It is interesting reading all of the propaganda on the World Wide Web. It isn’t really all that difficult to navigate your way around and through the B.S. thrown at us. All you have to do is see if it is really good for us. If TPTB are pushing us to do something, believe something, you can bet the opposite is the way to go. They are so pathetically transparent. When you know what the end game is, it is easy to spot their agenda.
Remember, they are behind schedule. Knowing that they pick one Democrat and one Republican in every election, to pretend to fight for the top job, to give us the illusion that we have a choice. We don’t. I predicted that would be Hillary and Jeb Bush in 2016. And that was what was happening until Trump threw his hat in the ring. When Hillary lost, there were so many people who lost their mind, I was concerned that Trump would be assassinated before he could ever reach the White House. When that didn’t happen, I decided, he was either part of their plan or he had higher protection. But, whichever, Trump set their plans back by at least four years.
That doesn’t mean that Trump is our savior. With the Libtards doubling down and increasing their cheating in 2020, we got to see what four years of the Dem corruption would look like. It means that we have time to halt their further progress. The more people wake up, the more they actually think, speak out and resist, the more we are able to expose them and throw a spanner in their plans.
Civil disobedience over all, resistance individually and in ever greater numbers, is the only thing that will save us. I go to certain websites and listen to various people for information. Not to find someone to follow. And, I’m still not fully on the Trump train. When I see massive crowds at a Trump rally, hanging onto his every word, I am reminded of the massive crowds that listened raptly to Hitler. Not that I think that Trump is another Hitler. But, the similarity to me is stunning. When I watch Trump waving his arms around like an orchestra director, I am again reminded of a pied piper.
TPTB are not stupid, just evil. I know that people tend to attract people who think like they do. So, when I found out that Trumps biggest supporter was/is Sheldon Adelson, my eyebrows elevated. When Trump announced that the capitol of Israel was Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv, I paid closer attention. Are these people following Bible prophecy to ensnare the Christians of the world? As Trump promised to put Hillary in prison if he won, then back-pedaled immediately after winning, I lost some respect for the man. Was he just like his predecessor, considering that promises made on the campaign trail are just campaign rhetoric?
As I watched his actions once in the White House, I saw the many things he did that were the act of a Nationalist, interspersed by things that made little sense. I watched him appoint Deep Staters to significant positions in his administration. His roll out and continued cheer-leading of the jabs, that are still not really approved by the FDA, that have killed and permanently maimed so many people. Even after nearly getting booed off the stage at an Alabama rally, he still continued to brag about his part in rolling them out at ‘Warp Speed’. Does he still not understand that he was used by Fauci, Birx and others to use his influence to get as many as possible to take these so called vaccines? I wonder.
If he gets back in office, and that is a really big IF, has he learned his lesson about not appointing people to offices that will then stab him in the back the way Cohen, for one, did? Or will he rely on his business acumen to appoint patriots to key positions. Mike Pompeo as the head of the CIA, or any other position, would be a serious mistake. That man was planning to have Assange assassinated, or so I’ve read. Bill Barr as Attorney General? I think I blew out both tonsils at the computer monitor when I saw that. WTF? Had he forgotten Ruby Ridge or Waco? I will guarantee that Barr had his slimy fingers in both episodes. Then, on his way out of office, Trump pardoned several crooks instead of Assange or Edward Snowden? That should have been a huge red flag for his supporters. But most seem to be willing to overlook that. Both men, in my opinion, are heroes. Whatever happened to protecting whistle-blowers who come forward to expose wrongdoing? Whose advice was he following then? His son-in-laws?
Will he keep his son-in-law out of the White House, except for family dinners? As for Jared, why would he wait to build his skyscraper until he could get the numbers 666 for his address? Does he think that is funny or is he seriously compromised? Is that a pathetic joke on his part or an indication of who he worships? It should have been clear to Trump that Kushner is at the very least, a Globalist. How many of Trump’s decisions were based on advice from him?
Trump can say all he wants about why he didn’t follow the Constitution (Article II, Section 1 & 3)to make sure all the laws were faithfully executed in 2020, when the Dems cheated their way into the top job, using the excuse that he didn’t want the country to be torn apart by a civil war. But, that is a lame excuse as, no matter who wins the White House in 2024, there will be civil war. Our country has never been so divided. On the other hand, who out there, that has a chance of winning, could get the votes that Trump can? I’m certainly not expecting perfection. Just someone who follows the Constitution, which in spite of the Deep State, is still the law of the land.
So, is Trump the Grand Master of the Chess Tournament, or just one of the chess pieces? Is he being genuine when he promises to do his best to ‘save’ our nation? There’s that word ‘save’ again. Everyone is going to have to decide for themselves whether they are going to support and vote for Trump again, or maybe for the first time. And, IF he is allowed to survive until November. The way things are going and as desperate as the Deep State players are getting, that is going to be another huge IF. Actually, that is one of the things that makes me want to vote for Trump again, in spite of the things that give me pause. It is hard for me to believe that TPTB would keep up with the character assassination and attempts to keep him out of office, for four years, if he were truly one of them.
All we can do as individuals is to prepare for any eventuality, as best as we can. Get out and vote to make the Deep States work that much harder to do their usual, ‘cheat to win’ if Biden survives until November. As well, remember to resist any move to enslave us. Some of the people I listen to say that the DS are going to take the Internet down. Okay, the DS giveth and the DS taketh away. Are we going to lose our minds or are we going to make the best of the situation? I have sixteen bookshelves stuffed with all kinds of books. My family will have plenty to read once they go through their computer withdrawal. We have lots of decks of cards and lots of board games. Plus a garden and raised garden, boxes of yarn and crochet thread, as well as a treadle machine in case of an EMP. If I am bored, it will be my own fault.
If possible, start to wean yourself away from the computer. I realize it is easier for someone my age, who didn’t get introduced to computers or cell phones until I was fifty, but it is possible. Even if that doesn’t occur, and we still have the Internet, most of us would benefit from the break. It is also a good time to check survival supplies. Stay alert and practice whatever plans you might have for surviving this last ditch effort by the Archons to enslave us. Always remember, if enough of us resist, there is little TPTB can do to control almost eight billion people.
Get all your ducks in order. I would highly recommend Mike Adam’s Brighteon site for supplies as well as free books and downloads for learning how to survive in a grid down situation or a civil war. I am impressed with Adams because he has integrity. While he is apparently quite wealthy, unlike many rich people, he is content to offer his books and downloads for free. He is also careful to make sure the things he does sell online, like prep-food and supplements, are as clean as possible. Next, make sure your county sheriff is a constitutional law enforcement officer or vote them out and replace them with one who is. This will be very important as one draconian move after the other is rolled out. Hams, make sure you have the right contacts. Your assistance will be vital if the grid goes down. Which means having back up equipment in a Faraday cage. Hams will know what I mean. (Hams are armature radio operators.)
One of the best things I ever did was to sit down with pen and paper and ask myself, what would I need if we had another Carrington event. For those unfamiliar with that, in 1859, there was a huge corona mass ejection that fried the telegraph system and a few operators, which was the only real means of communication then. I will leave it to the imagination of the damage such an event would do today. And, if we keep poking the Russian bear in the chest, a nuclear explosion high in our atmosphere would accomplish the same thing today. Think about computers, cell phones, most vehicles with computer chips, ships at sea, planes in the sky, all going black at one time. YIKES!
My list of necessities was longer than I anticipated, but I have gradually added them to my supplies. Hand tools for working on cars-pre1970, candles and oil lamps, heirloom seeds, tools for gardening, ,fixing anything still working in the house, sewing, cooking, well, you get the idea. Anything that doesn’t require electricity that you would wish you had in such a situation, would be a good idea to purchase now. And, figure out how many people you would have to take care of. I have eight, so my charity will more than likely, end at my door. I have warned so many people who look at you like your hair is on fire, to prepare now. Hopefully, they have given it some thought and amended their buying of supplies. Even more hopefully, they won’t try to beak my door down. I am reminded of the fable of the ant and the grasshopper, the ant diligently storing up food for the winter, while the grasshopper played his fiddle and danced around. I’m afraid the majority of people will be more like the grasshopper. If you live in a blue state or large city, move if you still can. If you can’t move, hopefully, you will be able to acquire a means to protect yourself and loved ones. I hope I’m wrong, but I think it is going to get pretty bad. Even if Trump, by some miracle, does get back into the White House. Don’t forget the millions of illegal migrants Biden is allowing to enter our country every year he is in office. A Trump win in 2024 could be the spark that sets them off on a pre-planned rampage across the country.
I forgot one of the most important things. Mindset. If you are a religious person, pray. For others learn about the Law of Attraction. When I was listening to the Abraham tapes, (Abraham is a collection of spirits in the 5th dimension, (according to them). A woman named Esther Hicks and her now deceased husband Jerry, channeled them. Esther, after hearing about what Abraham called The Great Realignment that was coming, asked Abraham if that possibility could be changed if she got enough like-minded people together to meditate on a happier outcome. Abraham said no, The Great Realignment was going to happen, but they as individuals could manifest to be in a safe place when it happened. That is almost as good as praying. But, whichever we choose, or both, it is my hope that we will be able to manifest a place where people truly love and care for their neighbors. A place where children are safe. A place where everyone has enough food to eat, a job they truly love, and illness is rare. I’d vote for that!