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That Actually Already Happened - 3,000 Years Ago . . . We May See A Much Closer Nova In The Coming Decades

Posted By: SpaceCommando
Date: Tuesday, 19-Mar-2024 19:38:39

In Response To: A Star is Going Nova in our Skies Soon - Here's How to Spot it! (RumorMail)

When you look up in the sky at night you're looking back in time at everything you see up there. Since the star they're talking about is approximately 3,000 light years from Earth when we look at that object we're seeing it as it was 3,000 years ago. From what I've read about that star astronomers are making a lot of (unfounded?) assumptions as to the timing of that event. IMO there's a better chance than not that they're going to be totally wrong about when that nova happens. But hey, even a stopped clock is right twice a day!

Also, the blurb in that article about the nova being caused by a white dwarf companion star is more main-stream cosmology/astronomy nonsense. Yes white dwarfs have been known to cause novae on some stars but that is NOT the reason most novae occur, as is theorized by main-stream science. As with much of what goes on in outer space modern science really doesn't have a clue of how things actually work out there, especially with nova events on stars. Until recently scientists didn't believe that stars could repeatedly have nova events. Recent evidence indicates repeating novae and micro-novae on stars are relatively common occurrences and happen on certain time frames related to peaks and valleys in the current sheet that extends out from the galactic center.

Oh BTW . . . there is growing evidence that our Sun experiences a micro-nova event on a cycle of around 12,000 years or so. Some of that evidence includes unexplained glazing/vitrification of massive areas of the Earth facing side of the moon but not the far side of the moon, massive amounts of tektites found on Mars (formed from the matter in the micro-nova shell blasted off the sun), unexplained glazing and vitrification of rock and stone on one side of the Earth, etc. (the Suspicious0bservers channel on utube - https://www.youtube.com/@Suspicious0bservers - has a lot of good info about the solar micro-nova event). The last time the sun went nova lead to the eradication of the prior advanced civilization on Earth (Atlantis, MU, etc.) . . . about 12,000 years ago. We're now at the end of the 12,000 year cycle and the next micro-nova on our Sun is expected any time in the coming decades, some predicting it will happen by the mid 2040s.

Personally, I believe that TPTB have known all about this for a long time and that's what's been driving them to the extreme policies we've been seeing from them for the last few decades. They know time is running out for them to implement their post micro-nova survival plans (note I said "their", not "our") and because of that they really don't care what peons like you and I think about what they do or the impact their policies have on us. Their knowledge of the coming solar event also explains the massive (and secretive) building of underground bases and cities all over the world. Remember though, those underground shelters are an exclusive club and we're not invited.

It's interesting that Chapter 6 of The Book of Revelation in The New Testament of the Bible has a passage that sure sounds like a primitive description of a solar micro-nova event. Judge for yourself:

Revelation Chapter 6:

(12) And when I saw the Lamb open the sixth seal, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black like sackcloth of goat hair, and the whole moon turned blood red, (13) and the stars of the sky fell to the earth like unripe figs dropping from a tree shaken by a great wind. (14) The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.

(15)Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the commanders, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and free man hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains.

Needless to say a micro-nova event on the Sun would mean really bad news for our current civilization. The side of Earth facing the Sun when the nova happens would be flash blasted by solar radiation that would cause unimaginable temperatures on that side of the Earth, which would result in massive fires all over that hemisphere. Even worse, about a day or so after the solar blast of radiation the debris from the shell blasted off the Sun would start impacting on Earth. We're talking about an almost constant bombardment of condensed matter from the Sun hitting the Earth over a couple days. The objects could range in size from micro-meteorites to things the size of mountains hitting the Earth's surface. It's no wonder that the last solar event on the Sun almost completely wiped out any evidence of the last advanced civilization on Earth. Unfortunately we can expect the same thing to happen this time around and there's not a thing we can do about it. You can try to prepare but given the destruction we would expect from that type of event normal preps are going to be pretty worthless (unless of course you're one of the "elite" with a few hundred million to spare on a custom underground shelter). It's one of those things where from my perspective if it happens it happens and it's not something to worry about or change your life choices over. Getting right with God would be a good idea though, micro-nova or not.


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