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Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #61 - #65 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Monday, 26-Feb-2024 14:45:53

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-61/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #61

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 26, 2024 | Spirituality |

When we are at a clear understanding of the truth
We are the most powerful

Get invigorated with a potent surge
Of forward moving heart centered energy
Increase the flow of love in your life

Now is the time for receiving illumination

And manifesting your intentions

Heal victim consciousness and get your power back
Download energy frequency patterns associated with optimism

Your body stores and holds consciousness
All around you in your aura

The shoulder and neck reveal stress patterns
They are trigger points for heavy emotions

Clear your energetic spiritual body
And rise to a higher awareness

Your health is inseparable from the health of Mother Earth
Eat food grown in fertile soil with healthy micro flora
Awaken to your natural sacred connection to the earth

The body is a perfect temple for the divine presence
And is a mirror that reflects your mind and spirit
What you do to your body you also do to your soul

Imperfections challenges and problematic issues are in truth blessings
That guide you into a very special and unique state of consciousness

Activate your inner codes to further connect outward
Restore your light body with its molecular spin and rotation
To an absolutely perfect state of functioning

Attune all your chakras to the highest dimensional harmonic frequency
Dissolve and transmute all negative energies

What happens at one level of your being
Will simultaneously happen to all levels

A momentum of energy in your mind
Will coincide with a movement of energy in your body and spirit

Channel any big emotion or psychic energy you receive
And obtain the insight that will empower you on your path ahead!

From https://bennettleeross.com/numerology/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-62/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #62

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 26, 2024 | astrology, numerology |

Number 11 means the gates to the spirit world are open
And that you are aligned with your power

It means you are resonating with enlightenment and psychic awakening
And are in a position of amazing opportunity to manifest your dreams

Set a clear intention
And ignite the world into a living light consciousness

11 indicates you in tune with Gods truth
And are now a guardian of All That Is

Ground the energy you receive by spending time in nature
Focusing on spiritual practices

Cultivate positivity and presence
Embrace the boundless essence of being

The spiritual stargate of Uranus is now flooded with red rose energy
Sparking a range of catalytic clearings

Planetary stargates act to step down the higher energies
Being transmitted from the God Source

Stargates conduct an energetic spectrum of frequencies
Transferring them to other spiritual dimensions and to the matter fields

The transference of interdimensional plasma waves from Venus and Saturn is greatly accelerating
And making tremendous changes to the blueprint architecture

Neptune has opened its dormant portal
Resonating spiritual fire and bursts of pure light matter at sacred mathematical frequencies

Stabilize and strengthen these empowering concentrated frequencies
You are now at a position to tip the scales of the world

Focus on constructive heart centered intentions
And lead humanity toward a better more harmonious state

The worlds energy is our collective frequency
And is currently more than ever susceptible to entrainment

Concentrate on positivity and love
And you will invite a timetable of events
That reflect those frequencies!

From https://bennettleeross.com/astronomy/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-63/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #63

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 26, 2024 | astronomy, technology |

Our mind controlled military intelligence
Run genetic labs adrenochrome farms and pedophile operations
Designed by their non human overlords

They spread disinformation and conduct psyops
And have a secret space program
NASA is just a distraction

They are involved in Zeta Looking Glass technologies
Which are for building AI timelines full of ego tricks and consciousness traps

Military Intelligence controls the propaganda machinery of Hollywood and the so called Washington elites
Who participate in Satanic ritual abuse and child sacrifice

If you visit Area 51 in Nevada
You will see the sign
Trespassers will be shot on sight

This is where they build the new craft
That become the newly discovered moons and asteroids which were somehow hiding

These craft send beams of energy into the planetary portals
To keep our vibration low
In order to drain the life force from the human body

Chiron is not a dwarf planet
It is an artificial satellite

Ceres is now aligned with the Chaos
Ceres is not a dwarf planet
And Chaos is not an asteroid

Chariklo is now aligned with the new Moon
Chariklo is not an asteroid
And our moon is not a moon

When the so called moon is close and bright
Its cold negative effects are being amplified
In order to unplug our DNA and generate a consciousness prison

The dwarf planet Sedna is now dancing with Pluto
Sedna is not a dwarf planet
And Pluto is a craft patrolling the boundaries of our artificially enclosed realm

The 3 new moons just discovered around Neptune and Uranus
Are not moons

We live in lies
So that we will ignore the truth!

From https://bennettleeross.com/astronomy/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-64/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #64

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 26, 2024 | astronomy, Prognostication, technology |

Unprecedented ripples of destruction
In the outer dimensional fields

Appear as a series of explosive demolitions
Of AI supercomputer networks and their subsidiary machinery

An enormous amount of light particles and left over debris
Is being flung through space

The breakdown of artificial magnetic fields
Results in fireballs of light

Which reverberate omnidirectionally
With tidal waves of released condensed scalar energy

Generating sudden shocking and surreal events
Such as a lightning bolt out of the blue

Anti life currents run by reversal networks
And metatronic implants operating in the collective consciousness energy field
Are timekeeper mechanisms that cause an assortment of phase disruptions

Lunar rods which send out Caduceus implants
Is another time dialation technology
That distorts organic time fields

Are all being rendered inoperative

In the Sumerian Egyptian invasion
Humanitys diamond sun DNA was disconnected

The 8th and 12th portals were blocked
Resulting in the blocking of the 8th and 12th chakras

2024 is the year of the Yang Dragon
And spinning octahedrons are projecting out multiple rainbow arcs
That immediately expand and vaporize the completely negative and spiritually abusive

April 4 or 4 4 24 is the alignment of Neptune Venus Saturn and Mars
April 8 or 8 4 24 will be the fake eclipse centered on New Madrid

10 miles above in the sky is the Blue Dragon complex

Get ready for a power outage or some trigger event like a major earthquake
That will be blamed on a solar flare
Which will be blamed on the planetary alignment and fake eclipse!

From https://bennettleeross.com/biology/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-65/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #65

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 26, 2024 | biology, energy |

Synchronicities are a peek into a deeper reality
Where lines between the inner and the outer blur
And the right people come into your life at the right time

These coincidences go beyond the norm
And offer a profound sense of meaning

Be at one with the Source of all true power
And a vessel of successful energy

Be the powerful leader of your reality
And an eternal light being with a crystal heart

When you separate yourself from shadow impurities
You will invite trifold flame currents
Into your personal plasma luminary body

This will transmute your 666 carbon based atomic structure
With 8 more protons neutrons and electrons

Which will instigate counter rotating spirals
And form a new light body

Your new plasma light body will be in axiatonal alignment
With the highest dimensional harmonic frequencies

Which will raise your potential to hold the higher state for the long term future
And anchor you throughout the holographic time matrix

Deep within us lies a special purity
That will bring out the miraculous!

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