donnell McElroy was the senior sergeant in the Women’s Army Corps’ Medical Division.

In 2007, 83-year-old Matilda contacted ufologist Laurence Spencer and told him a story that she did not want to take with her to the grave.

“Many people were killed to exclude the possibility of disclosing the knowledge that I helped hide from society until now. Only a small handful of people on Earth have seen and heard what I should have kept secret for sixty years.”

“All these years, I thought that the ‘powers that be’ in our government gave me great confidence, although I often suspected that the authorities were very mistaken, believing that their goal was to protect Humanity from the knowledge that intelligent extraterrestrial life forms not only exist but continued and continue to aggressively control and invade the life of every person on Earth every day.”

The woman assured that she shared her story only because she wants to die through euthanasia and she has nothing to lose. According to Matilda, in July 1947, she was the driver of a car that drove a certain military officer Cavitt to the crash site of an unidentified object, and she was specially sent there as a trained and experienced military nurse.

When Matilda and the officer arrived in the New Mexico desert at the crash site, the woman saw the wreckage of a strange ship and the bodies of two aliens there.

One was dead and the other was alive and conscious. When Matilda tried to speak to a living alien, she suddenly began to receive “mental images” from the extraterrestrial creature, which she interpreted as an attempt at telepathic communication.

When Matilda told Officer Cavitt about this, he decided to continue this experience and assigned Matilda to the alien so that she would watch her and communicate with her, making a full account of everything that she would say or show to Matilda. Because of this, the woman was even promoted and her salary was increased. In the process of further “communication,” Matilda learned that the surviving alien was female and that her name was Airl.

“Our communication did not consist of colloquial speech in the conventional sense. Indeed, the alien’s body did not even have a mouth through which to speak. Our communication was through telepathy. At first, I could not clearly understand Airl. I could perceive images, emotions, and impressions, but it was difficult for me to express them verbally.

Once Airl learned English, she was able to focus her thoughts more accurately using symbols and meanings of words that I could understand. Learning English was a great favor for me. It was more for me than for her.

“The alien told Matilda that their mission to Earth was of an expeditionary nature and that she was a military officer, pilot, and engineer. She said that their base is called the Expeditionary Force and is located in the Asteroid Belt. Matilda described Airl’s appearance as a humanoid creature whose body was the size of a child. However, it was not a real creature, but rather a biobot-avatar, whose tissues were made of synthetic material and whose body could be possessed by a higher-order being – a real alien.

Matilda noted that Airl did not give her any information regarding her language or the location of her home planet. She was unsure of the intentions of the military and this made her refuse to disclose any classified information to people.

The nurse called this a serious sign, because if the aliens are not safe on Earth, then it could be a big problem for humans. Airl called her civilization very powerful, extremely ancient, and, above all, their only goal was to progress. When Matilda asked Airl how long she has been visiting Earth, she replied, “LONG BEFORE HUMAN APPEARANCE.” Then Matilda learned the following:

“The Earth is a small planet on the edge of a galaxy star. This makes the Earth very isolated geographically from the more concentrated planetary civilizations that exist closer to the center of the galaxy. These obvious facts made the Earth suitable only for use as a zoological or botanical garden or for current use as a prison – but nothing more.

About 30,000 years ago, the Earth began to be used as a dump and prison for those alien beings who were considered criminals or non-conformists. These creatures were captured, electronically trapped, and transported to Earth from various parts of the “Old Empire”. The underground stations where these creatures were kept (or still are) were created on Mars and on Earth in the Rwenzori Mountains in Africa, in the Pyrenees Mountains (between Spain and France), and in the steppes of Mongolia. “

Matilda talked a lot with Airl, but then at some point, the alien “died”, that is, the alien left her avatar body.

Matilda’s story was published in Spencer’s 2008 book, Interview with Aliens. However, the book for some reason did not become some kind of special revelation and the story of Matilda was never particularly checked for reliability.

Here is the interview for those who want to check it out:

Alien Interview Lawrence Spencer, Matilda Mac Elroy

We would appreciate the input of the readers regarding this episode.


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